slovo | definícia |
Tungsten lamp (gcide) | Tungsten lamp \Tung"sten lamp\
An electric glow lamp having filaments of metallic tungsten,
and contained in a glass bulb which is evacuated or has an
inert gas, to avoid oxidation of the tungsten; a common form
of light bulb. Such lamps, owing to the refractory nature of
the metal, may be maintained at a very high temperature and
require an expenditure of only about 1.25 watts per candle
power, depending on the total wattage and the design of the
bulb. By mid-20th century tungsten lamps became the most
common type of incandescent (as contrasted with fluorescent)
lamp; thus the phrase
incandescent lamp or
incandescent light typically refers to a tungsten lamp.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC] |
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