slovo | definícia |
tcode (foldoc) | Tcode
Intermediate language used by the Spineless Tagless G-machine
(an abstract machine based on graph reduction) designed as a
target for compilation of non-strict functional languages.
"The Spineless tagless G- machine", S. Peyton Jones et al,
Fourth Intl Conf Func Prog Langs and Comp Arch pp.184-201, ACM
Sept 1989.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
postcode (mass) | postcode
- PSČ |
postcode (encz) | postcode,PSČ n: Zdeněk Brož |
postcodes (encz) | postcodes,PSČ n: pl. Zdeněk Brož |
postcode (wn) | postcode
n 1: a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to
aid in the sorting of mail [syn: ZIP code, ZIP,
postcode, postal code] |
intcode (foldoc) | INTCODE
A low-level interpreted language used in
bootstrapping the BCPL compiler. The INTCODE machine has six
control registers and eight functions. OCODE was used as the
intermediate language.
["INTCODE - An Interpretive Machine Code for BCPL",
M. Richards, Computer Lab, U Cambridge 1972].
["BCPL - The Language and its Compiler", Martin Richards &
Colin Whitby-Stevens, Cambridge U Press 1979].
tcode (foldoc) | Tcode
Intermediate language used by the Spineless Tagless G-machine
(an abstract machine based on graph reduction) designed as a
target for compilation of non-strict functional languages.
"The Spineless tagless G- machine", S. Peyton Jones et al,
Fourth Intl Conf Func Prog Langs and Comp Arch pp.184-201, ACM
Sept 1989.