- dobrovoľný
voluntary,dobrovolný adj: Zdeněk Brož
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, n.; pl. Voluntaries.
1. One who engages in any affair of his own free will; a
volunteer. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mus.) A piece played by a musician, often extemporarily,
according to his fancy; specifically, an organ solo played
before, during, or after divine service.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Eccl.) One who advocates voluntaryism.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of your own free will or design; done by choice; not
forced or compelled; "man is a voluntary agent";
"participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter";
"voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary
social workers"; "a voluntary confession" [ant:
involuntary, nonvoluntary, unvoluntary]
2: controlled by individual volition; "voluntary motions";
"voluntary muscles" [ant: involuntary]
n 1: (military) a person who freely enlists for service [syn:
volunteer, military volunteer, voluntary] [ant:
conscript, draftee, inductee]
2: composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument
(especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious
service or musical performance
VOLUNTARY. Willingly; done with one's consent; negligently. Wolff, Sec. 5.
2. To render an act criminal or tortious it must be voluntary. If a
man, therefore, kill another without a will on his part, while engaged in
the performance of a lawful act, and having taken proper care to prevent it,
he is not guilty of any crime. And if he commit an injury to the person or
property of another, he is not liable for damages, unless the act has been
voluntary or through negligence, as when a collision takes place between two
ships without any fault in either. 2 Dobs. R. 83 3 Hagg. Adm. R. 320, 414.
3. When the crime or injury happens in the performance of an unlawful
act, the party will be considered as having acted voluntarily.
4. A negligent escape permitted by an officer having the custody of a
prisoner will be presumed as voluntary; under a declaration or count
charging the escape to have been voluntary, the party will, therefore, be
allowed to give a negligent escape in evidence. 1 Saund. 35, n. 1. So Will.

podobné slovodefinícia
- dobrovoľný
freedom from involuntary servitude
freedom from involuntary servitude, n:
involuntary,bezděčný adj: PetrVinvoluntary,nedobrovolný adj: Zdeněk Brožinvoluntary,nechtěný adj: Zdeněk Brož
involuntary muscle
involuntary muscle, n:
involuntary risk
involuntary risk,nedobrovolné riziko [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
involuntary trust
involuntary trust, n:
nonvoluntary, adj:
unvoluntary, adj:
voluntary,dobrovolný adj: Zdeněk Brož
voluntary agreements
voluntary agreements,dobrovolné dohody [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
voluntary contribution account
voluntary contribution account,
voluntary departure program
voluntary departure program,
voluntary departure scheme
voluntary departure scheme,
voluntary export restraints
voluntary export restraints,
voluntary export restriction
voluntary export restriction,dobrovolné dovozní omezení [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
voluntary muscle
voluntary muscle, n:
voluntary repayment
voluntary repayment,
voluntary repurchase
voluntary repurchase,
Involuntary \In*vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. involuntarius. See In-
not, and Voluntary.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Not having will or the power of choice.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not under the influence or control of the will; not
voluntary; as, the involuntary movements of the body;
involuntary muscle fibers.
[1913 Webster]

3. Not proceeding from choice; done unwillingly; reluctant;
compulsory; as, involuntary submission. Involute
Unvoluntary \Un*vol"un*ta*ry\, a.
Involuntary. [Obs.] --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, n.; pl. Voluntaries.
1. One who engages in any affair of his own free will; a
volunteer. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mus.) A piece played by a musician, often extemporarily,
according to his fancy; specifically, an organ solo played
before, during, or after divine service.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Eccl.) One who advocates voluntaryism.
[1913 Webster]
voluntary abortion
Abortion \A*bor"tion\ ([.a]*b[^o]r"sh[u^]n), n. [L. abortio, fr.
aboriri. See Abort.]
1. The act of giving premature birth; particularly, the
expulsion of the human fetus prematurely, or before it is
capable of sustaining life; miscarriage.
[1913 Webster]

2. The immature product of an untimely birth; a fetus which
has been delivered prematurely due to spontaneous or
voluntary abortion, and is dead.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

3. (Biol.) Arrest of development of any organ, so that it
remains an imperfect formation or is absorbed.
[1913 Webster]

4. Any fruit or produce that does not come to maturity, or
anything which in its progress, before it is matured or
perfect; a complete failure; as, his attempt proved an
[1913 Webster]

5. the removal of a fetus from the womb prior to normal
delivery in a manner such as to cause the death of the
fetus; also called voluntary abortion, or when performed
by a physician, therapeutic abortion.

