simony,simonie n: Zdeněk Brož
simony,svatokupectví n: Zdeněk Brož
Simony \Sim"o*ny\, n. [F. simonie, LL. simonia, fr. Simon Magus,
who wished to purchase the power of conferring the Holy
Spirit. Acts viii.]
The crime of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferment; the
corrupt presentation of any one to an ecclesiastical benefice
for money or reward. --Piers Plowman.
[1913 Webster] Simoom
n 1: traffic in ecclesiastical offices or preferments [syn:
simony, barratry]
SIMONY, eccl. law. The selling and buying of holy orders, or an
ecclesiastical benefice. Bac. Ab. h.t.; 1 Harr. Dig. 556. By simony is also
understood an unlawful agreement to receive a temporal reward for something
holy or spiritual. Code, 1, 3, 31 Ayl. Parerg. 496.

podobné slovodefinícia
law of parsimony
law of parsimony, n:
parsimony,skrblictví n: Zdeněk Brož
principle of parsimony
principle of parsimony, n:
simony,simonie n: Zdeněk Brožsimony,svatokupectví n: Zdeněk Brož
Parsimony \Par"si*mo*ny\, n. [L. parsimonia, parcimonia; cf.
parcere to spare, parsus sparing: cf. F. parcimonie.]
Closeness or sparingness in the expenditure of money; --
generally in a bad sense; excessive frugality; niggardliness.
[1913 Webster]

Awful parsimony presided generally at the table.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Economy; frugality; illiberality; covetousness;
closeness; stinginess. See Economy.
[1913 Webster]
Simony \Sim"o*ny\, n. [F. simonie, LL. simonia, fr. Simon Magus,
who wished to purchase the power of conferring the Holy
Spirit. Acts viii.]
The crime of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferment; the
corrupt presentation of any one to an ecclesiastical benefice
for money or reward. --Piers Plowman.
[1913 Webster] Simoom
law of parsimony
law of parsimony
n 1: the principle that entities should not be multiplied
needlessly; the simplest of two competing theories is to be
preferred [syn: Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor,
principle of parsimony, law of parsimony]
n 1: extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money
unnecessarily [syn: parsimony, parsimoniousness,
thrift, penny-pinching]
2: extreme stinginess [syn: meanness, minginess,
niggardliness, niggardness, parsimony,
parsimoniousness, tightness, tightfistedness,
principle of parsimony
principle of parsimony
n 1: the principle that entities should not be multiplied
needlessly; the simplest of two competing theories is to be
preferred [syn: Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor,
principle of parsimony, law of parsimony]
n 1: traffic in ecclesiastical offices or preferments [syn:
simony, barratry]
charles simonyi
Charles Simonyi
Simonyi, Charles

Microsoft programmer, most famously responsible
for Hungarian Notation.

Simonyi was born in Budapest in 1948, and for more than a
decade was senior programmer at Microsoft in Redmond.

simonyi, charles
Charles Simonyi
Simonyi, Charles

Microsoft programmer, most famously responsible
for Hungarian Notation.

Simonyi was born in Budapest in 1948, and for more than a
decade was senior programmer at Microsoft in Redmond.


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