socket 370
Socket 370

(PGA370) A physical and
electrical specification for a motherboard processor
socket. Socket 370 uses a square SPGA ZIF socket with 370
pins, arranged 37x37 (sometimes described as 19x19).

Intel originally designed Socket 370 for PPGA Celeron
processors. Newer Socket 370 motherboards additionally
support FC-PGA Celeron and Pentium III processors.

The difference between the two versions is electrical;
some pins are used differently and voltage requirements have
been changed from Intel's VRM 8.2 to VRM 8.4. In
addition, Celeron processors require a 66 MHz front side bus
(FSB), and Pentium III processors require a 100/133 MHz FSB.

Some older Socket 370 motherboards support VRM 8.4 and
variable bus speeds, so adapters are available that convert
the socket pinout to allow FC-PGA processors to work.

VIA's Cyrix III processor was designed to work with
Socket 370 motherboards.

{Intel Celeron Processor in PPGA form factor - Integration

{Pentium III Processors - Design Guidelines

podobné slovodefinícia
socket 370
Socket 370

(PGA370) A physical and
electrical specification for a motherboard processor
socket. Socket 370 uses a square SPGA ZIF socket with 370
pins, arranged 37x37 (sometimes described as 19x19).

Intel originally designed Socket 370 for PPGA Celeron
processors. Newer Socket 370 motherboards additionally
support FC-PGA Celeron and Pentium III processors.

The difference between the two versions is electrical;
some pins are used differently and voltage requirements have
been changed from Intel's VRM 8.2 to VRM 8.4. In
addition, Celeron processors require a 66 MHz front side bus
(FSB), and Pentium III processors require a 100/133 MHz FSB.

Some older Socket 370 motherboards support VRM 8.4 and
variable bus speeds, so adapters are available that convert
the socket pinout to allow FC-PGA processors to work.

VIA's Cyrix III processor was designed to work with
Socket 370 motherboards.

{Intel Celeron Processor in PPGA form factor - Integration

{Pentium III Processors - Design Guidelines


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