- výš, skôr
Supra \Su"pra\, adv. [L.; akin to super. See Super-.]
Over; above; before; also, beyond; besides; -- much used as a
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
- výš, skôr
glandula suprarenalis
Capsule \Cap"sule\ (k[a^]p"s[=u]l), n. [L. capsula a little box
or chest, fr. capsa chest, case, fr. capere to take, contain:
cf. F. capsule.]
1. (Bot.) a dry fruit or pod which is made up of several
parts or carpels, and opens to discharge the seeds, as,
the capsule of the poppy, the flax, the lily, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.)
(a) A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples
of ores, etc.; a scorifier.
(b) a small, shallow, evaporating dish, usually of
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous
envelope in which nauseous or acrid doses are inclosed to
be swallowed.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an
organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye.
Also, a capsulelike organ.
[1913 Webster]

5. A metallic seal or cover for closing a bottle.
[1913 Webster]

6. A small cup or shell, as of metal, for a percussion cap,
cartridge, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Atrabiliary capsule. See under Atrabiliary.

Glisson's capsule, a membranous envelope, entering the
liver along with the portal vessels and insheathing the
latter in their course through the organ.

Suprarenal capsule, a ductless gland secreting epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and steroid hormones, on the upper end of
each kidney. It is also called the adrenal gland,
glandula suprarenalis, suprarenal gland, epinephros,
atrabiliary capsule, and adrenal capsule.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Supra \Su"pra\, adv. [L.; akin to super. See Super-.]
Over; above; before; also, beyond; besides; -- much used as a
[1913 Webster]
Supra-acromial \Su`pra-a*cro"mi*al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the acromial process of the scapula.
[1913 Webster]
Supra-angular \Su`pra-an"gu*lar\, a. (Anat.)
See Surangular.
[1913 Webster]
Supra-auricular \Su`pra-au*ric"u*lar\, a. (Zool.)
Situated above the ear coverts, or auriculars; -- said of
certain feathers of birds. -- n. A supra-auricular feather.
[1913 Webster]
Supra-axillary \Su"pra-ax"il*la*ry\, a. (Bot.)
Growing above the axil; inserted above the axil, as a
peduncle. See Suprafoliaceous.
[1913 Webster]
Suprabranchial \Su`pra*bran"chi*al\, a. (Zool.)
Situated above the branchiae; -- applied especially to the
upper division of the gill cavity of bivalve mollusks.
[1913 Webster] Suprachoroid
Suprachoroid \Su`pra*cho"roid\, Suprachoroidal
\Su`pra*cho*roid"al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the choroid; -- applied to the layer of the
choroid coat of the eyeball next to the sclerotic.
[1913 Webster]
Suprachoroid \Su`pra*cho"roid\, Suprachoroidal
\Su`pra*cho*roid"al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the choroid; -- applied to the layer of the
choroid coat of the eyeball next to the sclerotic.
[1913 Webster]
Supraciliary \Su`pra*cil"i*a*ry\, a. (Anat.)
[1913 Webster]
Supraclavicle \Su`pra*clav"i*cle\, n. (Anat.)
A bone which usually connects the clavicle with the
post-temporal in the pectorial arch of fishes.
[1913 Webster]
Supraclavicular \Su`pra*cla*vic"u*lar\, a. (Anat.)
(a) Situated above the clavicle.
(b) Of or pertaining to the supraclavicle.
[1913 Webster] Supracondylar
Supracondylar \Su`pra*con"dy*lar\, Supracondyloid
\Su`pra*con"dy*loid\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above a condyle or condyles.
[1913 Webster]
Supracondylar \Su`pra*con"dy*lar\, Supracondyloid
