slovo | definícia |
Relative refractive index (gcide) | Refractive \Re*fract"ive\ (r?*fr?kt"?v), a. [Cf. F.
r['e]fractif. See Refract.]
Serving or having power to refract, or turn from a direct
course; pertaining to refraction; as, refractive surfaces;
refractive powers.
[1913 Webster]
Refractive index. (Opt.) See Index of refraction, under
Absolute refractive index (Opt.), the index of refraction
of a substances when the ray passes into it from a vacuum.
Relative refractive index (of two media) (Opt.), the ratio
of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the
angle of refraction for a ray passing out of one of the
media into the other.
[1913 Webster] |
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