Saturnine colic
Saturnine \Sat"ur*nine\, a. [L. Saturnus the god Saturn, also,
the planet Saturn: cf. F. saturnin of or pertaining to lead
(Saturn, in old chemistry, meaning lead), saturnien
saturnine, saturnian. See Saturn.]
1. Born under, or influenced by, the planet Saturn.
[1913 Webster]

2. Heavy; grave; gloomy; dull; -- the opposite of
mercurial; as, a saturnine person or temper. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Old Chem.) Of or pertaining to lead; characterized by, or
resembling, lead, which was formerly called Saturn.
[1913 Webster]

Saturnine colic (Med.), lead colic.
[1913 Webster]
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