\Su`pra*con"dy*loid\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above a condyle or condyles.
[1913 Webster]
Supracostal \Su`pra*cos"tal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or on the outside of, the ribs.
[1913 Webster]
Supracranial \Su`pra*cra"ni*al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or in the roof of, the cranium.
[1913 Webster]
Supracretaceous \Su`pra*cre*ta"ceous\, a. (Geol.)
Lying above the chalk; Supercretaceous.
[1913 Webster]
Supradecompound \Su`pra*de*com"pound\, a. (Bot.)
More than decompound; divided many times.
[1913 Webster] Supra-esophagal
Supra-esophagal \Su`pra-e*soph"a*gal\, Supra-esophageal
\Su`pra-e`so*phag"e*al\, a. (Bot. & Zool.)
Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as,
the supra-esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also
supra-oesophagal, and supra-oesophageal.]
[1913 Webster]
Supra-esophagal \Su`pra-e*soph"a*gal\, Supra-esophageal
\Su`pra-e`so*phag"e*al\, a. (Bot. & Zool.)
Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as,
the supra-esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also
supra-oesophagal, and supra-oesophageal.]
[1913 Webster]
Supra-ethmoid \Su`pra-eth"moid\, a. (Anat.)
Above, or on the dorsal side of, the ethmoid bone or
[1913 Webster]
Suprafoliaceous \Su`pra*fo`li*a"ceous\, a. (Bot.)
Inserted into the stem above the leaf, petiole, or axil, as a
peduncle or flower.
[1913 Webster]
Supraglotic \Su`pra*glot"ic\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the glottis; -- applied to that part of the
cavity of the larynx above the true vocal cords.
[1913 Webster]
Suprahepatic \Su`pra*he*pat"ic\, a. (Anat.)
Situated over, or on the dorsal side of, the liver; --
applied to the branches of the hepatic veins.
[1913 Webster]
Suprahyoid \Su`pra*hy"oid\, a. (Anat.)
[1913 Webster]
Supra-ilium \Su`pra-il"i*um\, n. (Anat.)
The cartilaginous cap at the sacral end of the ilium of some
[1913 Webster]
Supralapsarian \Su`pra*lap*sa"ri*an\, n. [Supra- + lapse: cf. F.
supralapsaire.] (Eccl. Hist.)
One of that class of Calvinists who believed that God's
decree of election determined that man should fall, in order
that the opportunity might be furnished of securing the
redemption of a part of the race, the decree of salvation
being conceived of as formed before or beyond, and not after
or following, the lapse, or fall. Cf. Infralapsarian.
[1913 Webster]Supralapsarian \Su`pra*lap*sa"ri*an\, a.
Of or pertaining to the Supralapsarians, or their doctrine.
[1913 Webster]
Supralapsarianism \Su`pra*lap*sa"ri*an*ism\, n.
The doctrine, belief, or principles of the Supralapsarians.
[1913 Webster]
Supralapsary \Su`pra*lap"sa*ry\, a.
[1913 Webster]Supralapsary \Su`pra*lap"sa*ry\, n.
A Supralapsarian.
[1913 Webster]
Supraloral \Su`pra*lo"ral\, a. (Zool.)
Situated above the lores; as, the supraloral feathers of a
bird. -- n. A supraloral feather.
[1913 Webster] Supralunar
Supralunar \Su`pra*lu"nar\, Supralunary \Su`pra*lu"na*ry\, a.
Beyond the moon; hence, very lofty.
[1913 Webster]
Supralunar \Su`pra*lu"nar\, Supralunary \Su`pra*lu"na*ry\, a.
Beyond the moon; hence, very lofty.
[1913 Webster]
Supramaxilla \Su`pra*max"il*la\, n.; pl. Supramaxillae.
The upper jaw or maxilla.
[1913 Webster]
Supramaxilla \Su`pra*max"il*la\, n.; pl. Supramaxillae.
The upper jaw or maxilla.
[1913 Webster]
Supramaxillary \Su`pra*max"il*la*ry\, a. (Anat.)
(a) Situated over the lower jaw; as, the supramaxillary
(b) Of or pertaining to the upper jaw.
[1913 Webster]
Supramundane \Su`pra*mun"dane\, a.
Being or situated above the world or above our system;
[1913 Webster]
Supernaturalism \Su`per*nat"u*ral*ism\, n.
1. The quality or state of being supernatural;
[1913 Webster]

