slovo | definícia |
Preraphaelite (gcide) | Preraphaelite \Pre*raph"a*el*ite\, a.
Of or pertaining to the style called preraphaelitism; as, a
preraphaelite figure; a preraphaelite landscape. --Ruskin.
[1913 Webster] |
Preraphaelite (gcide) | Preraphaelite \Pre*raph"a*el*ite\, n.
1. One who favors or practices art as it was before Raphael;
one who favors or advocates preraphaelitism.
[1913 Webster]
2. Popularly, any modern artist thought to be a would-be
restorer of early ideas or methods, as one of the German
painters often called Nazarenes, or one who paints and
draws with extreme minuteness of detail.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
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