Terminer \Ter"mi*ner\, n. [F. terminer to bound, limit, end. See
Terminate.] (Law)
A determining; as, in oyer and terminer. See Oyer.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
determiner,determinant n: Pino
Determiner \De*ter"min*er\, n.
One who, or that which, determines or decides.
[1913 Webster]
Oyer and terminer
Oyer \O"yer\, n. [Anglo F., a hearing, from OF. o["i]r, F.
ou["i]r, to hear, L. audire. See Audible.] (Law)
A hearing or an inspection, as of a deed, bond, etc., as when
a defendant in court prays oyer of a writing. --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]

Oyer and terminer (Law), a term used in England in
commissions directed to judges of assize about to hold
court, directing them to hear and determine cases brought
before them. In the U.S. the phrase is used to designate
certain criminal courts.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an argument that is conclusive [syn: clincher,
determiner, determining factor]
2: one of a limited class of noun modifiers that determine the
referents of noun phrases [syn: determiner,
3: a determining or causal element or factor; "education is an
important determinant of one's outlook on life" [syn:
determinant, determiner, determinative, {determining
factor}, causal factor]

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