reports,hlášení n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
reports,zprávy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
REPORTS. Law books, containing a statement of the facts and law of each case
which has been decided by the courts; they are generally the most certain
proof of the judicial decisions of the courts, and contain the most
satisfactory evidence, and the most authoritative and precise application of
the rules of the common law. Lit. s. 514; Co. Lit. 293 a; 4 Co. Pref.; 1 Bl.
Com. 71 Ram. on Judgm. ch. 13.
2. The number of reports has increased to an inconvenient extent, and
should they multiply in the same ratio which of late they have done, they
will so soon crowd our libraries as to become a serious evil. The
indiscriminate report of cases of every description is deserving of censure.
Cases where first principles are declared to be the law, are reported with
as much care as those where the most abstruse questions are decided. But
this is not all; sometimes two reporters, with the true spirit of book-
making, report the same set of cases, and thereby not only unnecessarily
increase the lawyer's already encumbered library, but create confusion by
the discrepancies which occasionally appear in the report of the same case.
3. The modern reports are too often very diffuse and inaccurate. They
seem too frequently made up for the purpose of profit and sale, much of the
matter they contain being either useless or a mere repetition, while they
are deficient in stating what is really important.
4. A report ought to contain, 1. The name of the case. 2. The court in
which it originated; and, when it has been taken to another by appeal,
certiorari, or writ of error, it ought to mention by whom it was so taken,
and by what proceeding. 3. The state of the facts, including the pleadings,
as far as requisite. 4. The true point before the court. 5. The manner in
which that point has been determined, and by whom. 6. The date.
5. The following is believed to be a correct list of the American and
English Reports; the former arranged under the heads of the respective
states; and the latter in chronological order. It is hoped this list will be
useful to the student.

1. Supreme Court.

Dallas' Reports. From August term, 1790, to August term, 1800. 4 vols.
Cranch's Reports. From 1800 to February term, 1815. 9 vols.
Wheaton's Reports. From February term, 181 to January term, 1827, inclusive.
12 vols.
Peters' Reports. 16 vols.
Peters' Condensed Reports of Supreme Court of the United States.
These volumes
contain condensed reports of all the cases in second, third, and
fourth Dallas, the nine volumes of Cranch, and the twelve volumes of
Howard's Reports. From 1843 to 1852. 11 vols.

2. Circuit Courts - First Circuit.
Gallison's Reports. From 1812 to 1815, inclusive. 2 vols.
Mason's Reports. From 1816 to 1830, inclusive. 5 vols.
Sumner's Reports. From 1830 t. 1837. 2 vol.
Story's Reports. From 1839 to l845. 3 vols.
Woodbury and Minot's Reports. From 1845 to 1847. 2 vols.

Second Circuit.
Paine's Reports. From 1810 to 1826. 1 vol.

Third Circuit.
Dallas' Reports. The second, third and fourth volumes contain cases decided
in this court. From Washington's C. C. Reports. From 1803 to 1827. 4
Peters' C. C. Reports. From 1803 to 1818. 1 vol.
Baldwin's Reports. From Oct. term, 1829, to April term 1833
inclusive. 1 vol.
Wallace's Reports. Include the cases of May Sessions, 1801. 1 vol.
Wallace, Jr's. Reports. 1 vol.

Fourth Circuit.
Marshall's Decisions. From 1802 to 1832, published since the death
of Chief Justice Marshall, from his manuscripts, by John M.
Brockenbrough. 2 vols.

Seventh Circuit.
McLean's Reports. From 182 9 to 1845. 3 vols,

3. District Courts - District of New York.
Van Ness' Reports. 1 vol.

District of Pennsylvania.
Peters' Admiralty Decisions. From 1792 to 1807. 2 vols.

Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Gilpin's Reports. From Nov. term, 1828, to Feb. term, 1836, inclusive. 1 vol.

District of South Carolina.
Bee's Admiralty Reports. From 1792 to 1805. 1 vol.

District of Maine.
Reports of cases argued and determined in the District Court of the United
States, for the District of Maine, from 1822 to 1839. 1 vol. Cited
Ware's Reports.


Alabama Reports. By Henry Minor. From 1820 to 1826. 1 vol.
Stewart's Reports. From 1827 to 1831. 3 vols.
Stewart & Porter's Reports. From 1831 to 1833. 5 vols.
Porter's Reports. From 1834 to 1839. 9 vols.
Alabama Reports. From 1840 to 1849. 14 vols.

Pike's Reports. From 1837 to 1842. 5 vols.

Kirby's Reports,. From 1785 to 1788. 1 vol.
Root's Reports. From 1799 to 1798. 2 vols.
Day's Reports, From 1802 to 1813. 5 vols.
Connecticut Reports. By Thomas Day. From June, 1814 to 1847. 18

Harrington's Reports. From 1832 to 1847. 4 vols.

Florida Reports. From 1846 to 1847. 2 vols.

T. U. P. Charlton's Reports. A Cases decided previous to 1810. 1 vol.
Dudley's Reports. From 1831 to 1833. 1 vol.
R. M. Charlton's Reports. From 1811 to 1837. 1 vol.
Kelly's Reports, 3 vols.
Georgia Reports. From 1846 to 1849. 6 vols.

Breese's Reports. From 1819 to 1830. 1 vol.
Scammond's Reports. From 1832 to 1843. 4 vols.
Gilman's Reports. From 1844 to 1847. 4 vols.

Blackford's Reports. From May, 1817, to May, 1838, inclusive, 7 vols.

Green's Reports. 1 vol.

Hughes' Reports. From 1785 to 1801. 1 vol.
Kentucky Decisions. From 1801 to 1806. 1 vol.
Hardin's Reports. From 1805 to 1806. 1 vol.
Bibb's Reports. From 1808 to 1817. 4 vols.
A. K. Marshall's Reports. From 1817 to 1821 3 vols.
Littells Reports. From 1822 to 1824. 6 vols.
Littells Select Cases. From 1795 to 1821. 1 vol.
Munro's Reports. From 1824 to 1828. 7 vols
J. S. Marshall's Reports. From 1829 to 1832 7 vols.
Dana's Reports. From 1833 to 1840. 9 vols.
B. Monroe's Reports. From 1840 to 1848. 8 vols.

