slovo | definícia |
Thuja gigantea (gcide) | Thuja \Thu"ja\ (th[=u]"j[.a]), n. [NL., from Gr. qyi`a an
African tree with sweet-smelling wood.] (Bot.)
A genus of evergreen trees, thickly branched, remarkable for
the distichous arrangement of their branches, and having
scalelike, closely imbricated, or compressed leaves. [Written
also thuya.] See Thyine wood.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Thuja occidentalis is the Arbor vitae of the
Eastern and Northern United States. Thuja gigantea of
North-western America is a very large tree, there
called red cedar, and canoe cedar, and furnishes a
useful timber.
[1913 Webster] |
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