time division multiplexing
time division multiplexing
time division multiple access

(TDM) A type of multiplexing where two or
more channels of information are transmitted over the same
link by allocating a different time interval ("slot" or
"slice") for the transmission of each channel. I.e. the
channels take turns to use the link. Some kind of periodic
synchronising signal or distinguishing identifier is usually
required so that the receiver can tell which channel is which.

TDM becomes inefficient when traffic is intermittent because
the time slot is still allocated even when the channel has no
data to transmit. Statistical time division multiplexing
was developed to overcome this problem.

Compare wavelength division multiplexing, {frequency division
multiplexing}, code division multiplexing.

podobné slovodefinícia
statistical time division multiplexing
statistical time division multiplexing

(STDM, StatMUX) A system developed to
overcome some inefficiencies of standard {time division
multiplexing}, where time slices are still allocated to
channels, even if they have no information to transmit.

STDM uses a variable time slot length and by allowing channels
to vie for any free slot space. It employs a buffer memory
which temporarily stores the data during periods of peak
traffic. This scheme allows STDM to waste no high-speed line
time with inactive channels. STDM requires each transmission
to carry identification information (i.e. a channel
identifier). To reduce the cost of this overhead, a number of
characters for each channel are grouped together for

["Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems",
Halsall & Fred, Addison Wesley, p160-161, 1995].

["Digital, Analog, and Data Communication", Sinnema &
McGovern, Prentice Hall, p245, 1986].

time division multiplexing
time division multiplexing
time division multiple access

(TDM) A type of multiplexing where two or
more channels of information are transmitted over the same
link by allocating a different time interval ("slot" or
"slice") for the transmission of each channel. I.e. the
channels take turns to use the link. Some kind of periodic
synchronising signal or distinguishing identifier is usually
required so that the receiver can tell which channel is which.

TDM becomes inefficient when traffic is intermittent because
the time slot is still allocated even when the channel has no
data to transmit. Statistical time division multiplexing
was developed to overcome this problem.

Compare wavelength division multiplexing, {frequency division
multiplexing}, code division multiplexing.


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