spore,spora n: Zdeněk Brož
spore,zárodečná buňka n: Zdeněk Brož
Spore \Spore\ (sp[=o]r), n. [Gr. ? a sowing, seed, from ? to
sow. Cf. Sperm.]
1. (Bot.)
(a) One of the minute grains in flowerless plants, which
are analogous to seeds, as serving to reproduce the
[1913 Webster]

Note: Spores are produced differently in the different
classes of cryptogamous plants, and as regards their
nature are often so unlike that they have only their
minuteness in common. The peculiar spores of diatoms
(called auxospores) increase in size, and at length
acquire a siliceous coating, thus becoming new diatoms
of full size. Compare Macrospore, Microspore,
Oospore, Resting spore, Sphaerospore,
Swarmspore, Tetraspore, Zoospore, and
[1913 Webster]
(b) An embryo sac or embryonal vesicle in the ovules of
flowering plants.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.)
(a) A minute grain or germ; a small, round or ovoid body,
formed in certain organisms, and by germination giving
rise to a new organism; as, the reproductive spores of
bacteria, etc.
(b) One of the parts formed by fission in certain
Protozoa. See Spore formation, belw.
[1913 Webster]

Spore formation.
(a) (Biol) A mode of reproduction resembling multiple
fission, common among Protozoa, in which the organism
breaks up into a number of pieces, or spores, each of
which eventually develops into an organism like the
parent form. --Balfour.
(b) The formation of reproductive cells or spores, as in
the growth of bacilli.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a small usually single-celled asexual reproductive body
produced by many nonflowering plants and fungi and some
bacteria and protozoans and that are capable of developing
into a new individual without sexual fusion; "a sexual
spore is formed after the fusion of gametes"
podobné slovodefinícia
ascospore,askospora Zdeněk Brož
carpospore, n:
chlamydospore, n:
class cyclosporeae
class Cyclosporeae, n:
conidiospore, n:
endospore,endospora Zdeněk Brož
endospore-forming bacteria
endospore-forming bacteria, n:
exospore,exospora [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
macrospore, n:
megaspore, n:
microspore,mikrospora Zdeněk Brož
monospore isolate
monospore isolate,monosporový izolát [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
myxospore,myxospora [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
oospore, n:
round-spored gyromitra
round-spored gyromitra, n:
spore,spora n: Zdeněk Brožspore,zárodečná buňka n: Zdeněk Brož
spore case
spore case, n:
spore mother cell
spore mother cell, n:
spore sac
spore sac, n:
spore-forming microorganism
spore-forming microorganism,sporulující mikroorganismus [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
spores,zárodečné buňky Zdeněk Brož
teliospore, n:
tetraspore, n:
zoospore,zoospora Zdeněk Brož
zygospore, n:
důkaz sporem
důkaz sporem,proof by contradiction[fráz.] [mat.] Ivan Masár
Acrospore \Ac"ro*spore\, n. [Gr. ? + ? fruit.] (Bot.)
A spore borne at the extremity of the cells of fructification
in fungi.
[1913 Webster]
Androspore \An"dro*spore\, n. [Gr. 'anh`r, 'andro`s, a man + ? a
seed.] (Bot.)
A spore of some alg[ae], which has male functions.
[1913 Webster]
Anisospore \An"i*so*spore`\, n. [Gr. ? priv. + isospore.]
A sexual spore in which the sexes differ in size; -- opposed
to isospore.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
archespore \archespore\ n.
same as archesporium.

Syn: archesporium.
[WordNet 1.5]
Arthrospore \Ar"thro*spore\, n. [Gr. ? joint + E. spore.]
1. A bacterial resting cell, -- formerly considered a spore,
but now known to occur even in endosporous bacteria.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. one of the small conidia occurring arranged in chains in
certain fungi. Called also oidium.
[PJC] -- Ar`thro*spor"ic, Ar*thros"po*rous, a.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ascospore \As"co*spore\, n. [Ascus + spore.] (Bot.)
One of the spores contained in the asci of lichens and fungi.
[See Illust. of Ascus.]
[1913 Webster] ascosporic
Spore \Spore\ (sp[=o]r), n. [Gr. ? a sowing, seed, from ? to
sow. Cf. Sperm.]
1. (Bot.)
(a) One of the minute grains in flowerless plants, which
are analogous to seeds, as serving to reproduce the
[1913 Webster]

