phyllopod \phyl"lo*pod\ (f[i^]l"l[-o]*p[o^]d), n. (Zool.)
One of the Phyllopoda.

Note: [Also used adjectively.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
phyllopod \phyl"lo*pod\ (f[i^]l"l[-o]*p[o^]d), n. (Zool.)
One of the Phyllopoda.

Note: [Also used adjectively.]
[1913 Webster]
Phyllopoda \Phyl*lop"o*da\ (f[i^]l*l[o^]p"[-o]*d[.a]), prop. n.
pl. [NL., fr. Gr. fy`llon a leaf + -poda.] (Zool.)
An order of Entomostraca including a large number of species,
most of which live in fresh water. They have flattened or
leaflike legs, often very numerous, which they use in
swimming. Called also {Branchiopoda}.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In some, the body is covered with a bivalve shell
(Holostraca); in others, as Apus, by a shield-shaped
carapace (Monostraca); in others, like Artemia, there
is no carapace, and the body is regularly segmented.
Sometimes the group is made to include also the
[1913 Webster]Branchiopoda \Bran"chi*o*poda\, n. pl. [Gr. ? gill + -poda: cf.
F. branchiopode.] (Zool.)
An order of Entomostraca; -- so named from the feet of
branchiopods having been supposed to perform the function of
gills. It includes the fresh-water genera Branchipus,
Apus, and Limnadia, and the genus Artemia found in salt
lakes. It is also called {Phyllopoda}. See Phyllopoda,
Cladocera. It is sometimes used in a broader sense.
[1913 Webster]
Phyllopodous \Phyl*lop"o*dous\ (f[i^]l*l[o^]p"[-o]*d[u^]s), a.
Of or pertaining to the Phyllopoda.
[1913 Webster]

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