request for proposal
request for proposal,
request for proposal
request for proposal

(RFP) The publication by a prospective software
purchaser of details of the required system in order to
attract offers by software developers to supply it. Software
development under contract starts with the selection of the
software developer by the customer. A request for proposal
(also called in Britain an "invitation to tender") is the
beginning of the selection process.

[Bennatan, E.M., "Software Project Management", 2nd edition,
McGraw-Hill International, 1992].

podobné slovodefinícia
request for proposal
request for proposal,
request for proposal
request for proposal

(RFP) The publication by a prospective software
purchaser of details of the required system in order to
attract offers by software developers to supply it. Software
development under contract starts with the selection of the
software developer by the customer. A request for proposal
(also called in Britain an "invitation to tender") is the
beginning of the selection process.

[Bennatan, E.M., "Software Project Management", 2nd edition,
McGraw-Hill International, 1992].


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