- obnoviť
refresh,občerstvit Zdeněk Brož
refresh,obnovit v: Zdeněk Brož
refresh,osvěžit v: Zdeněk Brož
Refresh \Re*fresh"\, n.
The act of refreshing. [Obs.] --Daniel.
[1913 Webster]
Refresh \Re*fresh"\ (r?*fr?sh"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refreshed
(-fr?sht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refreshing.] [OE. refreshen,
refreschen, OF. refreschir (cf. OF. rafraischir, rafreschir,
F. rafra?chir); pref. re- re- + fres fresh. F. frais. See
Fresh, a.]
1. To make fresh again; to restore strength, spirit,
animation, or the like, to; to relieve from fatigue or
depression; to reinvigorate; to enliven anew; to
reanimate; as, sleep refreshes the body and the mind.
[1913 Webster]

Foer they have refreshed my spirit and yours. --1
Cor. xvi. 18.
[1913 Webster]

And labor shall refresh itself with hope. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. To make as if new; to repair; to restore.
[1913 Webster]

The rest refresh the scaly snakes that fol?
The shield of Pallas, and renew their gold.
[1913 Webster]

To refresh the memory, to quicken or strengthen it, as by a
reference, review, memorandum, or suggestion.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To cool; refrigerate; invigorate; revive; reanimate;
renovate; renew; restore; recreate; enliven; cheer.
[1913 Webster]
v 1: refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the
test" [syn: review, brush up, refresh]
2: make (to feel) fresh; "The cool water refreshed us" [syn:
refresh, freshen]
3: become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after
the tennis game" [syn: freshen, refresh, refreshen,
freshen up]
4: make fresh again [syn: refresh, freshen, refreshen]
[ant: fag, fag out, fatigue, jade, outwear, tire,
tire out, wear, wear down, wear out, wear upon,

1. DRAM refresh.

2. screen refresh.

podobné slovodefinícia
- obnoviť
- občerstvenie
- občerstvenie
refresh,občerstvit Zdeněk Brožrefresh,obnovit v: Zdeněk Brožrefresh,osvěžit v: Zdeněk Brož
refreshable,občerstvitelný adj: Zdeněk Brož
refreshed,osvěžený adj: Zdeněk Brožrefreshed,posilněný adj: Zdeněk Brož
refreshen, v:
refresher,drink n: Zdeněk Brožrefresher,osvěžující nápoj Zdeněk Brož
refresher course
refresher course,opakovací kurs Zdeněk Brož
refreshful, adj:
refreshfully, adv:
refreshing,obnovující adj: Zdeněk Brožrefreshing,osvěžující adj: Zdeněk Brož
refreshingly,roztomile adv: Zdeněk Brožrefreshingly,svěže adv: Zdeněk Brož
refreshment,občerstvení n: Zdeněk Brožrefreshment,osvěžení n: Zdeněk Brož
unrefreshed,neosvěžený adj: Zdeněk Brož
Refresh \Re*fresh"\ (r?*fr?sh"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refreshed
(-fr?sht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refreshing.] [OE. refreshen,
refreschen, OF. refreschir (cf. OF. rafraischir, rafreschir,
F. rafra?chir); pref. re- re- + fres fresh. F. frais. See
Fresh, a.]
1. To make fresh again; to restore strength, spirit,
animation, or the like, to; to relieve from fatigue or
depression; to reinvigorate; to enliven anew; to
reanimate; as, sleep refreshes the body and the mind.
[1913 Webster]

Foer they have refreshed my spirit and yours. --1
Cor. xvi. 18.
[1913 Webster]

And labor shall refresh itself with hope. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. To make as if new; to repair; to restore.
[1913 Webster]

The rest refresh the scaly snakes that fol?
The shield of Pallas, and renew their gold.
[1913 Webster]

To refresh the memory, to quicken or strengthen it, as by a
reference, review, memorandum, or suggestion.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To cool; refrigerate; invigorate; revive; reanimate;
renovate; renew; restore; recreate; enliven; cheer.
[1913 Webster]
Refresher \Re*fresh"er\ (-?r), n.
1. One who, or that which, refreshes.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Law) An extra fee paid to counsel in a case that has been
adjourned from one term to another, or that is unusually
[1913 Webster]