Orleans Term Reports. By Martin. From 1809 to 1812. 2 vols in 1.
Louisiana Term Reports. By Martin, From 1812 to 1823. 10 vols.
Martin's Reports, N. S. (sometimes cited simply New Series,) 1823 to 1830. 8
vols. The whole of Martin's Reports amount to twenty volumes; the
first twelve, namely, the Orleans and the Louisiana Term Reports, are
cited as Martin's Reports; from the twelfth, they are sometimes cited
as first, second, &c., Martin's New Series, and sometimes simply New
Series. Louisiana Reports. 19 vols. The first five volumes, from 1830
to August term, 1834, and the first part of the sixth volume, are the
work of Branch W. Miller. The remainder were reported by Mr. Currey,
and are continued to June term, 1839. The whole of the 19 volumes are
cited Louisiana Reports. Robinson's Reports. From 1841 to 1843. 12


By a resolve of the legislature, passed in 1836, each volume subsequent to
the third volume of Fairfield's Reports, shall be entitled and lettered
upon the back thereof, "Maine Reports;" and the first volume subsequent
to the third volume of Fairfield's shall be numbered the thirteenth
Volume of Maine Reports.
Maine Reports. 26 vols. These reports consist of Greenleaf's Reports. From
1820 to 1832. The first 9 vols.
Fairfield's Reports. From 1833 to 1835. The 10th, 11th, and 12th vols.
Shepley's Reports. From 1836 to 18401. The 13th to 18th vols., inclusive. 6
Appleton's Reports. The 19th vol. 2 vols.
Appleton, part of vol. 20.
Shepley's Reports, part of vol. 20 and vol. 21 to 28, inclusive. From 1841
to 1846. 8 vols.

Harris & McHenry's Reports. From 1709 to 1799. 4 vols. Sometimes cited
Maryland Reports.
Harris & Johnson. From 1800 to 1826. 7 vols.
Harris & Gill. From 1826 to 1829. 2 vols.
Gill & Johnson. From 1829 to 1840. 12 vols.
Bland's Chancery Reports. From 1811 to 1832. 3 vols.
Gill's Reports. From 1813 to 1849. 5 vols.

Massachusetts Reports. The first volume is reported by Ephraim Williams. His
reports commenced with September term, 1804, in Berkshire, and
terminate with June term, 1805, in Hancock. The 16 volumes from the
second to the seventeenth, inclusive, are reported by Dudley Alkins
Tyng, and embrace from March term, 1806, in Suffolk, to March term,
1822, in Suffolk. The reports of Williams and Tyng are cited
Massachusetts Reports.
Pickering's Reports. From 1832 to March 1840. 24 vols.
Metcalf's Reports. From 1840 to 1848. 1 vols.

Harrington's Reports. 1 vol.
Walker's Chancery Cases. From 1842 to 1845. 1 vol.
Douglass' Reports. From 1843 to 1847. 2 vols.

Walker's Reports. From 1818 to 1832. 1 vol.
Howard's Reports. From 1834 to 1843. 7 vols.
Smedes & Marshall's Reports. From 1843 to 1849. 12 vols.
Freeman's Chancery Reports. From 1839 to 1843. 1 vol.
Smedes & Marshall's Chancery Reports. From 1840 to 1843. 1 vol.

Missouri Reports. From 1821 to 1846. 9 vols.

New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Reports. From 1816 to 1842. 13 vols.
Nathaniel Adams reported cases from 1816 to 1819, which makes the first
volume of N. H. Rep. Levi Woodbury and William Richardson reported the
cases from 1819, to 1823; and William Richardson from 1823 to 1832,
making the third fourth and fifth volumes of N. H. Rep. They are
continued under the direction of the supreme court, and already make
thirteen volumes.

New Jersey.
Coxes' Reports. From 1790 to 1795. 1 vol.
Pennington's Reports. From 1806 to 1813. 2 vols.
Southard's Reports. From 1816 to 1820. 2 vols.
Halstead's Reports. From 1821 to 1831. 7 vols.
Green's Reports. From 183- to 1836. 3 vols.
Harrison's Reports. From 1837 to 1842. 4 vols.
Sexton's Chancery Reports. From 1830 to 1832. 1 vol.
Green's Chancery Reports, 1838 to 1846. 3 vols.
Spencer's Reports. From 1842 to 1845. 1 vol.
Halsted's Chancery Reports. From 1845 to 1846. 1 vol.

New York.
Coleman & Caine's Cases. From 1794 to 1805. 1 vol.
Caine's Reports. From 180,3 to 1805. 3 vols.
Caine's Cases. For 1804 and 1805. 2 vols.
Anthon's Nisi Prius Cases. From 1808 to 1818. 1 vol.
Roger's New York City Hall Recorder. From 1816 to 1821. 6 vols.
Wheeler's Criminal Cases. 3 vols.
Hall's Reports. For 1828 and 1829. 2 vols.
Hoffman's Vice Chancery Reports. From 1839 to 1840. 1 vol.
Edwards' Vice Chancery Reports. From 1831 to 1842. 3 vols.
Clarke's Vice Chancery Reports. From 1839 to 1841., 1 vol.
Johnson's Cases. From 1799 to 1803. 3 vols.
Johnson's Reports. From 1806 to 1823. 20 vols.
Cowen's Reports. From 1823 to 1828. 9 vols,
Wendell's Reports. From 1828 to 1841. 26 vols.
Hill's Reports from 1841 to 1845. 7 vols.
John's Chancery Reports. From 1814 to 1823. 7 vols.
Howard's Practice Reports. For 1844 and 1845. 3 vols.
Denio's Reports. From 1845 to 1847. 5 vols.
Hopkin's Chancery Reports. From 1823 to 1826. 1 vol.
Paige's Chancery Reports. From 1828 to 1845. 11 vols.
Sandford's Vice Chancery Reports. From 1843 to 1846. 3 vols.
Barbour's Chancery Reports. From 1845 to 1849. 3 vols.
Barbour's Superior Court. For 1847 and 1848. 4 vols.
Sandford's Superior Court. For 1847 and 1848. 1 vol.
Lockwood's Reversed Cases. From 1799 to 1847. 1 vol.
Comstock's Supreme Court. For 1847 and 1848. 1 vol.