Note: Spores are produced differently in the different
classes of cryptogamous plants, and as regards their
nature are often so unlike that they have only their
minuteness in common. The peculiar spores of diatoms
(called auxospores) increase in size, and at length
acquire a siliceous coating, thus becoming new diatoms
of full size. Compare Macrospore, Microspore,
Oospore, Resting spore, Sphaerospore,
Swarmspore, Tetraspore, Zoospore, and
[1913 Webster]
(b) An embryo sac or embryonal vesicle in the ovules of
flowering plants.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.)
(a) A minute grain or germ; a small, round or ovoid body,
formed in certain organisms, and by germination giving
rise to a new organism; as, the reproductive spores of
bacteria, etc.
(b) One of the parts formed by fission in certain
Protozoa. See Spore formation, belw.
[1913 Webster]

Spore formation.
(a) (Biol) A mode of reproduction resembling multiple
fission, common among Protozoa, in which the organism
breaks up into a number of pieces, or spores, each of
which eventually develops into an organism like the
parent form. --Balfour.
(b) The formation of reproductive cells or spores, as in
the growth of bacilli.
[1913 Webster]
Basidiospore \Ba*sid"i*o*spore\, n. [Basidium + spore.] (Bot.)
A spore borne by a basidium. -- Ba*sid`i*o*spor"ous, a.
[1913 Webster]
Brand spore
Brand spore \Brand" spore`\ (Bot.)
One of several spores growing in a series or chain, and
produced by one of the fungi called brand.
[1913 Webster]
Carpospore \Car"po*spore\, n. [Gr. karpo`s + -spore.] (Bot.)
A kind of spore formed in the conceptacles of red alg[ae]. --
Car`po*spor"ic, a.
[1913 Webster] carposporic
Cercosporella \Cercosporella\ n.
form genus of imperfect fungi lacking pigment in the spores
and conidiophores.

Syn: genus Cercosporella.
[WordNet 1.5]
clamydospore \clamydospore\ n.
a thick-walled asexual resting spore of certain fungi and
[WordNet 1.5]
Cyclosporeae \Cyclosporeae\ n.
in more recent classifications superseded by the order

Syn: class Cyclosporeae.
[WordNet 1.5] cyclosporin
Diaspore \Di"a*spore\, n. [From Gr. ? a scattering; dia`
through, asunder + ? to sow, scatter like seed: cf. F.
diaspore.] (Min.)
A hydrate of alumina, often occurring in white lamellar
masses with brilliant pearly luster; -- so named on account
of its decrepitating when heated before the blowpipe.
[1913 Webster]
Endospore \En"do*spore\, n. [Endo- + spore.] (Bot.)
The thin inner coat of certain spores.
[1913 Webster]
Epispore \Ep"i*spore\, n. [Pref. epi- + spore.] (Bot.)
The thickish outer coat of certain spores.
[1913 Webster]
Exospore \Ex`o*spore\, n. [Exo + spore.] (Biol.)
The extreme outer wall of a spore; the epispore.
[1913 Webster]
Isospore \I"so*spore\, n. (Biol.)
(a) One of the spores produced by an isosporous organism.
(b) A zygospore.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Macrospore \Mac"ro*spore\, n. [Macro- + spore.] (Bot.)
One of the specially large spores of certain flowerless
plants, as Selaginella, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Macrozoospore \Mac`ro*zo"o*spore\, n. [Macro- + zoospore.]
A large motile spore having four vibratile cilia; -- found in
certain green algae.
[1913 Webster]
Microspore \Mi"cro*spore\ (m[imac]"kr[-o]*sp[=o]r), n. [Micro- +
spore.] (Bot.)
One of the exceedingly minute spores found in certain
flowerless plants, as Selaginella and Isoetes, which bear
two kinds of spores, one very much smaller than the other.
Cf. Macrospore.
[1913 Webster]
Microzoospore \Mi`cro*zo"o*spore\
(m[imac]`kr[-o]*z[=o]"[-o]*sp[=o]r), n. [Micro- + zoospore.]
A small motile spore furnished with two vibratile cilia,
found in certain green algae.
[1913 Webster]
Oospore \O"o*spore\, n. [Gr. w,'o`n an egg + ? a seed.] (Bot.)
(a) A special kind of spore resulting from the fertilization
of an oosphere by antherozoids.
(b) A fertilized oosphere in the ovule of a flowering plant.
[1913 Webster]
Perispore \Per"i*spore\, n. (Bot.)
The outer covering of a spore.
[1913 Webster]
Phaeospore \Ph[ae]"o*spore\, n. [Gr. faio`s dusky + E. spore.]
A brownish zoospore, characteristic of an order
(Ph[ae]ospore[ae]) of dark green or olive-colored alg[ae].
-- Ph[ae]`o*spor"ic, a.
[1913 Webster]
Pseudospore \Pseu"do*spore`\, n. [Pseudo- + spore.] (Bot.)
A peculiar reproductive cell found in some fungi.
[1913 Webster]
Resting spore
Resting \Rest"ing\,
a. & n. from Rest, v. t. & i.
[1913 Webster]

