program composition notation
Program Composition Notation

(PCN) A specification language for parallelism between C and
Fortran modules. PCN provides a simple language for
specifying concurrent algorithms, interfaces to Fortran
and C, a portable toolkit that allows applications to be
developed on a workstation or small parallel computer and
run unchanged on supercomputers and integrated debugging and
performance analysis tools. PCN was developed at {Argonne
National Laboratory} and the {California Institute of
Technology}. It has been used to develop a wide variety of
applications, in areas such as climate modelling, fluid
dynamics, computational biology, chemistry, and circuit

Version 2.0 runs on networks of workstations: Sun-4, NeXT,
RS/6000, SGI; multicomputers: iPSC/860, {Touchstone
DELTA}; and shared memory multiprocessors:


E-mail: Ian Foster , Steve Tuecke

["Productive Parallel Programming: The PCN Approach",
I. Foster et al, Sci Prog 1(1):51-66 (1992)].

podobné slovodefinícia
program composition notation
Program Composition Notation

(PCN) A specification language for parallelism between C and
Fortran modules. PCN provides a simple language for
specifying concurrent algorithms, interfaces to Fortran
and C, a portable toolkit that allows applications to be
developed on a workstation or small parallel computer and
run unchanged on supercomputers and integrated debugging and
performance analysis tools. PCN was developed at {Argonne
National Laboratory} and the {California Institute of
Technology}. It has been used to develop a wide variety of
applications, in areas such as climate modelling, fluid
dynamics, computational biology, chemistry, and circuit

Version 2.0 runs on networks of workstations: Sun-4, NeXT,
RS/6000, SGI; multicomputers: iPSC/860, {Touchstone
DELTA}; and shared memory multiprocessors:


E-mail: Ian Foster , Steve Tuecke

["Productive Parallel Programming: The PCN Approach",
I. Foster et al, Sci Prog 1(1):51-66 (1992)].


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