REPRESENTATIVE. One who represents or is in the place of another.
2. In legislation, it signifies one who has been elected a member of
that branch of the legislature called the house of representatives.
3. A representative of a deceased person, sometimes called a "personal
representative," or legal personal representative," is one who is executor
or administrator of the person described. 6 Madd. 159; 5 yes. 402.

podobné slovodefinícia
- zástupca
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personal representative, n:
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registered representative, n:
representative,představitel n: Zdeněk Brožrepresentative,reprezentant n: Zdeněk Brožrepresentative,reprezentativní Zdeněk Brožrepresentative,typický adj: Zdeněk Brožrepresentative,zástupce n: Zdeněk Brožrepresentative,zplnomocněnec Zdeněk Brož
representative consumer approach
representative consumer approach,Přístup reprezentativního
konzumenta [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
representative rate
representative rate,
representative sample
representative sample, n:
representative sampling
representative sampling, n:
representative set of currencies
representative set of currencies,
representativeness,reprezentativnost n: Zdeněk Brož
representatives,představitelé n: Zdeněk Brožrepresentatives,zástupci n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
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Resident Representative,
sales representative
sales representative,obchodní zástupce n: Milan Svoboda
special trade representative/director
Special Trade Representative/Director,
union representative
union representative, n:
unrepresentative,nereprezentativní adj: Zdeněk Brož
Misrepresentative \Mis*rep`re*sent"a*tive\, a.
Tending to convey a wrong impression; misrepresenting.
[1913 Webster]
nonrepresentative \nonrepresentative\ adj.
1. Not standing for something else. Opposite of

Syn: unsymbolic.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Not giving a true representation of the characteristics of
a group; -- of a sample or subgroup of a group; as, the
weather we had in the summer of 1996 gave a
nonrepresentative view of our normal weather.

Syn: biased, unrepresentative.
Personal representatives
Personal \Per"son*al\ (p[~e]r"s[u^]n*al), a. [L. personalis: cf.
F. personnel.]
1. Pertaining to human beings as distinct from things.
[1913 Webster]

Every man so termed by way of personal difference.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a particular person; relating to, or
affecting, an individual, or each of many individuals;
peculiar or proper to private concerns; not public or
general; as, personal comfort; personal desire.
[1913 Webster]

The words are conditional, -- If thou doest well, --
and so personal to Cain. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

3. Pertaining to the external or bodily appearance;
corporeal; as, personal charms. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

4. Done in person; without the intervention of another.
"Personal communication." --Fabyan.
[1913 Webster]

The immediate and personal speaking of God. --White.
[1913 Webster]

5. Relating to an individual, his character, conduct,
motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive
manner; as, personal reflections or remarks.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Gram.) Denoting person; as, a personal pronoun.
[1913 Webster]

Personal action (Law), a suit or action by which a man
claims a debt or personal duty, or damages in lieu of it;
or wherein he claims satisfaction in damages for an injury
to his person or property, or the specific recovery of
goods or chattels; -- opposed to real action.

Personal equation. (Astron.) See under Equation.

Personal estate or Personal property (Law), movables;
chattels; -- opposed to real estate or real property.
It usually consists of things temporary and movable,
including all subjects of property not of a freehold

Personal identity (Metaph.), the persistent and continuous
unity of the individual person, which is attested by

Personal pronoun (Gram.), one of the pronouns I, thou,
he, she, it, and their plurals.

Personal representatives (Law), the executors or
administrators of a person deceased.

Personal rights, rights appertaining to the person; as, the
rights of a personal security, personal liberty, and
private property.

Personal tithes. See under Tithe.

Personal verb (Gram.), a verb which is modified or
inflected to correspond with the three persons.
[1913 Webster]
Representative \Rep`re*sent"a*tive\, n. [Cf. LL.
[1913 Webster]
1. One who, or that which, represents (anything); that which
exhibits a likeness or similitude.
[1913 Webster]

A statute of Rumor, whispering an idiot in the ear,
who was the representative of Credulity. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

Difficulty must cumber this doctrine which supposes
that the perfections of God are the representatives
to us of whatever we perceive in the creatures.
[1913 Webster]

2. An agent, deputy, or substitute, who supplies the place of
another, or others, being invested with his or their
[1913 Webster]

3. (Law) One who represents, or stands in the place of,
[1913 Webster]

Note: The executor or administrator is ordinarily held to be
the representative of a deceased person, and is
sometimes called the legal representative, or the
personal representative. The heir is sometimes called
the real representative of his deceased ancestor. The
heirs and executors or administrators of a deceased
person are sometimes compendiously described as his
real and personal representatives. --Wharton. Burrill.
[1913 Webster]

4. A member of the lower or popular house in a State
legislature, or in the national Congress. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