Resting spore (Bot.), a spore in certain orders of algae,
which remains quiescent, retaining its vitality, for long
periods of time. --C. E. Bessey.
[1913 Webster]
Seirospore \Sei"ro*spore\, n. [Gr. ??? a cord + E. spore.]
One of several spores arranged in a chain as in certain algae
of the genus Callithamnion.
[1913 Webster]
Spermatospore \Sper"ma*to*spore\, n.
Same as Spermospore.
[1913 Webster]
Spermospore \Sper"mo*spore\, n. [Spermo- + spore.] (Physiol.)
The male germinal or seminal cell, from the breaking up of
which the spermoblasts are formed and ultimately the
spermatozoids; a spermatospore. --Balfour.
[1913 Webster]
Sphaerospore \Sphae"ro*spore\, n. [Gr. ???? sphere + E. spore.]
One of the nonsexual spores found in red algae; a tetraspore.
[1913 Webster]
Spore formation
Spore \Spore\ (sp[=o]r), n. [Gr. ? a sowing, seed, from ? to
sow. Cf. Sperm.]
1. (Bot.)
(a) One of the minute grains in flowerless plants, which
are analogous to seeds, as serving to reproduce the
[1913 Webster]

Note: Spores are produced differently in the different
classes of cryptogamous plants, and as regards their
nature are often so unlike that they have only their
minuteness in common. The peculiar spores of diatoms
(called auxospores) increase in size, and at length
acquire a siliceous coating, thus becoming new diatoms
of full size. Compare Macrospore, Microspore,
Oospore, Resting spore, Sphaerospore,
Swarmspore, Tetraspore, Zoospore, and
[1913 Webster]
(b) An embryo sac or embryonal vesicle in the ovules of
flowering plants.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.)
(a) A minute grain or germ; a small, round or ovoid body,
formed in certain organisms, and by germination giving
rise to a new organism; as, the reproductive spores of
bacteria, etc.
(b) One of the parts formed by fission in certain
Protozoa. See Spore formation, belw.
[1913 Webster]

