
Universal Pascal Code. Intermediate language, a
generalisation of P-code for easier optimisation. Developed
originally for the Los Alamos Cray-1 and the Lawrence
Livermore S-1. A refined version currently used by MIPS
compilers is descended from one at Stanford U. "Machine
Independent Pascal Code Optimisation", D.R. Perkins et al,
SIGPLAN Notices 14(8): 201-201 (1979). "A Transporter's Guide
to the Stanford U-Code Compiler System", P. Nye et al, TR CSL
Stanford U, June 1983. (See HPcode).
podobné slovodefinícia
Manucode \Man"u*code\, n. [Javanese manukdewata the bird of the
gods: cf. F. manucode.] (Zool.)
Any bird of the genus Manucodia, of Australia and New
Guinea. They are related to the bird of paradise.
[1913 Webster]

Universal Pascal Code. Intermediate language, a
generalisation of P-code for easier optimisation. Developed
originally for the Los Alamos Cray-1 and the Lawrence
Livermore S-1. A refined version currently used by MIPS
compilers is descended from one at Stanford U. "Machine
Independent Pascal Code Optimisation", D.R. Perkins et al,
SIGPLAN Notices 14(8): 201-201 (1979). "A Transporter's Guide
to the Stanford U-Code Compiler System", P. Nye et al, TR CSL
Stanford U, June 1983. (See HPcode).

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