North Carolina
Martin's Reports. 1 vol.
Heywood's Reports. From 1789 to 1806. 2 vols.
Taylor's Reports. From 1789 to 1802. 1 vol.
North Carolina Term Reports, (sometimes bound and lettered are cited as the
third Law Repository.) It is a second volume of Reports by John Louis
Taylor; it contains cases from 1816 to 1818. 1 vol.
Conference Reports. By Cameron & Norwood. From 1800 to 1804. 1 vol.
Murphy's Reports. From 1804 to 1819. 3 vols.
Carolina Law Repository. From 1813 to 1816. 2 vols.
Hawks' Reports. From 1820 to 1826. 4 vols.
Ruin's Reports, (bound with Hawks' Reports.)
Devereux's Reports. From 1826 to 1834. 4 vols.
Devereux's Equity Reports. From 1826 to 1834. 2 vols.
Devereux & Battle's Reports. From 1834 to 1840. 4 vols.
Devereux & Battle's Equity Reports. From 1834 to 1840. 2 vols.
Iredell's Reports, Law. From 1840 to 1849. 9 vols.
Iredell's Reports, Chancery. From 1840 to 1848, 5 vols.

Ohio Reports. 15 vols. These reports are composed of Hammond's Reports. From
1821 to 1839. 9 vols.
Wright's Reports. From 1831 to 1834. 1 vol.
Wilcox's Reports. From 1840 to 1841. 1 vol.
Stanton's Reports. From 1841 to 1843. 3 vols.
Griswold's Reports. From 1844 to 1846. 2 vols.

Dallas' Reports. From 1754 to 1806. 4 vols. Vide Supra.
Yeates' Reports. From 1791 to 1808. 4 vols.
Binney's Reports. From 1799 to 1814. 6 vols
Sergeant & Rawle's Reports. From 1818 to 1829. 17 vols
Rawle's Reports. from 1828 to 1835. 5 vols.
Wharton's Reports. From 1835 to 1841. 6 vols.
Pennsylvania Reports, reported by William Rawle, Charles B. Penrose, and
Frederick Watts. From 1829 to 1832. 3 vols.
Watts' Reports. From 1832 to 1840. 10 vols.
Watts & Sergeant's Reports. 9 vols.
Browne's Reports. From 1806 to 1814. 2 vols.
Miles' Reports. For 1835 and 1841. 2 vols.
Addison's Reports. From 1791 to 1799. 1 vol.
Ashmead's Reports. From 1808 to 1841. 2 vols.
Pennsylvania State Reports. By Robert M.
Barr. From 1844 to 1849. 10 vols. 1849 to 1850. 2 vol. By J. Pringle Jones.
1830 to 1852. 4 vols. By Geo. W. Harris.

South Carolina.
Bay's Reports. From 1783 to 1804. 2 vols.
Dessaussure's Equity Reports. From the Revolution to 1813. 4 vols.
Brevard's Reports. From 1793 to 1816. 3 vols.
South Carolina Reports. From 1812 to 1816. 2 vols.
Nott & McCord's Reports. From 1817 to 1820. 2 vols.
Mills' Constitutional Reports, N. S. For 1817 and 1818. 2 vols.
Harper's Reports. For 1823 and 1824. 1 vol.
Harper's Equity Reports. For 1824. 1 vol.
McCord's Reports. From 1820 to 1829. 4 vols.
McCord's Chancery Reports. From 1825 to 1827. 2 vols.
Bailey's Reports. From 1828 to 1832. 2 vols.
Bailey's Chancery. From 1830 to 1831. 1 vol.
Hill's Reports. From 1833 to 1837. 3 vols.
Hill's Chancery Reports. For 1838. 2 vols.
Riley's Chancery Cases. From 1836 to 1887. 1 vol
Riley's Law Cases. From 1836 to 1837. 1 vol.
Dudley's Law Reports. From 1837 to 1838 1 vol.
Dudley's Equity Reports. From 1837 to 1838 1 vol.
Rice's Reports. From 1838 to 1839. 1 vol.
Rice's Chancery Reports. From 1838 to 1839. 1 vol.
Cheves' Reports. From 1839 to 1840. 2 vols.
McMullan's Chancery. From 1840 to 1842. 1 vol.
McMullen's Law. From 1835 to 1842. 2 vols.
Spear's Equity. From 1842 to 1844. 1 vol.
Spear's Law. For 1843. 2 vols.
Richardson's Law Reports. From 1844 to 1847. 3 vols.
Richardson's Equity Reports. From 1844 to 1846. 2 vols.
Strobhart's Law Reports. From 1846 to 1848. 3 vols.
Strobhart's Equity Reports. From 1846 to 1848. 2 vols.
Statutes at Large, For 1838. 9 vols.

Tennessee Reports. From 1791 to 1815. 2 vols. These cases were reported by
John Overton. They are cited Tenn. Rep. Cooke's Reports. From 1811 to
1814. 1 vol.
Heywood's Reports. From 1816 to 1818. 3 vols. These volumes are numbered
three, four, and five, in a series with Judge Heywood's North Carolina
Reports, volumes one and two.
Peck's Reports. From 1822 to 1824. 1 vol.
Martin & Yerger's Reports. From 1825 to 1828. 1 vol.
Yerger's Reports. From 1832 to 1837. 10 vols.
Meigs' Reports. From 1838 to 1839. 1 vol.
Humphrey's Reports. From 1839 to 1846. 8 vols.

