slovo | definícia |
Statoblast (gcide) | Statoblast \Stat"o*blast\ (st[a^]t"[-o]*bl[a^]st), n. [Gr.
stato`s standing (i. e., remaining) + -blast.] (Zool.)
One of a peculiar kind of internal buds, or germs, produced
in the interior of certain Bryozoa and sponges, especially in
the fresh-water species; -- also called winter buds.
[1913 Webster]
Note: They are protected by a firm covering, and are usually
destined to perpetuate the species during the winter
season. They burst open and develop in the spring. In
some fresh-water sponges they serve to preserve the
species during the dry season. See Illust. under
[1913 Webster] |
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