
The integration of modem controller and data pump
algorithms into a single RAM-based DSP hardware
architecture. These integrated algorithms are stored on the
computer's hard disk, from which they are downloaded into the
DSP board's random-access memory (RAM). This downloading, or
"booting" process of the PC-installed software algorithms
occurs as part of the computer's power-up initialisation
process in less than 100 milliseconds, making it transparent
to the user.

[Digicom Modem FAQ version 2.03].
podobné slovodefinícia

The integration of modem controller and data pump
algorithms into a single RAM-based DSP hardware
architecture. These integrated algorithms are stored on the
computer's hard disk, from which they are downloaded into the
DSP board's random-access memory (RAM). This downloading, or
"booting" process of the PC-installed software algorithms
occurs as part of the computer's power-up initialisation
process in less than 100 milliseconds, making it transparent
to the user.

[Digicom Modem FAQ version 2.03].

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