Ten guineas a day is the highest refresher which a
counsel can charge. --London
[1913 Webster]
Refreshful \Re*fresh"ful\ (-f?l), a.
Full of power to refresh; refreshing. -- Re*fresh"ful*ly,
[1913 Webster]
Refreshful \Re*fresh"ful\ (-f?l), a.
Full of power to refresh; refreshing. -- Re*fresh"ful*ly,
[1913 Webster]
Refresh \Re*fresh"\ (r?*fr?sh"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refreshed
(-fr?sht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refreshing.] [OE. refreshen,
refreschen, OF. refreschir (cf. OF. rafraischir, rafreschir,
F. rafra?chir); pref. re- re- + fres fresh. F. frais. See
Fresh, a.]
1. To make fresh again; to restore strength, spirit,
animation, or the like, to; to relieve from fatigue or
depression; to reinvigorate; to enliven anew; to
reanimate; as, sleep refreshes the body and the mind.
[1913 Webster]

Foer they have refreshed my spirit and yours. --1
Cor. xvi. 18.
[1913 Webster]

And labor shall refresh itself with hope. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. To make as if new; to repair; to restore.
[1913 Webster]

The rest refresh the scaly snakes that fol?
The shield of Pallas, and renew their gold.
[1913 Webster]

To refresh the memory, to quicken or strengthen it, as by a
reference, review, memorandum, or suggestion.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To cool; refrigerate; invigorate; revive; reanimate;
renovate; renew; restore; recreate; enliven; cheer.
[1913 Webster]Refreshing \Re*fresh"ing\, a.
Reviving; reanimating. -- Re*fresh"ing*ly, adv. --
Re*fresh"ing*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Refreshing \Re*fresh"ing\, a.
Reviving; reanimating. -- Re*fresh"ing*ly, adv. --
Re*fresh"ing*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Refreshing \Re*fresh"ing\, a.
Reviving; reanimating. -- Re*fresh"ing*ly, adv. --
Re*fresh"ing*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Refreshment \Re*fresh"ment\ (-ment), n. [CF. OF.
refreschissement, F. rafra[^i]chissement.]
1. The act of refreshing, or the state of being refreshed;
restoration of strength, spirit, vigor, or liveliness;
relief after suffering; new life or animation after
[1913 Webster]

2. That which refreshes; means of restoration or reanimation;
especially, an article of food or drink.
[1913 Webster]
To refresh the memory
Refresh \Re*fresh"\ (r?*fr?sh"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refreshed
(-fr?sht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refreshing.] [OE. refreshen,
refreschen, OF. refreschir (cf. OF. rafraischir, rafreschir,
F. rafra?chir); pref. re- re- + fres fresh. F. frais. See
Fresh, a.]
1. To make fresh again; to restore strength, spirit,
animation, or the like, to; to relieve from fatigue or
depression; to reinvigorate; to enliven anew; to
reanimate; as, sleep refreshes the body and the mind.
[1913 Webster]

Foer they have refreshed my spirit and yours. --1
Cor. xvi. 18.
[1913 Webster]

And labor shall refresh itself with hope. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. To make as if new; to repair; to restore.
[1913 Webster]

The rest refresh the scaly snakes that fol?
The shield of Pallas, and renew their gold.
[1913 Webster]

