slovo | definícia |
Turkey oilstone (gcide) | Turkey \Tur"key\, pr. n. [Cf. 2d Turkey.]
A country in the southeast of Europe and southwest of Asia.
[1913 Webster]
Turkey carpet, a superior kind of carpet made in Asia Minor
and adjoining countries, having a deep pile and composed
of pure wool with a weft of different material. It is
distinguishable by its coloring and patterns from similar
carpets made in India and elsewhere.
Turkey oak. (Bot.) See Cerris.
Turkey red.
(a) A brilliant red imparted by madder to cottons, calicoes,
etc., the fiber of which has been prepared previously
with oil or other fatty matter.
(b) Cloth dyed with this red.
Turkey sponge. (Zool.) See Toilet sponge, under Sponge.
Turkey stone, a kind of oilstone from Turkey; novaculite;
-- called also Turkey oilstone.
[1913 Webster] |
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