raglan,raglán n: Zdeněk Brož
Raglan \Rag"lan\ (r[a^]g"lan), n.
1. A loose overcoat with large sleeves; -- named after Lord
Raglan, an English general who was an aide-de-camp to
Wellington at Waterlooo.
[1913 Webster]

2. An overcoat with raglan sleeves.
n 1: a garment (coat or sweater) that has raglan sleeves
podobné slovodefinícia
raglan,raglán n: Zdeněk Brož
raglan sleeve
raglan sleeve,raglánový rukáv n: rukáv začína od krku a ne až od
ramene Michal Ambrož
raglan sleeve
raglan sleeve \rag"lan sleeve`\ (r[a^]g"lan sl[=e]v`), n.
A sleeve joined to the body of a garment by a long slanting
seam starting at the neck and continuing around the armhole.
Contrasted to a set-in sleeve.
n 1: a garment (coat or sweater) that has raglan sleeves
raglan sleeve
raglan sleeve
n 1: a sleeve that extends in one piece to the neckline of a
coat or sweater with seams from the armhole to the neck

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