N. Chipman's Reports. From 1789 to 1791. 1 vol.
Tyler's Reports. From 1801 to 1803. 2 vols
Brayton's Reports. From 1815 to 1819. 1 vol.
D. Chipman's Reports. Containing Select Cases from N. Chipman's Reports, and
cages down to 1825. 2 vols.
Aiken's Reports. For 1826 and 1827. 2 vols.
Vermont Reports. From 1826 to 1846. 18 vols. These reports are composed of
Judges Reports, the first 9 vols.
Shaw's Reports. The 10th and part of the 11th vol.
Watson's Reports. Part of 11th, the whole of 12th, 13th, and 14th vols.
Slade's Reports. The 15th vol.
Washburne's Reports. The 16th, 17th, and 18th vols.

Wythe's Chancery Reports. From 1790 to 1795. 1 vol.
Washington's Reports. From 1790 to 1796. 2 vols.
Call's Reports. From 1790 to 1818. 6 vols.
Henning and Mumford's Reports. From 1806 to 1809. 4 vols.
Mumford's Reports. From 1810 to 1820. 6 vols. I
Gilmer's Reports, (sometimes cited Virginia Reports.) During 1820 and 1821.
1 vol.
Randolph's Reports. From 1821 to 1828. 6 vols.
Leigh's Reports. From 1829 to 1841. 12 vols.
Jefferson's Reports. From 1730 to 1772. 1 vol.
Virginia cases. From 1789 to 1826. 2 vols. The first of these volumes is by
Judges Brockenbrough and Holmes, and contains cases decided from 1789
to 1814; the second volume is by Judge Brockenbrough, and contains
cases decided from 1815 to 1826.
Robinson's Reports. From 1842 to 1844. 2 vols.
Grattan's Reports. From 1844 to 1848. 5 vols.

Burritt's Reports. 1 Vol.

6. The following is a chronological list of English and Irish contemporary
Reports, alphabetically arranged under each reign.

Henry III. Oct. 19, 1216. Nov. 16, 1272.
Jenkins, Ex., 4, 19, 21.

Edward I. Nov. 16, 1272. July 7, 1307.
Jenkins, Ex., 18, 34.
Keilwey, K. B. and C. P., 6.
Year Book, K. B., C. P. and Exchequer, part 1.

Edward II. July 7, 1307. Jan. 25, 1327.
Jenkins, Ex., 5, 15, 18.
Year Book, K. B., C. P;, and Ex., part I.

Edward III. Jan. 25, 1327., June 21, 1377.
Benloe, K. B. and C. P., 32.
Jenkins, Ex., I to 47.
Keilwey, K. B. and C. P. 1 to 47.
Year Book' K. B. and C. P., part 2-1 to 10.
Year Book: K. B. and C. P., P.,t 3-17, 18, 21 to 28, 38, 89.
Year Book, K. B. and C. P., part 4-40 to 50.
Year Book, part 5, Liber Assisarum, 1 to 51.

Richard II. June 21, 1377. Sept. 29, 1399.
Bellewe, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 22.
Jenkins, Ex., I to 22.

Henry IV. Sept. 29, 1399. Mar. 20, 1413.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 14.
Year Book, K. B. and C. P., part 6, 1 to 14.

Henry V. Mar. 20, 1413. Aug. 31, 1422.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 10.
Year Book, K. B. and C. P., part 6-1, 2, 5, 7 to 10.

Henry VI. Aug. 31, 1422. Mar. 4, 1461.
Benloe, K. B. and C. P., 2, 18.
Jenkins, Ex., I to 39.
Year Book, K. B. and C. P., parts 7 and 8-4, 7 to 12, 14, 18 to 22, 27,
28, 30 to 39.

Edward IV. Mar. 4, 1461. April 9, 1483.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 21.
Year Book, K. B. and C. P., part 9-1 to 22.
Year Book, K. B., C. P., and Ex., part 10-5.

Edward V. April 9, 1483. June 22, 1483.
Jenkins, Ex.
Year Book, X. B. and C. P., part 11.

Richard III. June 22, 1483., Aug. 22, 1485.
Jenkins, Ex., 1, 2. 1
Year Book, K. B. and C. P., part 11-1, 2.

Henry VII. Aug. 22, 1485. April 22, 1509.
Benloe, K. B. and C. P. 1.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 21.
Keilwey, K. B. and C. P.; 12, 13, 17 to 24.
Moore, K. B. and C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 2
Year Book, K. B, and C. P., part 11-1 to 16, 20 to 24.

Henry VIII. April 22, 1509. Jan. 28, 1547.
Anderson, C. P., 25, &c.
Benloe, C. P., 1 to 38.
Benloe, (New), K. B., C. P., and Ex., 22, &c
Benloe, Keilwey and Ashe, K. B., C. P and Ex.
Brooke's New Cases, K. B., C. P., and Exchequer.
Dalison, C. P., 38.
Dyer, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan. 4, &c.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 38.
Keilwey, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 11, and 21.
Moore, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 3.
Year Book, K. B., and C. P., part 11-13, 14, 18, 19, 26, 27, 29 to 38.

Edward VI. Jan, 28, 1547. July 6, 1553.
Anderson, C. P., 1 to 6.
Benloe and Dalison, C. P., 2,
Brooke's New Cases, K. B., C. P. and Ex.
Benloe (New), K. B., C. P. and Ex. 1 to 6.
Dyer, K. B., C. P.; Ex. and Chan. 1 to 6.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 6.
Moore, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 6.
Plowden, K. B., C. P. and Exchequer, 4 to 6.

Mary. July 6, 1553. Nov. 17, 1558.
Anderson, C. P., 1 to 6.
Benloe and Dalison, C P., 1 to 5.
Benloe in Keilwey and Ashe, K. B., C. P. a Ex., 1 to 5.
Benloe (New), K. B., C. P. and Ex., 1 to 5.
Booke's New Cases, K. B., C. P., and Ex., 1 to 5.
Cary, Chan., 5.
Dyer, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 5.
Dalison, in Keilwey and Ashe, C. P., 1, 4, 5.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 5.
Leonard, K. B., C. P., and Ex., 1 to 5.
Owen, K. B. and C. P., 4, 5.
Plowden, K. B., C. P. and Ex., I to 5.