2. (Theol.) The doctrine of a divine and supernatural agency
in the production of the miracles and revelations recorded
in the Bible, and in the grace which renews and sanctifies
men, -- in opposition to the doctrine which denies the
agency of any other than physical or natural causes in the
case. [Written also supranaturalism.]
[1913 Webster]Supranaturalism \Su`pra*nat"u*ral*ism\, n.
The state of being supernatural; belief in supernatural
agency or revelation; supernaturalism.
[1913 Webster]
Supernaturalism \Su`per*nat"u*ral*ism\, n.
1. The quality or state of being supernatural;
[1913 Webster]

2. (Theol.) The doctrine of a divine and supernatural agency
in the production of the miracles and revelations recorded
in the Bible, and in the grace which renews and sanctifies
men, -- in opposition to the doctrine which denies the
agency of any other than physical or natural causes in the
case. [Written also supranaturalism.]
[1913 Webster]Supranaturalism \Su`pra*nat"u*ral*ism\, n.
The state of being supernatural; belief in supernatural
agency or revelation; supernaturalism.
[1913 Webster]
Supranaturalist \Su`pra*nat"u*ral*ist\, n.
A supernaturalist.
[1913 Webster] SupranaturalistSupranaturalist \Su`pra*nat"u*ral*ist\, Supranaturalistic
\Su`pra*nat`u*ral*is"tic\, a.
Of or pertaining to supernaturalism; supernaturalistic.
[1913 Webster]
Supranaturalist \Su`pra*nat"u*ral*ist\, Supranaturalistic
\Su`pra*nat`u*ral*is"tic\, a.
Of or pertaining to supernaturalism; supernaturalistic.
[1913 Webster]
Supraoccipital \Su`pra*oc*cip"i*tal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated over, or in the upper part of, the occiput; of or
pertaining to the supraoccipital bone. -- n. The
supraoccipital bone.
[1913 Webster]

Supraoccipital bone (Anat.), a bone on the dorsal side of
the great foramen of the skull, usually forming a part of
the occipital in the adult, but distinct in the young.
[1913 Webster]
Supraoccipital bone
Supraoccipital \Su`pra*oc*cip"i*tal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated over, or in the upper part of, the occiput; of or
pertaining to the supraoccipital bone. -- n. The
supraoccipital bone.
[1913 Webster]

Supraoccipital bone (Anat.), a bone on the dorsal side of
the great foramen of the skull, usually forming a part of
the occipital in the adult, but distinct in the young.
[1913 Webster]
Supraocular \Su`pra*oc"u*lar\, a. (Zool.)
Above the eyes; -- said of certain scales of fishes and
[1913 Webster]
Supra-esophagal \Su`pra-e*soph"a*gal\, Supra-esophageal
\Su`pra-e`so*phag"e*al\, a. (Bot. & Zool.)
Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as,
the supra-esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also
supra-oesophagal, and supra-oesophageal.]
[1913 Webster]Supra-oesophagal \Su`pra-oe*soph"a*gal\, a. (Anat.)
See Supra-esophagal.
[1913 Webster] Supraorbital
Supra-esophagal \Su`pra-e*soph"a*gal\, Supra-esophageal
\Su`pra-e`so*phag"e*al\, a. (Bot. & Zool.)
Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as,
the supra-esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also
supra-oesophagal, and supra-oesophageal.]
[1913 Webster]Supra-oesophagal \Su`pra-oe*soph"a*gal\, a. (Anat.)
See Supra-esophagal.
[1913 Webster] Supraorbital
Supra-esophagal \Su`pra-e*soph"a*gal\, Supra-esophageal
\Su`pra-e`so*phag"e*al\, a. (Bot. & Zool.)
Situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the esophagus; as,
the supra-esophageal ganglion of Crustacea. [Written also
supra-oesophagal, and supra-oesophageal.]
[1913 Webster]
Supraorbital \Su`pra*or"bit*al\, Supraorbitar
\Su`pra*or"bit*ar\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the orbit of the eye.
[1913 Webster]

Supraorbital point (Anat.), the middle point of the
supraorbital line, which is a line drawn across the
narrowest part of the forehead, separating the face from
the cranium; the ophryon.
[1913 Webster]
Supraorbital point
Supraorbital \Su`pra*or"bit*al\, Supraorbitar
\Su`pra*or"bit*ar\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the orbit of the eye.
[1913 Webster]

