Shiite \Shi"ite\, Shiah \Shi"ah\, n. [Ar. sh[imac]'a[imac]a
follower of the sect of Ali, fr. sh[imac]'at, sh[imac]'ah, a
multitude following one another in pursuit of the same
object, the sect of Ali, fr. sh[=a]'a to follow.]
A member of that branch of the Mohammedans to which the
Persians belong. They reject the first three caliphs, and
consider Ali as being the first and only rightful successor
of Mohammed. They do not acknowledge the Sunna, or body of
traditions respecting Mohammed, as any part of the law, and
on these accounts are treated as heretics by the Sunnites, or
orthodox Mohammedans.
[1913 Webster] Shikaree
podobné slovodefinícia
Shiite \Shi"ite\, Shiah \Shi"ah\, n. [Ar. sh[imac]'a[imac]a
follower of the sect of Ali, fr. sh[imac]'at, sh[imac]'ah, a
multitude following one another in pursuit of the same
object, the sect of Ali, fr. sh[=a]'a to follow.]
A member of that branch of the Mohammedans to which the
Persians belong. They reject the first three caliphs, and
consider Ali as being the first and only rightful successor
of Mohammed. They do not acknowledge the Sunna, or body of
traditions respecting Mohammed, as any part of the law, and
on these accounts are treated as heretics by the Sunnites, or
orthodox Mohammedans.
[1913 Webster] Shikaree

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