Elizabeth. Nov. 17, 1558. Mar. 24, 1603.
Anderson, C. P., 1 to 45.
Benloe in Keilwey and Ashe, K. B., C. P., and Ex., 2 to 20.
Benloe, K. B., C. P., and Ex., 1 to 17.
Benloe, C. P., 1 to 21.
Brownlow and Goldesborough, C. P., 11 to 45.
Cary, Chan., 1 to 45.
Coke, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 14 to 45.
Croke, K. B., and C. P., 24 to 45.
Dalison, C. P., 1 to 16.
Dalison in Keilwey and Ashe, C. P., 2 to 7.
Dickens, Chan., a few cases.
Dyer, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 23.
Godbolt, K. B., &c., 17 to 45.
Goldesborough, K. B., &c., 28 to 31, 39 to 43.
Hobart, K. B., &c., a few cases.
Hutton, C. P., 26 to 38.
Jenkins, Ex., I to 45.
Leonard, K. B., C. P. and Ex., 1 to 45.
Moore, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan. 1 to 45.
Noy. K. B. and C. P., 1 to 45.
Owen, K. B. and C. P., I to 45.
Plowden, K. B., C. P. and Ex.
Popham, K. B., C. P. and Chan., 34, 9
Saville, C. P. and Ex., 22 to 36.
Tothill, Chan., 1 to 45.
YelveKton, K. B. 44, 45.

James I. Mar. 24, 1603. Mar. 27, 1625.
Anderson, C. P., 1.
Benloe, K. B., C. P., and Ex., 19 to 23.
Bridgman, C. P., 12 to 19.
Brownlow and Goldesborough, C. P., 1 to 23.
Bulstrode, K. B., 7 to 15.
Cary, Chan. 1.
Coke, K. B., C. P, Ex. and Chan., 1 to 13.
Croke, K. B. and C. P. 1, 23.
Davis, K. B., C. P. and Ex., 2 to 9.
Glanville, election before committee of H. C., 21, 22.
Godbolt, K. B., &c., 1 to 23.
Hobert, K. B., &c., 1 to 23.
Hutton, C. P., 10 to 23.
Jenkins, Ex., 1 to 21.
Jones (W.) K. B. and C. P., 18 to 33.
Lane, Ex., 3 to 9.
Leonard, K. B., C. P. and Ex., 1 to 12.
Ley, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Court of Wards, 6 to 23.
Moore, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 18.
Noy, K. B. and C. P. 1 to 23.
Owen, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 12.
Palmer, K. B., 17 to 23.
Popham, K. B., C. P., and Chan., 15 to 23.
Reports in Chancery, 13.
Rolle, K. B., 12 to22.
Tothill, Chan., 1 to 23.
Winch, C. P., 19 to 23.
Yelverton, K. B., 1 to 10.

Charles I. Mar. 27, 1625. Jan. 30, 1649.
Aleyn, K. B., 22 to 24.
Benloe, K. B., C. P. and Ex., 1 to 3.
Bulstrode, K. B., 1 to 14.
Clayton, Pleas of As. York, 7 to 24.
Croke, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 16
Godbolt, K. B., &c., 1 to 13.
Hetley, C. P., 3 to 7.
Hutton, C. P.. 1 to 14.
Jones, (W.) K. B. and C. P., 1 to 16.
Latch, K. B., 1 to 3.
Ley, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Court of Wards, 1 to 4.
Littleton, C. P. and Ex., 2 to 7.
March, K. B. and C. P., 15 to 18.
Nelson, Chan., 1 to 24.
Noy, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 24.
Palmer, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 4.
Popham, K.,B., C. P. and Chan., 1, 2.
Reports in Chancery, 1 to 24.
Style, K. B., 21 to 24.
Tothill, Chan., I to 21.

Charles II. May 29, 1660. Feb. 6, 1685.
Bridgman, C. P., 1 to 8.
Carter, C. P., 16 to 27.
Cases in Chancery, part 1-12 to 30.
Cases in Chancery, part 2-26 to 37. Most of these cases in 2 C. C. are
grossly misreported, said per Lord Loughborough,* 1 H. Bl. 332
Cayton, Pleas of As. York, 1, 2.
Dickens, Chan., a few cases.
Finch, Chan., 25 to 32.
Freeman, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 22 to 37.
Hardres, Ex., 7 to 21.
Jones (Tho.) K. B. and C. P., 19 to 37
Krebi K. B., 13 to 30.
Kelyng (Sir J.) Crown Cades and in K. B., 14 to 20.
Levinz, X. B. and C. P., 12 to 37
Lutwyche, C. P., 34 to 37.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vols. 1, 2-1 to 29.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 2-26 to 30.
Modern, K. C., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 3-34 to 37.
Nelson, Chan., 1 to 37.
Parker, Ex., 30.
Pollexfen, K. B., C. P. and Chan., 22 to 37.
Raymond, (T.) K. B., C. P. and Ex., 12 to 35.
Reports in Chancery, 1 to 37.
Saunders, k. B., 18 to 24.
Select Cases in Chancery, 33.
Shower, K. B., 30 to 37.
Siderlin, K. Ii., C. P. and Ex., 9 to 22.
Skinner, K. B., 33 to 37.
Style, K. B., I to 7.
Vaughan, C. P., 17 to 25.
Ventris, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 20 to 37.
Vernon, Chan., 32 to 37,

James II. Feb. 6, 1685. Feb. 13, 1689.
Carthew, K. B., 2 to 4. N
Cases in Chancery, part 2-1 to 3.
Cases of Settlement, K. B., 2 to 4.
Comberbach, K. B., 1 to 4. Comberbach is said, by Lord Thurlow, to be bad
authority. 1 Bro. C. C. 97.
Freeman, K. B., C. P., Ex. lind[?] Chan., 1 to 4.
Levinz, K. B. and C. P., 1, 2.
Lutwyche, C. P. 1 to 4. N
Modern, K B., C. P. and Chan. vol. 3-1 to 4.
Parker, Ex., 3, 4.
Reports in Chancery, 1 to 3.
Shower, K. B., 1 to 4.
Skinner, K. B., 1 to 4.
Ventris, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 4.
Vernon, Ch., 1 to 4.

