- priebehový
participle,participium n: [lingv.] Zdeněk Brož
participle,přechodník n: [lingv.] Zdeněk Brož
participle,příčestí n: [lingv.]
Participle \Par"ti*ci*ple\, n. [F. participe, L. participium,
fr. particeps sharing, participant; pars, gen. partis, a part
+ capere to take. See Participate.]
1. (Gram.) A part of speech partaking of the nature of both
verb and adjective; a form of a verb, or verbal adjective,
modifying a noun, but taking the adjuncts of the verb from
which it is derived. In the sentences: a letter is
written; being asleep he did not hear; exhausted by toil
he will sleep soundly, -- written, being, and exhaustedare
[1913 Webster]

By a participle, [I understand] a verb in an
adjectival aspect. --Earle.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Present participles, called also imperfect, or
incomplete, participles, end in -ing. Past participles,
called also perfect, or complete, participles, for the
most part end in -ed, -d, -t, -en, or -n. A participle
when used merely as an attribute of a noun, without
reference to time, is called an adjective, or a
participial adjective; as, a written constitution; a
rolling stone; the exhausted army. The verbal noun in
-ing has the form of the present participle. See
Verbal noun, under Verbal, a.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything that partakes of the nature of different things.
[1913 Webster]

The participles or confines between plants and
living creatures. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a non-finite form of the verb; in English it is used
adjectivally and to form compound tenses [syn:
participle, participial]
podobné slovodefinícia
- priebehový
past participle
past participle
- minulý priebehový
present participle
present participle
- prítomný priebehový
adverbial participle
adverbial participle,přechodník
dangling participle
dangling participle, n:
participle,participium n: [lingv.] Zdeněk Brožparticiple,přechodník n: [lingv.] Zdeněk Brožparticiple,příčestí n: [lingv.]
past participle
past participle,
perfect participle
perfect participle, n:
present participle
present participle,
dangling participle
dangling participle
n 1: a participle (usually at the beginning of a sentence)
apparently modifying a word other than the word intended:
e.g., `flying across the country' in `flying across the
country the Rockies came into view'
n 1: a non-finite form of the verb; in English it is used
adjectivally and to form compound tenses [syn:
participle, participial]
past participle
past participle
n 1: a participle that expresses completed action [syn: {past
participle}, perfect participle]
perfect participle
perfect participle
n 1: a participle that expresses completed action [syn: {past
participle}, perfect participle]
present participle
present participle
n 1: a participle expressing present action; in English is
formed by adding -ing

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