To refresh the memory, to quicken or strengthen it, as by a
reference, review, memorandum, or suggestion.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To cool; refrigerate; invigorate; revive; reanimate;
renovate; renew; restore; recreate; enliven; cheer.
[1913 Webster]
Unrefreshed \Unrefreshed\
See refreshed.
v 1: refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the
test" [syn: review, brush up, refresh]
2: make (to feel) fresh; "The cool water refreshed us" [syn:
refresh, freshen]
3: become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after
the tennis game" [syn: freshen, refresh, refreshen,
freshen up]
4: make fresh again [syn: refresh, freshen, refreshen]
[ant: fag, fag out, fatigue, jade, outwear, tire,
tire out, wear, wear down, wear out, wear upon,
adj 1: with restored energy [syn: fresh, invigorated,
refreshed, reinvigorated]
v 1: become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after
the tennis game" [syn: freshen, refresh, refreshen,
freshen up]
2: make fresh again [syn: refresh, freshen, refreshen]
[ant: fag, fag out, fatigue, jade, outwear, tire,
tire out, wear, wear down, wear out, wear upon,
n 1: a fee (in addition to that marked on the brief) paid to
counsel in a case that lasts more than one day
2: a drink that refreshes; "he stopped at the bar for a quick
3: a course that reviews and updates a topic for those who have
not kept abreast of developments [syn: refresher course,
refresher course
refresher course
n 1: a course that reviews and updates a topic for those who
have not kept abreast of developments [syn: {refresher
course}, refresher]
adj 1: imparting vitality and energy; "the bracing mountain air"
[syn: bracing, brisk, fresh, refreshing,
refreshful, tonic]
adv 1: in a manner that relieves fatigue and restores vitality;
"the air was refreshingly cool" [syn: refreshingly,
adj 1: imparting vitality and energy; "the bracing mountain air"
[syn: bracing, brisk, fresh, refreshing,
refreshful, tonic]
2: pleasantly new or different; "common sense of a most
refreshing sort" [syn: novel, refreshing]
adv 1: in a manner that relieves fatigue and restores vitality;
"the air was refreshingly cool" [syn: refreshingly,
2: in a pleasantly novel manner; "she was refreshingly free from
n 1: snacks and drinks served as a light meal
2: activity that refreshes and recreates; activity that renews
your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation; "time
for rest and refreshment by the pool"; "days of joyous
recreation with his friends" [syn: refreshment,
adj 1: not rested or refreshed; [syn: unrefreshed, unrested]
dram refresh
DRAM refresh

The operation which cycles through a DRAM reading
each row and writing it back again to compensate for the
gradual leakage of charge from the capacitors which store
the data. This may be done by the CPU but is often done by
a dedicated memory controller.


1. DRAM refresh.

2. screen refresh.

refresh rate
refresh rate
screen refresh

(Or "vertical refresh rate", "vertical scan rate")
The maximum number of frames that can be displayed on a
monitor in a second, expressed in Hertz.

The scan rate is controlled by the vertical sync signal
generated by the video controller, ordering the monitor to
position the electron gun at the upper left corner of the
raster, ready to paint another frame. It is limited by the
monitor's maximum horizontal scan rate and the resolution,
since higher resolution means more scan lines. Increasing
the refresh rate decreases flickering, reducing eye strain,
but few people notice any change above 60-72 Hz.

refreshable braille display
braille display
refreshable braille display
refreshable display

(Or "refreshable braille display", "refreshable
display") An electromechanical device that renders braille
with tiny, independently controlled pins used to represent the
state of dots in braille cells. Each pin, in its "on" state,
raises above the top of its hole in the screen; in its "off"
state, it drops below the top of its hole. Older systems used
tiny solenoids to control the state of the pins; modern
systems are piezoelectric.

Typical dimensions of a braille display are 1 line of 40
cells, each cell of two-by-eight dots.

refreshable display
braille display
refreshable braille display
refreshable display

(Or "refreshable braille display", "refreshable
display") An electromechanical device that renders braille
with tiny, independently controlled pins used to represent the
state of dots in braille cells. Each pin, in its "on" state,
raises above the top of its hole in the screen; in its "off"
state, it drops below the top of its hole. Older systems used
tiny solenoids to control the state of the pins; modern
systems are piezoelectric.

Typical dimensions of a braille display are 1 line of 40
cells, each cell of two-by-eight dots.

screen refresh
refresh rate
screen refresh

(Or "vertical refresh rate", "vertical scan rate")
The maximum number of frames that can be displayed on a
monitor in a second, expressed in Hertz.

The scan rate is controlled by the vertical sync signal
generated by the video controller, ordering the monitor to
position the electron gun at the upper left corner of the
raster, ready to paint another frame. It is limited by the
monitor's maximum horizontal scan rate and the resolution,
since higher resolution means more scan lines. Increasing
the refresh rate decreases flickering, reducing eye strain,
but few people notice any change above 60-72 Hz.

vertical refresh rate
vertical refresh rate

Synonym for refresh rate.


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