point of presence
point of presence

(PoP) A site where there exists a collection of
telecommunications equipment, usually modems, digital leased
lines and multi-protocol routers. An {Internet access
provider} may operate several PoPs distributed throughout
their area of operation to increase the chance that their
subscribers will be able to reach one with a local telephone
call. The alternative is for them to use virtual PoPs
(virtual points of presence) via some third party.

podobné slovodefinícia
point of presence
point of presence

(PoP) A site where there exists a collection of
telecommunications equipment, usually modems, digital leased
lines and multi-protocol routers. An {Internet access
provider} may operate several PoPs distributed throughout
their area of operation to increase the chance that their
subscribers will be able to reach one with a local telephone
call. The alternative is for them to use virtual PoPs
(virtual points of presence) via some third party.

virtual point of presence
virtual point of presence
virtual PoP

(virtual PoP) A point, via which users can connect to an
Internet access provider, which is not operated by the
provider. The user is charged by the telephone company for
the call to the virtual point of presence which relays his
call via some third party circuit to the Internet provider's
central location. This is in contrast to a physical {point of
presence} (PoP) which is operated by the Internet provider
themselves. The advantage of a virtual PoP is that the
provider can keep all their modems in one location, thus
improving availability and maintenance, but users do not have
to pay long-distance call charges to that point.


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