William III. & Mary. Feb. 13, 1682. Mar. 8, 1702.
Carthew, K. B., 1 to 12.
Cases concerning Settlements, X. B., 1 to 14.
Colles, Parliamentary Cases, 9 to 14.
Comberbach, K. B., 1 to 10.
Comyns, K. B., C. P., Ex. Chan. and before the Delegates, 7 to 14.
Fortescue, K: B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 7 to 14.
Freeman, K B., C. P., I Ex. and Chan., 1 to 14.
Kelyng, (Sir J.) Crown Canes, and in K. B., 8 to 13.
Levinz, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 18.
Lutwyche, C. P., I to 14.
Modern, K. B,., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 3-1, 2.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 4-3 to 7.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 5-5 to 11.
Modern, K. B., C. 'P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 12-2 to 14.
Parker, Ex., 4 to 13.
Peere Williams, Chan. and K. B., 7 to 14.
Precedents in Chancery, 1 to 4.
Raymond, (Lord) K. B. and C. P., 4 to 14.
Reports in Chancery, vol. 2-5.
Reports temp. Holt, K. B., C. P.,Ex. and Chan., 1 to 14.
Salkeld, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chair., 1 to 14.
Select Cases in Chancery, 5,,9.
Shower, K. B., 1 to 6.
Skinner, K. B., I to 9.
Ventris, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1, 2.
Vernon, Chan., 1 to 14.

Anne. Mar. 8, 1702. dug. 1, 1714,
Brown's Parliamentary Cases, 1 to 1.3.
Banbury, Ex., 12, 13.
Cases concerning Settlements, K. B., 1 to 13.
Cases on Practice, C. P., 5 to 13.
Colles, Parliamentary Cases, 1 to 8.
Comyns, K. B., C. P., Ex. Chanc. and before the Delegates, 1 to 13.
Dickens, Chan., a few cases.
Fortesque, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 13.
Freeman, K. J3., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 5.
Gilbert's Cases in Law an Equity, 12, 13.
Gilbert, K. B.,.Chan. and Ex., 4 to 43.
Relyng, (Sir J.) Crown Cases, and in K. B.
Lutwyche, C. P., 1, 2.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 6-2, 3.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 7-1.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 10-8 to 13.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., vol. 11-4 to 8.
Parker, Ex., 6 to 12.
Peere Williams, Chan. and K. B., 1 to 13.
Practical Register, C. P.) 3 to 13.
Precedents in Chancery, 1 to 13.
Raymond, (Lord) K. B. and C. P., 1 to 13.
Reports in Chancery, 4 to 8.
Reports temp. Holt, 1 to 9.
Robertson's App. Cases, 5 to 13.
Salkeld, K.,B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 10.
Session Cases, K. B., 9 to 13
Vernon, Chan., 1 to 13.

George I. Aug. 1, 1714. June 11, 1727.
Barnardiston, K. B., 12, 13. This book is said to be "not of much
authority;" Dougl. 333, n.; "of still less authority than 10 Mod.;"
Dougl. 669, n; "a bad reporter." 1, East, 642, n.
Brown's Parliamentary Cases, 1 to 13.
Bunbury, Ex., 1 to 13. Mr. Bunbury never meant that those cases should be
published; they are very loose notes. 5 Burr. 2568.
Cases concerning Settlements, K. B., 1 to 13.
Cases of Practice, C. P., 1 to 13.
Comyns, K. B., C. P., Ex. Chanc. and before the Delegates, 1 to 13.
Dickens, Chan., 1 to 13.
Fortescue, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 13.
Gilbert, K. B., Chan. and Ex., 1 to 12.
Modern, K. B., C. P., Ex.,and Chan., vols. 8 and 9-8 to 12.
Modern, K. B., C. P.,. Ex., and Chan., vol. 10-1 to 11.
Mosely' Chan., 12, 13.
Parker, Ex., 4 to 13.
Peere Williams, Chan. and K. B., 1 to 13.
Practical Register, C. P., 1 to 13.
Precedents in Chancery, 1 to 8.
Raymond (Lord) K. B. and C. P., 1 and 10 to 13.
Robertson's Appeal Cases, 1 to 13.
Select Cases in Chan., 10 to 12.
Sessions Cases, K. B., 1 to 13.
Strange, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 2 to 13.
Vernon, Chan. 1 to 5.

George II. June 11, 1727. Oct. 25, 1760.
Ambler, Chap. and Ex. 11 to 34.
Andrews, K. B., 11, 12.
Atkyn's Chan., 9 to 27.
Barnardiston, C. B., 1 to 7.
Barnardiston, Chan., 13, 14.
Barnes, C. P., 5 to 34.
Belt's Supplement to Vesey, Chan., 20 to 28.
Blackstone (Wm.) K. B. and C. P., 20 to 24, and 30 to 34. These reports are
said not to be very accurate, per Lord Mansfield, Doug. 92, n.
Brown's Parl. Cases, 1 to 34.
Bunbury, Ex., 1 to 14.
Burrow's K. B., 30 to 34.
Burrow's Settlement Cases, K. B., 5 to 34.
Cases of Settlement, K. B., 1 to 5.
Cases of Practice, K. P., 1 to 20.
Cases temp. Talbot, Chan. K. B., C. P., 7, 10.
Comyns, Ex., Chan. and before the Delegates, 1 to 13.
Cunningham, K. B., 7, 8.
Dickens, Chan., 1 to 34. Mr. Dickens was a very attentive and diligent
register; but his notes being rather loose, are not to be considered as
of very high authority, per Lord Redesdale, 1 Sch. & Lef. 240. Vide
also Sug. Vend. 146.
Eden, Chan., 30 to 34.
Fitzgibbon, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 5.
Fortescue, 1 to 10.
Foster, Crown Cases, 16 to 34.
Kelynge, (W.) K. B.; C. P. and Chan., 1 to 8.
Konyon, K. B., &c., 26 to 30.,
Leach, Crown Cases, 4 to 34.
Lee, (Sir Geo.) Ecclesiastical, 25 to 32.
Moseley, Chan., 1 to 3.
Parker, Ex., 16 to 34.
Peere Williams, Chan. and K. B., 1 to 8.
Practical Register, C. P., I to 15.
Raymond, (Lord) K. B. and C. P., 1 to 6.
Reports temp. Hardwicke, K. B., 7, 10.
Robertson's Appeal Cases, a few.
Sayer, K. B., 25 to 29.
Select Cases in Chancery, 6.
Sessions Cases, K. B., 1 to 20.
Strange, K. B., C. P., Ex. and Chan., 1 to 21.
Vesey, (sen.) Chan., 20 to 28.
Willes, C. P., Exch., Chan. and House of Lords. 11 to 32.
Wilson, K. B., C. P., 16 to 34.

