Scops asio
Screech \Screech\, n.
A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a
shriek; a scream.
[1913 Webster]

Screech bird, or Screech thrush (Zool.), the fieldfare;
-- so called from its harsh cry before rain.

Screech rain.

Screech hawk (Zool.), the European goatsucker; -- so called
from its note. [Prov. Eng.]

Screech owl. (Zool.)
(a) A small American owl (Scops asio), either gray or
reddish in color.
(b) The European barn owl. The name is applied also to other
[1913 Webster]
Scops asio
Scops owl \Scops" owl`\ [NL. scops, fr. Gr. ? the little horned
owl.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of small owls of the genus
Scops having ear tufts like those of the horned owls,
especially the European scops owl (Scops giu), and the
American screech owl (Scops asio).
[1913 Webster] Scoptic
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