salsify, n:
Goat's beard \Goat's beard\, goatsbeard \goatsbeard\n. (Bot.),
A weedy European annual with yellow flowers, of the genus
Tragopogon; -- so named from the long silky beard of the
seeds. One species is the salsify or oyster plant; it is
naturalized in US.

Syn: meadow salsify, shepherd's clock, {Tragopogon
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
Salsify \Sal"si*fy\ (?; 277), n. [F. salsifis.] (Bot.)
See Oyster plant
(a), under Oyster.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: edible root of the salsify plant [syn: salsify, {oyster
2: Mediterranean biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple
ray flowers and milky sap and long edible root; naturalized
throughout United States [syn: salsify, oyster plant,
vegetable oyster, Tragopogon porrifolius]
3: either of two long roots eaten cooked
podobné slovodefinícia
meadow salsify
meadow salsify, n:
salsify, n:
yellow salsify
yellow salsify, n:
Goat's beard \Goat's beard\, goatsbeard \goatsbeard\n. (Bot.),
A weedy European annual with yellow flowers, of the genus
Tragopogon; -- so named from the long silky beard of the
seeds. One species is the salsify or oyster plant; it is
naturalized in US.

Syn: meadow salsify, shepherd's clock, {Tragopogon
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]Salsify \Sal"si*fy\ (?; 277), n. [F. salsifis.] (Bot.)
See Oyster plant
(a), under Oyster.
[1913 Webster]
black salsify
black salsify
n 1: perennial south European herb having narrow entire leaves
and solitary yellow flower heads and long black edible
roots shaped like carrots [syn: black salsify, {viper's
grass}, scorzonera, Scorzonera hispanica]
2: long black salsify [syn: scorzonera, black salsify]
meadow salsify
meadow salsify
n 1: weedy European annual with yellow flowers; naturalized in
United States [syn: meadow salsify, goatsbeard,
shepherd's clock, Tragopogon pratensis]
n 1: edible root of the salsify plant [syn: salsify, {oyster
2: Mediterranean biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple
ray flowers and milky sap and long edible root; naturalized
throughout United States [syn: salsify, oyster plant,
vegetable oyster, Tragopogon porrifolius]
3: either of two long roots eaten cooked
yellow salsify
yellow salsify
n 1: European perennial naturalized throughout United States
having hollow stems with a few long narrow tapered leaves
and each bearing a solitary pale yellow flower [syn:
yellow salsify, Tragopogon dubius]

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