seminal,klíčový adj: Kamil Páral
seminal,mající semena n: Zdeněk Brož
Seminal \Sem"i*nal\, a. [L. seminalis, fr. semen, seminis, seed,
akin to serere to sow: cf. F. seminal. See Sow to scatter
1. Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, seed or
semen; as, the seminal fluid.
[1913 Webster]

2. Contained in seed.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence: Holding the first place in a series of developed
results or consequents; serving as a source, or first
principle; giving rise to related ideas or results;
germinal; radical; primary; original; as, seminal
principles of generation; seminal virtue; a seminal
[1913 Webster +PJC]

The idea of God is, beyond all question or
comparison, the one great seminal principle. --Hare.
[1913 Webster]

Seminal leaf (Bot.), a seed leaf, or cotyleden.

Seminal receptacle. (Zool.) Same as Spermatheca.
[1913 Webster]
Seminal \Sem"i*nal\, n.
A seed. [Obs.] --Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: pertaining to or containing or consisting of semen;
"seminal fluid"
2: containing seeds of later development; "seminal ideas of one
discipline can influence the growth of another" [syn:
germinal, originative, seminal]
podobné slovodefinícia
seminal,klíčový adj: Kamil Páralseminal,mající semena n: Zdeněk Brož
seminal duct
seminal duct, n:
seminal fluid
seminal fluid, n:
seminal vesicle
seminal vesicle, n:
Seminal leaf
Seminal \Sem"i*nal\, a. [L. seminalis, fr. semen, seminis, seed,
akin to serere to sow: cf. F. seminal. See Sow to scatter
1. Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, seed or
semen; as, the seminal fluid.
[1913 Webster]

2. Contained in seed.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence: Holding the first place in a series of developed
results or consequents; serving as a source, or first
principle; giving rise to related ideas or results;
germinal; radical; primary; original; as, seminal
principles of generation; seminal virtue; a seminal
[1913 Webster +PJC]

The idea of God is, beyond all question or
comparison, the one great seminal principle. --Hare.
[1913 Webster]

Seminal leaf (Bot.), a seed leaf, or cotyleden.

Seminal receptacle. (Zool.) Same as Spermatheca.
[1913 Webster]
Seminal receptacle
Seminal \Sem"i*nal\, a. [L. seminalis, fr. semen, seminis, seed,
akin to serere to sow: cf. F. seminal. See Sow to scatter
1. Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, seed or
semen; as, the seminal fluid.
[1913 Webster]

2. Contained in seed.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence: Holding the first place in a series of developed
results or consequents; serving as a source, or first
principle; giving rise to related ideas or results;
germinal; radical; primary; original; as, seminal
principles of generation; seminal virtue; a seminal
[1913 Webster +PJC]

The idea of God is, beyond all question or
comparison, the one great seminal principle. --Hare.
[1913 Webster]

Seminal leaf (Bot.), a seed leaf, or cotyleden.

Seminal receptacle. (Zool.) Same as Spermatheca.
[1913 Webster]
Seminality \Sem`i*nal"i*ty\, n.
The quality or state of being seminal. --Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: pertaining to or containing or consisting of semen;
"seminal fluid"
2: containing seeds of later development; "seminal ideas of one
discipline can influence the growth of another" [syn:
germinal, originative, seminal]
seminal duct
seminal duct
n 1: the efferent duct of the testis in man
seminal fluid
seminal fluid
n 1: the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is
ejaculated by the male genital tract [syn: semen, seed,
seminal fluid, ejaculate, cum, come]
seminal vesicle
seminal vesicle
n 1: either of a pair of glands located on either side of the
male urinary bladder that open into the vas deferens and
that secrete many components of semen during ejaculation

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