Note: In the 1913 Webster there was the following note
appended to sense 1:
[hand] It is sometimes used for the offense of
procuring a premature delivery, but strictly the early
delivery is the abortion, "causing or procuring
abortion" is the full name of the offense. --Abbott.

6. something considered to be a repulsive or monstrous
variant of a normal object; a monstrosity.
Voluntary affidavit
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntary conveyance
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntary escape
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntary jurisdiction
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntary oath
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntary waste
Voluntary \Vol"un*ta*ry\, a. [L. voluntarius, fr. voluntas will,
choice, from the root of velle to will, p. pr. volens; akin
to E. will: cf. F. volontaire, Of. also voluntaire. See
Will, v. t., and cf. Benevolent, Volition,
1. Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of
[1913 Webster]

That sin or guilt pertains exclusively to voluntary
action is the true principle of orthodoxy. --N. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled
by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by
another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous;
acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
[1913 Webster]

Our voluntary service he requires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

She fell to lust a voluntary prey. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

3. Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed;
intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by
lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or
regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an
animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in
distinction from involuntary motions, such as the
movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers,
which are the agents in voluntary motion.
[1913 Webster]

5. Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary
[1913 Webster]

God did not work as a necessary, but a voluntary,
agent, intending beforehand, and decreeing with
himself, that which did outwardly proceed from him.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Law) Free; without compulsion; according to the will,
consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration;
gratuitous; without valuable consideration.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary
church, in distinction from an established or state
[1913 Webster]

Voluntary affidavit or Voluntary oath (Law), an affidavit
or oath made in an extrajudicial matter.

Voluntary conveyance (Law), a conveyance without valuable

Voluntary escape (Law), the escape of a prisoner by the
express consent of the sheriff.

Voluntary jurisdiction. (Eng. Eccl. Law) See {Contentious
jurisdiction}, under Contentious.

Voluntary waste. (Law) See Waste, n., 4.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Spontaneous.
[1913 Webster]
Voluntaryism \Vol"un*ta*ry*ism\, n. (Eccl.)
The principle of supporting a religious system and its
institutions by voluntary association and effort, rather than
by the aid or patronage of the state.
[1913 Webster]
freedom from involuntary servitude
freedom from involuntary servitude
n 1: a civil right guaranteed by the 13th amendment to the US
adj 1: not subject to the control of the will; "involuntary
manslaughter"; "involuntary servitude"; "an involuntary
shudder"; "It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They
sank my boat"- John F.Kennedy [syn: involuntary,
nonvoluntary, unvoluntary] [ant: voluntary]
2: controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious
control; "involuntary muscles"; "gave an involuntary start"
[ant: voluntary]
involuntary muscle
involuntary muscle
n 1: a muscle that contracts without conscious control and found
in walls of internal organs such as stomach and intestine
and bladder and blood vessels (excluding the heart) [syn:
smooth muscle, involuntary muscle]
involuntary trust
involuntary trust
n 1: a trust created by a court (regardless of the intent of the
parties) to benefit a party that has been wrongfully
deprived of its rights [syn: constructive trust,
involuntary trust]
adj 1: not subject to the control of the will; "involuntary
manslaughter"; "involuntary servitude"; "an involuntary
shudder"; "It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They
sank my boat"- John F.Kennedy [syn: involuntary,
nonvoluntary, unvoluntary] [ant: voluntary]
adj 1: not subject to the control of the will; "involuntary
manslaughter"; "involuntary servitude"; "an involuntary
shudder"; "It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They
sank my boat"- John F.Kennedy [syn: involuntary,
nonvoluntary, unvoluntary] [ant: voluntary]
adj 1: of your own free will or design; done by choice; not
forced or compelled; "man is a voluntary agent";
"participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter";
"voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary
social workers"; "a voluntary confession" [ant:
involuntary, nonvoluntary, unvoluntary]
2: controlled by individual volition; "voluntary motions";
"voluntary muscles" [ant: involuntary]
n 1: (military) a person who freely enlists for service [syn:
volunteer, military volunteer, voluntary] [ant:
conscript, draftee, inductee]
2: composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument
(especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious
service or musical performance
voluntary muscle
voluntary muscle
n 1: striated muscle that can be controlled voluntarily
INVOLUNTARY. An involuntary act is that which is performed with constraint,
(q. v.) or with repugnance, or without the will to do it. An action is
involuntary then, which is performed under duress. Wolff, Sec. 5. Vide

