Phylactolaema \Phy*lac`to*l[ae]"ma\, Phylactolaemata
\Phy*lac`to*l[ae]"ma*ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. fyla`ssein to
guard + laimo`s the gullet.] (Zool.)
An order of fresh-water Bryozoa in which the tentacles are
arranged on a horseshoe-shaped lophophore, and the mouth is
covered by an epistome. Called also {Lophopoda}, and
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Phylactolaema \Phy*lac`to*l[ae]"ma\, Phylactolaemata
\Phy*lac`to*l[ae]"ma*ta\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. fyla`ssein to
guard + laimo`s the gullet.] (Zool.)
An order of fresh-water Bryozoa in which the tentacles are
arranged on a horseshoe-shaped lophophore, and the mouth is
covered by an epistome. Called also {Lophopoda}, and
[1913 Webster]

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