toggle switch
toggle switch,kloubový spínač Zdeněk Brož
toggle switch
toggle switch,kolébkový spínač Zdeněk Brož
toggle switch
toggle switch,přepínač páčkový Zdeněk Brož
Toggle switch
Toggle switch \Tog"gle switch`\, n.
1. (Elec.) an electrical switch operated by pushing a lever
through a small angle of deflection. The lever has a
spring which returns it to its original position after the
pressure applied by the operator is released.

2. (Computer programming) A mechanism for acquiring input
from an operator, such that taking some action (such as
pressing a function key on a keyboard) will cause a
program variable to take a new value. The values are
usually changed in cyclic fashion, so that a certain
number of activations of the toggle returns the variable
to its initial value. When there are two values to the
variable, each activation of the toggle causes the
variable to assume the alternate value.
[1913 Webster]
toggle switch
toggle switch
n 1: a hinged switch that can assume either of two positions
[syn: toggle switch, toggle, on-off switch, {on/off
podobné slovodefinícia
toggle switch
toggle switch,kloubový spínač Zdeněk Brožtoggle switch,kolébkový spínač Zdeněk Brožtoggle switch,přepínač páčkový Zdeněk Brož
toggle switch
toggle switch
n 1: a hinged switch that can assume either of two positions
[syn: toggle switch, toggle, on-off switch, {on/off

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