Smilax Pseudo-china
Pseudo-china \Pseu`do-chi"na\, n. [Pseudo- + china.] (Bot.)
The false china root, a plant of the genus Smilax ({Smilax
Pseudo-china}), found in America.
[1913 Webster]
Smilax Pseudo-China
Bull brier \Bull" bri`er\ (Bot.)
A species of Smilax (Smilax Pseudo-China) growing from New
Jersey to the Gulf of Mexico, which has very large tuberous
and farinaceous rootstocks, formerly used by the Indians for
a sort of bread, and by the negroes as an ingredient in
making beer; -- called also bamboo brier and China brier.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Smilax Pseudo-China
Pseudo-china \Pseu`do-chi"na\, n. [Pseudo- + china.] (Bot.)
The false china root, a plant of the genus Smilax ({Smilax
Pseudo-china}), found in America.
[1913 Webster]Bull brier \Bull" bri`er\ (Bot.)
A species of Smilax (Smilax Pseudo-China) growing from New
Jersey to the Gulf of Mexico, which has very large tuberous
and farinaceous rootstocks, formerly used by the Indians for
a sort of bread, and by the negroes as an ingredient in
making beer; -- called also bamboo brier and China brier.
[1913 Webster]

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