Stern fast
Stern \Stern\, a.
Being in the stern, or being astern; as, the stern davits.
[1913 Webster]

Stern board (Naut.), a going or falling astern; a loss of
way in making a tack; as, to make a stern board. See
Board, n., 8
(b) .

Stern chase. (Naut.)
(a) See under Chase, n.
(b) A stern chaser.

Stern chaser (Naut.), a cannon placed in a ship's stern,
pointing backward, and intended to annoy a ship that is in

Stern fast (Naut.), a rope used to confine the stern of a
ship or other vessel, as to a wharf or buoy.

Stern frame (Naut.), the framework of timber forms the
stern of a ship.

Stern knee. See Sternson.

Stern port (Naut.), a port, or opening, in the stern of a

Stern sheets (Naut.), that part of an open boat which is
between the stern and the aftmost seat of the rowers, --
usually furnished with seats for passengers.

Stern wheel, a paddle wheel attached to the stern of the
steamboat which it propels.
[1913 Webster]
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