George III. Oct. 25, 1762. Jan. 29, 1820.
Acton, Appeal Cases, 49, 50.
Ambler, Chan. and Ex., 1 to 24.
Anstruther, Ex., 32 to 37.
Ball and Beatty, Irish Chan., 47 to 54.
Barnewell and Alderson, K. B., 58 to 60.
Blackstone, (Sir W.) K. B. and C.,P., 1 to 20.
Blackstone, (H.) C. P. and Ex. Chamb., 28 to 36.
Bligh, Appeal Cases, 59, 60.
Bosanquet and Puller, C. P., and Exch. Chamb., to 47.
Bott, Settlement Cases, 1 to 60.
Broderip and Bingham, C. P., 59, 60.
Brown, Chancery, 18 to 34.
Brown, Parl. Cases, 1 to 40.
Buck, Bankruptcy, 57 to 60.
Burrow, K. B., 1 to 12.
Burrow, Settlement Cases, K. B., 1 to 16.
Caldecot, Settlement Cases, K. B., 17 to 26.
Campbell, Nisi Prius, K. B., C. P., and Home Circuit, 48 to 56.
Cases of Practice, K. B., 1 to 14.
Chitty, K. B., 47 to 60.
Cooper, Chan., 55.
Corbet and Daniel, Election Cases.
Cowper, K. B., 14 to 18.
Cox, Chan., 23 to 36.
Daniell, Ex., 57 to 60.
Dickens, Chan., I to 38.
Dodson, Admiralty, 51 to 57.
Douglas, K. B., 19 to 25.
Dow, H. of Lords, 53 to 58.
Durnford and East, K. B., 26 to 40.
East, K. B., 41 to 52.
Edwards, Admiralty, 48, 49.
Eden, Chan., 1 to 7.
Espinasse, Nisi Prius, K. B., C. P. and Home Circuit, 33 to 47.
Forrest, Ex., 41
Fraser, Elec., H. Com. 32.
Gow, Nisi Prius, C. P., 59, 60.
Haggard, Consistory Court, 29 to 60.
Holi, Nisi Prius, C. P. and North Circuit, 55 to 18.
Jacob & Walker, Chan., 60.
Kenyon, K. B., &c.
Leach's Crown Cases, 1 to 55.
Lofft, K. B., C. P. and Chan., 12 to 14.
Luders, Election Cases, 25 to 30.
Mariott, Admiralty, 16 to 19.
Marshall, C. P., 54 to 57.
Maddock, Vice Chan., 55 to 60.
Maule & Selwyn,, K. B., 53 to 57
Merivate, Chan., 57 to 58.
Moore, C. P., 57 to 60.
Nolan, K. B., 32 to 34.
Parker, Ex., 1 to 7.
Peake, Nisi Prius, K. B., 30 to 35.
Peckwell, Election Cases, 45,46.
Phillimore, Ecclesiastical, 49 to 60.
Price, Ex., 54 to 60.
Robinson, Admiralty, 39 to 48.
Rose, Bankruptcy 50 to 56.
Russell & Ryan, Crown Cases, 39, &c.
Schoales & Lefroy, Irish Chan., 42 to 44.
Smith, K. B. and Chan., 44 to 46.
Starkie, Nisi Prius, K. B., C. P. and North Cir., 5 to 60.
Swanston, Chan., 58 to 60.
Taunton, C. P., 48 to 58.
Vesey, jun., Chan., 29 to 52.
Vesey & Beames, Chan., 52 to 54.
Wightwick, Ex., 50, 51.
Wilson, K. B. and C. P., 1 to 14.
Wilson, Chan., 58 to 60.
Wilson; Ex., 57.

George IV. Jan. 29, 1820, June 26, 1830.
Addams, Eccl. 2 to 6.
Barnwell & Alderson, K. B., 1 to 3.
Barnewall & Cresswell, K. B., 3 to 10.
Adolphus, K. B., 10, &c.
Batty, K. B., (Ireland) 5 & 6.
Beitty, Chan., (do.) 7 & 8.
Bingham, C. P., 3, &c.
Bligh, H. of Lords, 1, &c.
Bott, Settlement Cases, 1 to 7.
Broderip & Bingham, C. P., 1 to 3.
Carrington & Payne, N. P., 4, &c.
Chitty, K. B., 1 to 3.
Cresswell, Insolvent, 7 to 9.
Daniell, Exchequer.
Danson & Lloyd, Mercantile Cases, 8, 9.
Dowling & Ryland, 2 to 7.
Fox & Smith, K. B., (Ireland) 3 to 5.
Glyn & Jameson, Bankruptcy.
Haggard, Eccl. 7 to 10.
Hogan, Rolls, (Ireland) 6 & 7.
Hudson & Brooke, K. B., (Ireland) 7 to 11.
Jacob & Walker, Chan., 1, 2.
Jacob, Chan., 2, 3.
Lloyd & Welshy, Mercantile Cases, 10, &c.
Maddock, Vice-Chan., I to 3.
Manning & Ryland, K. B., 7 to 9.
Molloy, Chan., (Ireland) 7 to 11.
Moody & Malkin, N. P., 7, &c.
Moore, C. P., 1 to 7.
Moore & Payne, C. P., 7, &c.
Phillimore, Eccl., 1, 2.
Price, Exchequer, 1, &c.
Russell & Ryan, Cro. Cases, 1 to 3.
Russell, Chan., 6 &c.
Russell & Mylne, 9, &c.
Ryan & Moody, N. P., 4 to 7.
Ryan & Moody, Cro. Cases, 4 to 10.
Simon & Stuart, Vice-Chan., 2 to 7.
Simons, Vice-Chan., 7 &c.
Smith & Batty, K B., (Ireland) 4, & 5
Starke, N. P., 1 &c.
Turner, Chan., 3, &c.
Younge & Jervis, Ex., 7, &c.
Younge, Ex. Eq., 11, &C.

