ragwort,starček přímětník n: [bot.] Jacobaea vulgaris / Senecio
jacobaea Pino
Ragwort \Rag"wort`\ (r[a^]g"w[^u]rt`), n. (Bot.)
A name given to several species of the composite genus
[1913 Webster]

Note: Senecio aureus is the golden ragwort of the United
States; Senecio elegans is the purple ragwort of
South Africa.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers;
sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed
in quantity [syn: ragwort, tansy ragwort, ragweed,
benweed, Senecio jacobaea]
2: American ragwort with yellow flowers [syn: butterweed,
ragwort, Senecio glabellus]
podobné slovodefinícia
golden ragwort
golden ragwort, n:
ragwort,starček přímětník n: [bot.] Jacobaea vulgaris / Senecio
jacobaea Pino
tansy ragwort
tansy ragwort, n:
golden ragwort
golden ragwort
n 1: weedy herb of the eastern United States to Texas having
golden-yellow flowers; sometimes becomes invasive;
sometimes placed in genus Senecio [syn: golden groundsel,
golden ragwort, Packera aurea, Senecio aureus]
n 1: widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers;
sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed
in quantity [syn: ragwort, tansy ragwort, ragweed,
benweed, Senecio jacobaea]
2: American ragwort with yellow flowers [syn: butterweed,
ragwort, Senecio glabellus]
tansy ragwort
tansy ragwort
n 1: widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers;
sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed
in quantity [syn: ragwort, tansy ragwort, ragweed,
benweed, Senecio jacobaea]

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