steve jobs
Steve Jobs

Steven P. Jobs (born 1955-02-24, died 2011-10-05).
The co-founder and ex-president of Apple Computer, leader of
the team that produced the Macintosh.

In 1979, when he was president of Apple, Steven Jobs saw a
demonstration of Smalltalk at Xerox's {Palo Alto Research
Center}. He and other Apple employees were "very impressed
with the unique and revolutionary user-friendly design".

The first Macintosh was released in January 1984. Jobs
described it as insanely great.

Jobs was ousted from Apple in 1985 and founded Next, Inc..
In December 1996 he was re-employed by Apple when they bought

See also lithium lick, Mathematica.

podobné slovodefinícia
steve jobs
Steve Jobs

Steven P. Jobs (born 1955-02-24, died 2011-10-05).
The co-founder and ex-president of Apple Computer, leader of
the team that produced the Macintosh.

In 1979, when he was president of Apple, Steven Jobs saw a
demonstration of Smalltalk at Xerox's {Palo Alto Research
Center}. He and other Apple employees were "very impressed
with the unique and revolutionary user-friendly design".

The first Macintosh was released in January 1984. Jobs
described it as insanely great.

Jobs was ousted from Apple in 1985 and founded Next, Inc..
In December 1996 he was re-employed by Apple when they bought

See also lithium lick, Mathematica.


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