William IV. June 26, 1830. June 20, 1837.
Adolphus & Ellis, K. B., 4 to
Barnewell & Adolphus, X. B., 1 to 3.
Bingham, C. P., 1 to
Bligh, H. of Lords, 1 to
Carrington & Payne' N. P., 1 to
Clark & Finnelli, 2 to
Cockburn & Rowe, 3.
Crompton & Jervis, Exch., 1 & 2,
Crompton & Meeson, Exch., 3 & 4,
Crompton, Meeson & Roscoe, Ech., 4 to 6.
Curteis, 5 to
Deacon & Chitty, Bankruptcy, 2 to 5.
Deacon, Bankruptcy, 6 to
Dow & Clarke, H. of Lords, 1 to
Dowling, Practice, Cases, 1 to
Haggard, Ecclesiastical, 1 to
Haggard, Admiralty, 1 to
Hayes, Exch., (Ireland) 1 to 3.
Knapp, Appeal Cases, 1 to
Knapp & Ombler, Election Cases, 5 to
Lloyd & Goold, Irish Chan., 5 to
Manning & Ryland, K. B., 1 to
Meeson & Welshy, 6.
Montagu & Bligh, Bankruptcy, 2 & 3.
Montagu & Ayrton, Bankruptcy, 3 to
Moody & Malkin, N. P., 1 to
Moore & Payne, C. P., 1 to
Moore & Scott, C. P., 1 to
Mylne & Craig.
Mylne & Keen, Chan., 3 to
Neville & Manning, K. B., 3
Perry & Knapp, election Cases, 3 to 5.
Russell & Mylne, Chan., 1 to 3.
Scott, C. P., 5 to
Simons, Vice-Chan. 1 to
Tamlyn, Rolls, 1 to
Tyrwhitt, Exch., 1 to
Tyrwhitt & Granger.
Wilson & Shaw. H. of Lords, 1 to
Wilson & Courtenay, H. of Lords, 2 to
Younge, Equity Exch., 1 to
Younge & Collyer, Equity Exch., 4,to

Victoria. June 20, 1837.
Adolphus & Ellis, K. B.
Adolphus & Ellis, New Series.
Alcock & Napier, K. B., (Ireland)
Alcock's REgistry Cases.
Armstrong & Mercartney, N. P. (Ireland)
Baron & Austin, Election Cases.
Baron & Arnold, Election Cases.
Beavan, Rolls Court.
Bells, Appeal Cases to H. of L., (Ireland)
Bell, Murray, Young & Tennent, Session Cases, (Ireland)
Brown, High Court of Justiciary, (Ireland.)
Bingham, C. P., 1 to
Bligh, House of Lords.
Bligh, New Series.
Carrington & Kirwan, N. P.
Carrington & Marshman, N. P., C. P. and Exch.
Carrington & Payne, N. P., Q. P., C. P. Exch.
Carrow, Hammerton & Allen, Magistrates' Cases.,
Clark & Finnelly, H. of Lords.
Collyer, Chancery.
Connor & Lawson, Chancery, (Ireland.)
Cooper, Chancery Practice Caset.
Cooper tempore Brougham, Chancery.
Craig & Phillips, Chancery.
Crawford & Dix, Abridged Cases in all the Courts, (Ireland.)
Crawford & Dix, Circuit Cases, (Ireland)
Curtis, Ecclesiastical.
Davison & Manning, Q. B.
Deacon, Bankruptcy.
Denison, Crown Cases, reserved.
De Gex & Smales, Chancery.
Dow & Clark, H. of L.
Dowling & Lowndes, Points of Practice.
Dowling, Practice Cases
Dowling, New Series.
Drury & Walsh, Chancery, (Ireland)
Drury & Warren, Chancery, (Ireland)
Dunlap, Bell, Murray, Sessions Cases, (Ireland)
Dunlap, BeIl, Murray & Donaldson, Sessions cases, (Ireland.)
Exchequer Reports, by Welshy, Hurstone & Gordon.
Falconer & Fitzherbert, Election.
Flanagan & Kelle, Rolls, (Ireland.)
Gale & Davison, K. B.
Haggard, Admiralty,
Hare, Chancery.
Jebb & Bourke, Q. B., (Ireland.)
Jebb & Symes, K. B., (Ireland.)
Jones & Latouche, Q. B., (Ireland.)
Jones Exchequer, (Ireland.)
Jones & Carey, Exchequer, (Ireland.)
Keen, Rolls.
Law Recorder, in all the Courts, (Ireland.)
Longfield & Townsend, Exch., (Ireland.)
McLean & Robinson, H. of L (Ireland.)
Manning & Granger, C. P.
Manning, Granger & Scott, C. P.
Meeson & Welshy, Exch.
Montagu & Ayrton, Bankruptcy.
Montagu & Chitty, Bankruptcy.
Montagu, Deacon & De Gex, Bankruptcy.
Montagu & Neale, Election.
Moody, N. P. and Crown Cases.
Moody & Robinson, Nisi Prius.
Moore, Appeal Cases.
Moore, East India Appeals.
Moore, Privy Council.
Mylne & Craig, Chancery.
Neville & Perry, K. B.
Perry & Davidson, K. B.,
Phillips, Chancery.
Robinson, Admiralty.
Robinson, House of Lords.
Sausse & Scully, Rolls, (Ireland.)
Scott, C. P.
Scott, New Series.
Shaw & Maclean, House of Lords.
Smyth; C. P., (Ireland.)
Simons, Vice-Chancellor.
Welsh, Registry Cases, (Ireland.)
West, Parl. Reports.
Younge & Collyer, Equity Ex.

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