Spore formation.
(a) (Biol) A mode of reproduction resembling multiple
fission, common among Protozoa, in which the organism
breaks up into a number of pieces, or spores, each of
which eventually develops into an organism like the
parent form. --Balfour.
(b) The formation of reproductive cells or spores, as in
the growth of bacilli.
[1913 Webster]
spore fruit
Ascocarp \As"co*carp\, n. [Gr. 'asko`s a bladder + karpo`s
fruit.] (Bot.)
In ascomycetous fungi, the spherical, discoid, or cup-shaped
body within which the asci are collected, and which
constitutes the mature fructification. The different forms
are known in mycology under distinct names. Called also
spore fruit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Swarmspore \Swarm"spore`\, n.
1. (Bot.) One of innumerable minute, motile, reproductive
bodies, produced asexually by certain algae and fungi; a
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) One of the minute flagellate germs produced by the
sporulation of a protozoan; -- called also zoospore.
[1913 Webster]Zoospore \Zo"o*spore\, n. [Zoo- + spore.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A spore provided with one or more slender cilia, by
the vibration of which it swims in the water. Zoospores
are produced by many green, and by some olive-brown,
algae. In certain species they are divided into the larger
macrozoospores and the smaller microzoospores. Called also
sporozoid, and swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) See Swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]
Swarmspore \Swarm"spore`\, n.
1. (Bot.) One of innumerable minute, motile, reproductive
bodies, produced asexually by certain algae and fungi; a
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) One of the minute flagellate germs produced by the
sporulation of a protozoan; -- called also zoospore.
[1913 Webster]Zoospore \Zo"o*spore\, n. [Zoo- + spore.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A spore provided with one or more slender cilia, by
the vibration of which it swims in the water. Zoospores
are produced by many green, and by some olive-brown,
algae. In certain species they are divided into the larger
macrozoospores and the smaller microzoospores. Called also
sporozoid, and swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) See Swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]
Teleutospore \Te*leu"to*spore\, n. [Gr. ? completion + E.
spore.] (Bot.)
The thick-celled winter or resting spore of the rusts (order
Uredinales), produced in late summer. See Illust. of
[1913 Webster]
Tetraspore \Tet"ra*spore\, n. [Tetra- + spore.] (Bot.)
A nonsexual spore, one of a group of four regularly occurring
in red seaweeds. -- Tet`ra*spor"ic, a.
[1913 Webster]
Underspore \Un`der*spore"\, v. t.
To raise with a spar, or piece of wood, used as a lever.
[1913 Webster]

Give me a staff that I may underspore. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
Uredospore \U*re"do*spore\, n. (Bot.)
The thin-walled summer spore which is produced during the
so-called Uredo stage of certain rusts. See (in the
Supplement) Uredinales, Heter[oe]cious, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Swarmspore \Swarm"spore`\, n.
1. (Bot.) One of innumerable minute, motile, reproductive
bodies, produced asexually by certain algae and fungi; a
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) One of the minute flagellate germs produced by the
sporulation of a protozoan; -- called also zoospore.
[1913 Webster]Zoospore \Zo"o*spore\, n. [Zoo- + spore.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A spore provided with one or more slender cilia, by
the vibration of which it swims in the water. Zoospores
are produced by many green, and by some olive-brown,
algae. In certain species they are divided into the larger
macrozoospores and the smaller microzoospores. Called also
sporozoid, and swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) See Swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]
Swarmspore \Swarm"spore`\, n.
1. (Bot.) One of innumerable minute, motile, reproductive
bodies, produced asexually by certain algae and fungi; a
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) One of the minute flagellate germs produced by the
sporulation of a protozoan; -- called also zoospore.
[1913 Webster]Zoospore \Zo"o*spore\, n. [Zoo- + spore.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A spore provided with one or more slender cilia, by
the vibration of which it swims in the water. Zoospores
are produced by many green, and by some olive-brown,
algae. In certain species they are divided into the larger
macrozoospores and the smaller microzoospores. Called also
sporozoid, and swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) See Swarmspore.
[1913 Webster]
Zygospore \Zyg"o*spore\, n. [Gr. zygo`n a yoke + E. spore.]
(a) Same as Zygosperm.
(b) A spore formed by the union of several zoospores; --
called also zygozoospore.
[1913 Webster]
Zygospore \Zyg"o*spore\, n. [Gr. zygo`n a yoke + E. spore.]
(a) Same as Zygosperm.
(b) A spore formed by the union of several zoospores; --
called also zygozoospore.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: spore of a rust fungus formed in an aecium
n 1: primitive cell or group of cells from which a mother cell
develops [syn: archespore, archesporium]
n 1: a body that resembles a spore but is not an endospore;
produced by some bacteria
2: one of a string of thick walled vegetative resting cells
formed by some algae and fungi
n 1: sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus
n 1: a sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium
n 1: a nonmotile spore of red algae
n 1: form genus of imperfect fungi lacking pigment in the spores
and conidiophores [syn: Cercosporella, {genus

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