Sable mouse
Sable \Sa"ble\, a.
Of the color of the sable's fur; dark; black; -- used chiefly
in poetry.
[1913 Webster]

Night, sable goddess! from her ebon throne,
In rayless majesty, now stretches forth
Her leaden scepter o'er a slumbering world. --Young.
[1913 Webster]

Sable antelope (Zool.), a large South African antelope
(Hippotragus niger). Both sexes have long, sharp horns.
The adult male is black; the female is dark chestnut
above, white beneath.

Sable iron, a superior quality of Russia iron; -- so called
because originally stamped with the figure of a sable.

Sable mouse (Zool.), the lemming.
[1913 Webster]
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