samurai,samuraj n: Petr Prášek
Samurai \Sa"mu*rai`\, n. pl. & sing. [Jap.]
In the former feudal system of Japan, the class or a member
of the class, of military retainers of the daimios,
constituting the gentry or lesser nobility. They possessed
power of life and death over the commoners, and wore two
swords as their distinguishing mark. Their special rights and
privileges were abolished with the fall of feudalism in 1871.
They were referred to as "a cross between a knight and a
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Shizoku \Shi*zo"ku\, n. sing. & pl. [Jap. shi-zoku, fr. Chin.
ch' (chi) branch, posterity + tsu kindered, class.]
The Japanese warrior gentry or middle class, formerly called
samurai; also, any member of this class.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: a Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military
2: feudal Japanese military aristocracy

A hacker who hires out for legal cracking jobs, snooping for
factions in corporate political fights, lawyers pursuing
privacy-rights and First Amendment cases, and other parties
with legitimate reasons to need an electronic locksmith. In
1991, mainstream media reported the existence of a loose-knit
culture of samurai that meets electronically on BBS systems,
mostly bright teenagers with personal micros; they have
modelled themselves explicitly on the historical samurai of
Japan and on the "net cowboys" of William Gibson's cyberpunk
novels. Those interviewed claim to adhere to a rigid ethic of
loyalty to their employers and to disdain the vandalism and
theft practiced by criminal crackers as beneath them and
contrary to the hacker ethic; some quote Miyamoto Musashi's
"Book of Five Rings", a classic of historical samurai
doctrine, in support of these principles.

See also Stupids, social engineering, cracker, {hacker
ethic}, and dark-side hacker.

[Jargon File]

A hacker who hires out for legal cracking jobs, snooping for factions in
corporate political fights, lawyers pursuing privacy-rights and First
Amendment cases, and other parties with legitimate reasons to need an
electronic locksmith. In 1991, mainstream media reported the existence of a
loose-knit culture of samurai that meets electronically on BBS systems,
mostly bright teenagers with personal micros; they have modeled themselves
explicitly on the historical samurai of Japan and on the “net cowboys” of
William Gibson's cyberpunk novels. Those interviewed claim to adhere to a
rigid ethic of loyalty to their employers and to disdain the vandalism and
theft practiced by criminal crackers as beneath them and contrary to the
hacker ethic; some quote Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings, a classic
of historical samurai doctrine, in support of these principles. See also {
sneaker}, Stupids, social engineering, cracker, hacker ethic, and {
dark-side hacker}.
podobné slovodefinícia
samurai,samuraj n: Petr Prášek
Samurai \Sa"mu*rai`\, n. pl. & sing. [Jap.]
In the former feudal system of Japan, the class or a member
of the class, of military retainers of the daimios,
constituting the gentry or lesser nobility. They possessed
power of life and death over the commoners, and wore two
swords as their distinguishing mark. Their special rights and
privileges were abolished with the fall of feudalism in 1871.
They were referred to as "a cross between a knight and a
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]Shizoku \Shi*zo"ku\, n. sing. & pl. [Jap. shi-zoku, fr. Chin.
ch' (chi) branch, posterity + tsu kindered, class.]
The Japanese warrior gentry or middle class, formerly called
samurai; also, any member of this class.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: a Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military
2: feudal Japanese military aristocracy

A hacker who hires out for legal cracking jobs, snooping for
factions in corporate political fights, lawyers pursuing
privacy-rights and First Amendment cases, and other parties
with legitimate reasons to need an electronic locksmith. In
1991, mainstream media reported the existence of a loose-knit
culture of samurai that meets electronically on BBS systems,
mostly bright teenagers with personal micros; they have
modelled themselves explicitly on the historical samurai of
Japan and on the "net cowboys" of William Gibson's cyberpunk
novels. Those interviewed claim to adhere to a rigid ethic of
loyalty to their employers and to disdain the vandalism and
theft practiced by criminal crackers as beneath them and
contrary to the hacker ethic; some quote Miyamoto Musashi's
"Book of Five Rings", a classic of historical samurai
doctrine, in support of these principles.

See also Stupids, social engineering, cracker, {hacker
ethic}, and dark-side hacker.

[Jargon File]

A hacker who hires out for legal cracking jobs, snooping for factions in
corporate political fights, lawyers pursuing privacy-rights and First
Amendment cases, and other parties with legitimate reasons to need an
electronic locksmith. In 1991, mainstream media reported the existence of a
loose-knit culture of samurai that meets electronically on BBS systems,
mostly bright teenagers with personal micros; they have modeled themselves
explicitly on the historical samurai of Japan and on the “net cowboys” of
William Gibson's cyberpunk novels. Those interviewed claim to adhere to a
rigid ethic of loyalty to their employers and to disdain the vandalism and
theft practiced by criminal crackers as beneath them and contrary to the
hacker ethic; some quote Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings, a classic
of historical samurai doctrine, in support of these principles. See also {
sneaker}, Stupids, social engineering, cracker, hacker ethic, and {
dark-side hacker}.

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