razorbill, n:
Razorbill \Ra"zor*bill`\ (-b[i^]l`), n. (Zool.)
(a) A species of auk (Alca torda) common in the Arctic
seas. See Auk, and Illust. in Appendix.
(b) See Cutwater, 3.
[1913 Webster]
Cutwater \Cut"wa`ter\ (k[u^]t"w[add]`t[~e]r), n. (Naut.)
1. The fore part of a ship's prow, which cuts the water.
[1913 Webster]

2. A starling or other structure attached to the pier of a
bridge, with an angle or edge directed up stream, in order
better to resist the action of water, ice, etc.; the
sharpened upper end of the pier itself.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) A sea bird of the Atlantic (Rhynchops nigra); --
called also black skimmer, scissorsbill, and
razorbill. See Skimmer.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: black-and-white northern Atlantic auk having a compressed
sharp-edged bill [syn: razorbill, razor-billed auk,
Alca torda]
podobné slovodefinícia
razorbill, n:
Razorbill \Ra"zor*bill`\ (-b[i^]l`), n. (Zool.)
(a) A species of auk (Alca torda) common in the Arctic
seas. See Auk, and Illust. in Appendix.
(b) See Cutwater, 3.
[1913 Webster]Cutwater \Cut"wa`ter\ (k[u^]t"w[add]`t[~e]r), n. (Naut.)
1. The fore part of a ship's prow, which cuts the water.
[1913 Webster]

2. A starling or other structure attached to the pier of a
bridge, with an angle or edge directed up stream, in order
better to resist the action of water, ice, etc.; the
sharpened upper end of the pier itself.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) A sea bird of the Atlantic (Rhynchops nigra); --
called also black skimmer, scissorsbill, and
razorbill. See Skimmer.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: black-and-white northern Atlantic auk having a compressed
sharp-edged bill [syn: razorbill, razor-billed auk,
Alca torda]

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