Telamones \Tel`a*mo"nes\, n. pl. [L., pl. of telamo or telamon,
Gr. ? a bearer, fr. ? to bear.] (Arch.)
Same as Atlantes.
[1913 Webster]
Atlantes \At*lan"tes\, n. pl. [L., fr. Gr. ?, pl. of ?. See
Atlas.] (Arch.)
Figures or half figures of men, used as columns to support an
entablature; -- called also telamones. See Caryatides.
--Oxf. Gloss.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Telamones \Tel`a*mo"nes\, n. pl. [L., pl. of telamo or telamon,
Gr. ? a bearer, fr. ? to bear.] (Arch.)
Same as Atlantes.
[1913 Webster]Atlantes \At*lan"tes\, n. pl. [L., fr. Gr. ?, pl. of ?. See
Atlas.] (Arch.)
Figures or half figures of men, used as columns to support an
entablature; -- called also telamones. See Caryatides.
--Oxf. Gloss.
[1913 Webster]

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