tangible user interface
Tangible User Interface

An attempt to give physical form to digital
information, making bits directly manipulable and perceptible
by people. Tangible Interfaces will make bits accessible
through augmented physical surfaces (e.g. walls, desktops,
ceilings, windows), graspable objects (e.g. building blocks,
models, instruments) and ambient media (e.g. light, sound,
airflow, water-flow, kinetic sculpture) within physical

MIT Tangible Media Group (

podobné slovodefinícia
tangible user interface
Tangible User Interface

An attempt to give physical form to digital
information, making bits directly manipulable and perceptible
by people. Tangible Interfaces will make bits accessible
through augmented physical surfaces (e.g. walls, desktops,
ceilings, windows), graspable objects (e.g. building blocks,
models, instruments) and ambient media (e.g. light, sound,
airflow, water-flow, kinetic sculpture) within physical

MIT Tangible Media Group (


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