
Sun Microsystems, Inc.'s version of the
Unix operating system. As well as the core operating
system, Solaris inludes networking software, the {Java Virtual
Machine}, the CDE/Desktop that includes an X11-based
windowing environment and graphical user interface.

Sun claim that Solaris is not just an operating system but an
"operating environment".

Solaris 1.x was a retroactive (marketing?) name for SunOS
4.1.x (where x>=1).

Solaris 2.x (which is the first version most people call
"Solaris") includes SunOS5.x, which is an SVR4-derived Unix,
OpenWindows 3.x, and tooltalk.


podobné slovodefinícia
solarisation, n:
solarise, v:
n 1: exposure to the rays of the sun [syn: solarization,
v 1: reverse some of the tones of (a negative or print) and
introduce pronounced outlines of highlights, by exposing it
briefly to light, then washing and redeveloping it [syn:
solarize, solarise]
2: become overexposed; "The film solarized" [syn: solarize,
3: overexpose to sunlight; "be careful not to solarize the
photographic film" [syn: solarize, solarise]
4: expose to the rays of the sun or affect by exposure to the
sun; "insolated paper may turn yellow and crumble"; "These
herbs suffer when sunned" [syn: sun, insolate,
solarize, solarise]

Sun Microsystems, Inc.'s version of the
Unix operating system. As well as the core operating
system, Solaris inludes networking software, the {Java Virtual
Machine}, the CDE/Desktop that includes an X11-based
windowing environment and graphical user interface.

Sun claim that Solaris is not just an operating system but an
"operating environment".

Solaris 1.x was a retroactive (marketing?) name for SunOS
4.1.x (where x>=1).

Solaris 2.x (which is the first version most people call
"Solaris") includes SunOS5.x, which is an SVR4-derived Unix,
OpenWindows 3.x, and tooltalk.



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