Supraorbital point (Anat.), the middle point of the
supraorbital line, which is a line drawn across the
narrowest part of the forehead, separating the face from
the cranium; the ophryon.
[1913 Webster]
Supraorbital \Su`pra*or"bit*al\, Supraorbitar
\Su`pra*or"bit*ar\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the orbit of the eye.
[1913 Webster]

Supraorbital point (Anat.), the middle point of the
supraorbital line, which is a line drawn across the
narrowest part of the forehead, separating the face from
the cranium; the ophryon.
[1913 Webster]
Suprapedal \Su*prap"e*dal\, a. (Zool.)
Situated above the foot of a mollusk; as, the suprapedal
[1913 Webster]
Supraprotest \Su`pra*pro"test\, n. (Mercantile Law)
An acceptance of a bill by a third person after protest for
nonacceptance by the drawee. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster] Suprapubian
Suprapubian \Su`pra*pu"bi*an\, Suprapubic \Su`pra*pu"bic\, a.
Situated above, or anterior to, the pubic bone.
[1913 Webster]
Suprapubian \Su`pra*pu"bi*an\, Suprapubic \Su`pra*pu"bic\, a.
Situated above, or anterior to, the pubic bone.
[1913 Webster]
Suprarenal \Su`pra*re"nal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or anterior to, the kidneys. -- n. A
suprarenal capsule.
[1913 Webster]

Suprarenal capsules (Anat.), two small bodies of unknown
function in front of, or near, the kidneys in most
vertebrates. Also called renal capsules, and {suprarenal
[1913 Webster] Suprascalpular
suprarenal bodies
Suprarenal \Su`pra*re"nal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or anterior to, the kidneys. -- n. A
suprarenal capsule.
[1913 Webster]

Suprarenal capsules (Anat.), two small bodies of unknown
function in front of, or near, the kidneys in most
vertebrates. Also called renal capsules, and {suprarenal
[1913 Webster] Suprascalpular
Suprarenal capsule
Capsule \Cap"sule\ (k[a^]p"s[=u]l), n. [L. capsula a little box
or chest, fr. capsa chest, case, fr. capere to take, contain:
cf. F. capsule.]
1. (Bot.) a dry fruit or pod which is made up of several
parts or carpels, and opens to discharge the seeds, as,
the capsule of the poppy, the flax, the lily, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.)
(a) A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples
of ores, etc.; a scorifier.
(b) a small, shallow, evaporating dish, usually of
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous
envelope in which nauseous or acrid doses are inclosed to
be swallowed.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an
organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye.
Also, a capsulelike organ.
[1913 Webster]

5. A metallic seal or cover for closing a bottle.
[1913 Webster]

6. A small cup or shell, as of metal, for a percussion cap,
cartridge, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Atrabiliary capsule. See under Atrabiliary.

Glisson's capsule, a membranous envelope, entering the
liver along with the portal vessels and insheathing the
latter in their course through the organ.

Suprarenal capsule, a ductless gland secreting epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and steroid hormones, on the upper end of
each kidney. It is also called the adrenal gland,
glandula suprarenalis, suprarenal gland, epinephros,
atrabiliary capsule, and adrenal capsule.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Suprarenal capsules
Suprarenal \Su`pra*re"nal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or anterior to, the kidneys. -- n. A
suprarenal capsule.
[1913 Webster]

Suprarenal capsules (Anat.), two small bodies of unknown
function in front of, or near, the kidneys in most
vertebrates. Also called renal capsules, and {suprarenal
[1913 Webster] Suprascalpular
suprarenal gland
Capsule \Cap"sule\ (k[a^]p"s[=u]l), n. [L. capsula a little box
or chest, fr. capsa chest, case, fr. capere to take, contain:
cf. F. capsule.]
1. (Bot.) a dry fruit or pod which is made up of several
parts or carpels, and opens to discharge the seeds, as,
the capsule of the poppy, the flax, the lily, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.)
(a) A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples
of ores, etc.; a scorifier.
(b) a small, shallow, evaporating dish, usually of
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous
envelope in which nauseous or acrid doses are inclosed to
be swallowed.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an
organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye.
Also, a capsulelike organ.
[1913 Webster]

5. A metallic seal or cover for closing a bottle.
[1913 Webster]

6. A small cup or shell, as of metal, for a percussion cap,
cartridge, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Atrabiliary capsule. See under Atrabiliary.