5. (Nat.Hist.)
(a) That which presents the full character of the type of
a group.
(b) A species or variety which, in any region, takes the
place of a similar one in another region.
[1913 Webster]Representative \Rep`re*sent"a*tive\ (-z?nt`?-t?v), a. [Cf. F.
1. Fitted to represent; exhibiting a similitude.
[1913 Webster]

2. Bearing the character or power of another; acting for
another or others; as, a council representative of the
people. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

3. Conducted by persons chosen to represent, or act as
deputies for, the people; as, a representative government.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Nat.Hist.)
(a) Serving or fitted to present the full characters of
the type of a group; typical; as, a representative
genus in a family.
(b) Similar in general appearance, structure, and habits,
but living in different regions; -- said of certain
species and varieties.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Metaph.) Giving, or existing as, a transcript of what was
originally presentative knowledge; as, representative
faculties; representative knowledge. See Presentative, 3
and Represent, 8.
[1913 Webster]
Representative at large
Large \Large\ (l[aum]rj), a. [Compar. Larger (l[aum]r"j[~e]r);
superl. Largest.] [F., fr. L. largus. Cf. Largo.]
1. Exceeding most other things of like kind in bulk,
capacity, quantity, superficial dimensions, or number of
constituent units; big; great; capacious; extensive; --
opposed to small; as, a large horse; a large house or
room; a large lake or pool; a large jug or spoon; a large
vineyard; a large army; a large city.
[1913 Webster]

Note: For linear dimensions, and mere extent, great, and not
large, is used as a qualifying word; as, great length,
breadth, depth; a great distance; a great height.
[1913 Webster]

2. Abundant; ample; as, a large supply of provisions.
[1913 Webster]

We have yet large day. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Full in statement; diffuse; full; profuse.
[1913 Webster]

I might be very large upon the importance and
advantages of education. --Felton.
[1913 Webster]

4. Having more than usual power or capacity; having broad
sympathies and generous impulses; comprehensive; -- said
of the mind and heart.
[1913 Webster]

5. Free; unembarrassed. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Of burdens all he set the Paynims large. --Fairfax.
[1913 Webster]

6. Unrestrained by decorum; -- said of language. [Obs.] "Some
large jests he will make." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

7. Prodigal in expending; lavish. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Naut.) Crossing the line of a ship's course in a
favorable direction; -- said of the wind when it is abeam,
or between the beam and the quarter.
[1913 Webster]

At large.
(a) Without restraint or confinement; as, to go at large;
to be left at large.
(b) Diffusely; fully; in the full extent; as, to discourse
on a subject at large.

Common at large. See under Common, n.

Electors at large, Representative at large, electors, or
a representative, as in Congress, chosen to represent the
whole of a State, in distinction from those chosen to
represent particular districts in a State. [U. S.]

To give large, To go large, To run large, or {To sail
large} (Naut.), to have the wind crossing the direction of a
vessel's course in such a way that the sails feel its full
force, and the vessel gains its highest speed. See
Large, a., 8.

Syn: Big; bulky; huge; capacious; comprehensive; ample;
abundant; plentiful; populous; copious; diffusive;
[1913 Webster]
Representatively \Rep`re*sent"a*tive*ly\, adv.
In a representative manner; vicariously.
[1913 Webster]
Representativeness \Rep`re*sent"a*tive*ness\, n.
The quality or state of being representative.
[1913 Webster]

Dr. Burnet observes, that every thought is attended
with consciousness and representativeness. --Spectator.
[1913 Webster]
account representative
account representative
n 1: someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising
agency or brokerage or other service business [syn:
account executive, account representative, {registered
representative}, customer's broker, customer's man]
house of representatives
House of Representatives
n 1: the lower legislative house of the United States Congress
[syn: United States House of Representatives, {U.S. House
of Representatives}, US House of Representatives, {House
of Representatives}, U.S. House, US House]
legal representative
legal representative
n 1: a personal representative with legal standing (as by power
of attorney or the executor of a will)
adj 1: not standing for something else [syn:
nonrepresentative, unsymbolic] [ant:
personal representative
personal representative
n 1: a person who manages the affairs of another
registered representative
registered representative
n 1: someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising
agency or brokerage or other service business [syn:
account executive, account representative, {registered
representative}, customer's broker, customer's man]
adj 1: serving to represent or typify; "representative
moviegoers"; "a representative modern play"
2: standing for something else; "the bald eagle is
representative of the United States" [ant:
nonrepresentative, unsymbolic]
3: being or characteristic of government by representation in
which citizens exercise power through elected officers and
representatives; "representative government as defined by
Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people,
for the people"
n 1: a person who represents others
2: an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose;
"the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major
organs of government" [syn: spokesperson, interpreter,
representative, voice]
3: a member of the United States House of Representatives [syn:
congressman, congresswoman, representative]
4: an item of information that is typical of a class or group;
"this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome";
"there is an example on page 10" [syn: example,
illustration, instance, representative]
representative sample
representative sample
n 1: the population is divided into strata and a random sample
is taken from each stratum [syn: stratified sample,
representative sample, proportional sample]
representative sampling
representative sampling
n 1: the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and
random samples are taken of each stratum [syn: {stratified
sampling}, representative sampling, {proportional
sales representative
sales representative
n 1: a person employed to represent a business and to sell its
merchandise (as to customers in a store or to customers who
are visited) [syn: salesperson, sales representative,
sales rep]
u.s. house of representatives
U.S. House of Representatives
n 1: the lower legislative house of the United States Congress
[syn: United States House of Representatives, {U.S. House
of Representatives}, US House of Representatives, {House
of Representatives}, U.S. House, US House]
union representative
union representative
n 1: a representative for a labor union
united states house of representatives
United States House of Representatives
n 1: the lower legislative house of the United States Congress
[syn: United States House of Representatives, {U.S. House
of Representatives}, US House of Representatives, {House
of Representatives}, U.S. House, US House]
united states trade representative
United States Trade Representative
n 1: the executive agency that administers the President's
policies on international trade [syn: {United States Trade
Representative}, US Trade Representative]
adj 1: not exemplifying a class; "I soon tumbled to the fact
that my weekends were atypical"; "behavior quite
unrepresentative (or atypical) of the profession"
us house of representatives
US House of Representatives
n 1: the lower legislative house of the United States Congress
[syn: United States House of Representatives, {U.S. House
of Representatives}, US House of Representatives, {House
of Representatives}, U.S. House, US House]
us trade representative
US Trade Representative
n 1: the executive agency that administers the President's
policies on international trade [syn: {United States Trade
Representative}, US Trade Representative]
account representative
Account Representative

A person in a company who identifies new accounts,
analyses customer needs, proposes business solutions,
negotiates and oversees the implementation of new projects.

REPRESENTATIVE, n. In national politics, a member of the Lower House
in this world, and without discernible hope of promotion in the next.
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, government. The popular branch of the legislature.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 2, 1, provides,
that "the house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every
second year by the people of, the several states; and the electors of each
state, shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most
numerous branch of the state legislature."
3. The general qualifications of electors of the assembly, or most
numerous branch of the legislature, in the several state governments, are,
that they be of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, and free resident
citizens of the state in which they vote, and have paid taxes: several of
the state constitutions have prescribed the same or higher qualifications,
as to property, in the elected, than in the electors.
4. The constitution of the United States, however, requires no evidence
of property in the representatives, nor any declarations as to his religious
belief. He must be free from undue bias or dependence, by not holding any
office under the United States. Art. 1, s. 6, 2.
5. By the constitutions of the several states, the most numerous branch
of the legislature generally bears the name of the house of representatives.
Vide Story on Constitution of the United States, chap. 9 1 Kent's Com. 228.
6. By the Act of June 22, 1842, c. 47, it is provided,
Sec. 1. That from and after the third day of March, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-three, the house of representatives shall be composed of
members elected agreeably to a ratio of one representative for every seventy
thousand six hundred and eighty persons in each state, and of one additional
representative for each state having a fraction greater than one moiety of
the said ratio, computed according to the rule prescribed by the
constitution of the United States; that is to say: within the state of
Maine, seven; within the state of New Hampshire, four; within the state of
Massachusetts, ten; within the state of Rhode Island, two within the state
of Connecticut, four; within the state of Vermont, four; within the state of
New York, thirty-four; within the state of New Jersey, five; within the
state of Pennsylvania, twenty-four; within the state of Delaware, one;
within the state of Maryland, six; within the state of Virginia, fifteen;
within the state of North Carolina, nine; within the state of South
Carolina, seven; within the state of Georgia, eight; within the state of
Alabama, seven; within state of Louisiana, four; within the state of
Mississippi, four; within the state of Tennessee, eleven; within the state
of Kentucky, ten; within the state of Ohio, twenty-one; within the state of
Indiana, ten; within the state of Illinois, seven; within the state of
Missouri, five; within the state of Arkansas, one; within the State of
Michigan, three.
7.-2. That in every case where a state is entitled to more than one
representative, the number to which each state shall be entitled under this
apportionment shall be elected by districts. composed of contiguous
territory, equal in number to the number of representatives to which said
state may be entitled, no one district electing more than one
8. For the constitutions of the houses of representatives in the
several states, the reader is referred to the names of the states in this
work. Vide Congress.

PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES. These words are construed to mean the executors or
administrators of the person deceased. 6 Mad. R. 159; 2 Mad. R. 155; 5 Ves.
402; 1 Madd. Ch. 108.

REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY. A form of government where the powers of the
sovereignty are delegated to a body of men, elected from time to time, who
exercise them for the benefit of the whole nation. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 31.

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