Glisson's capsule, a membranous envelope, entering the
liver along with the portal vessels and insheathing the
latter in their course through the organ.

Suprarenal capsule, a ductless gland secreting epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and steroid hormones, on the upper end of
each kidney. It is also called the adrenal gland,
glandula suprarenalis, suprarenal gland, epinephros,
atrabiliary capsule, and adrenal capsule.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Suprascalpular \Su`pra*scalp"u*lar\, Suprascalpulary
\Su`pra*scalp"u*la*ry\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or on the anterior side of, the scapula.
[1913 Webster]
Suprascalpular \Su`pra*scalp"u*lar\, Suprascalpulary
\Su`pra*scalp"u*la*ry\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or on the anterior side of, the scapula.
[1913 Webster]
Suprasphenoidal \Su`pra*sphe*noid"al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the sphenoidal bone; as, the suprasphenoidal
appendage, or pituitary body.
[1913 Webster]
Supraspinal \Su`pra*spi"nal\, a. (Anat.)
(a) Situated above the vertebral column.
(b) Situated above a spine or spines; supraspinate;
[1913 Webster] Supraspinate
Supraspinate \Su`pra*spi"nate\, Supraspinous \Su`pra*spi"nous\,
a. (Anat.)
Situated above a spine or spines; especially, situated above,
or on the dorsal side of, the neural spines of the vertebral
column, or above, or in front of, the spine of the scapula.
[1913 Webster]
Supraspinate \Su`pra*spi"nate\, Supraspinous \Su`pra*spi"nous\,
a. (Anat.)
Situated above a spine or spines; especially, situated above,
or on the dorsal side of, the neural spines of the vertebral
column, or above, or in front of, the spine of the scapula.
[1913 Webster]
Suprastapedial \Su`pra*sta*pe"di*al\, a. (Anat.)
Of, pertaining to, or designating, that part of the columella
of the ear which projects above the connection with the
stapes, as in many animals. -- n. The suprastapedial part of
the columella.
[1913 Webster]
Suprasternal \Su`pra*ster"nal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above, or anterior to, the sternum.
[1913 Webster]
Supratemporal \Su`pra*tem"po*ral\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above the temporal bone or temporal fossa. -- n. A
supratemporal bone.
[1913 Webster]
Supratrochlear \Su`pra*troch"le*ar\, a. (Anat.)
Situated over or above a trochlea or trochlear surface; --
applied esp. to one of the subdivisions of the trigeminal
[1913 Webster]
Supravaginal \Su`pra*vag"i*nal\, a. (Anat.)
Situated above or outside a sheath or vaginal membrane.
[1913 Webster]
Supravision \Su`pra*vi"sion\, n.
Supervision. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Supravisor \Su`pra*vis"or\, n.
A supervisor. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Supravulgar \Su`pra*vul"gar\, a.
Being above the vulgar or common people. [R.] --Collier.
[1913 Webster]
ACCEPTOR SUPRA PROTEST, in contracts, is a third person, who, after protest
for non-acceptance by the drawee, accepts the bill for the honor of the
drawer, or of the particular endorser.
2. By this acceptance he subjects himself to the same obligations as if
the bill had been directed to him. An acceptor supra protest has his remedy
against the person for whose honor he accepted, and against all persons who
stand prior to that person. If he takes up the bill for the honor of the
endorser, he stands in the light of an endorsee paying full value for the
bill, and has the same remedies to which an endorsee would be entitled
against all prior parties, and he can, of course, sue the drawer and
endorser., 1 Ld. Raym. 574; 1 Esp. N. P. Rep. 112; Bayly on Bills, 209; 3
Kent. Com. 57; Chitty on Bills, 312. The acceptor supra protest is required
to give the same notice, in order to charge a party, which is necessary to
be given by other holders. 8 Pick. 1. 79; 1 Pet. R. 262. Such acceptor is
not liable, unless demand of payment is made on the drawee, and notice of
his refusal given. 3 Wend. 491.

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