VOLUNTARY CONVEYANCE, contracts. The transfer of an estate made without any
adequate consideration of value.
2. Whenever a voluntary conveyance is made, a presumption of fraud
properly arises upon the statute of 27th Eliz. cap. 4, which presumption may
be repelled by showing that the transaction on which the conveyance was
founded, virtually contained some conventional stipulations, some compromise
of interests or reciprocity of benefits, that point out an object and motive
beyond the indulgence of affection or claims of kindred, and not
reconcilable with the supposition of intent to deceive a purchaser. But
unless so repelled, such a conveyance coupled with a subsequent negotiation
for sale, is conclusive evidence of statutory fraud. 5 Day, 223, 341; 1
Johns. Cas. 161; 4 John. Ch. R. 450; 3 Conn. 450; 4 Conn. 1; 4 John. R. 536;
15 John. R. 14; 2 Munf. R. 363. A distinction has been made between previous
and subsequent creditors; such a conveyance is void as to the former but not
as to the latter. 8 Wheat. 229; 3 John. Ch. 481; and see 6 Alab. R. 506; 9
Alab. R. 937; 10 Conn. 69. And a conveyance by a father who, though in debt,
is not in embarrassed circumstances, who makes a reasonable provision for a
child, leaving property sufficient to pay his debts, is not per se,
fraudulent. 4 Wheat. 27; 6 Watts & S. 97; 4 Vern. 889; 6 N. H. Rep. 67; 11
Leigh, 137; 5 Ohio, 121.
3. By the statute of 3 Henry VII. c. 4, all deeds of gifts of goods and
chattels in trust for the donor were declared void; and by the statute of 13
Eliz. ch. 5, gifts of goods and chattels, as well as of lands, by writing or
otherwise, made with intent to delay, hinder and defraud creditors, were
rendered void as against the person to whom such frauds would be
4. The principles of these statutes, which indeed have been copied from
the civil law, Dig. 42, 8, 5, 11; 2 Bell's Com. 182, though they may not
have been substantially reenacted, prevail throughout the United States. 8
Johns. Ch. R. 481; 1 Halst. R. 450; 5 Cowen, 87; 8 Wheat. R. 229; 11 Id.
199; 12 Serg. & Rawle, 448; 9 Mass. R. 390; 11 Id. 421; 4 Greenl. R. 52; 2
Pick. R. 411; 8 Com. Dig. App. h.t.; 22 Vin. Ab. 15; 1 Vern. 38, 101; Rob.
on Fr. Conv. 65, 478 Dane's Ab. Index, h.t.; 14 Ves. 344; 4 McCord, 294; 1
Rawle. 231; 1 Rep, Const. Ct. 180; 1 N. & McCord, 334; Coxe, 56; Hare &
Wall. Sel. Dee. 33-69. Vide Contracts; Indebtedness; Settlement.
5. As between the parties such conveyances are, in general, good. 2
Rand. 384; 1 John. Chan. R. 329, 336; 1 Wash. 274 And when it has once been
executed and delivered, it cannot be recalled; even where an unmarried man
executes a voluntary trust deed for the benefit of future children, nor can
he relieve himself from a provision in the conveyance to the trustee, under
which the income of the trust property is to be paid to him at. the
discretion of a third person. 2 My. & Keen, 496. See 2 Moll. 257.

VOLUNTARY DEPOSIT, civil law. One which is made by the mere consent or
agreement of the parties. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 1054.

VOLUNTARY ESCAPE. The giving to a prisoner voluntarily, any liberty not
authorized by law. 5 Mass. 310; 2 Chipm. 11; 3 Harr. & John. 559; 2 Harr. &
Gill. 106; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 2332.

VOLUNTARY JURISDICTION. In the ecclesiastical law, jurisdiction is either
contentious jurisdiction, (q.v.) or voluntary jurisdiction. By the latter
term is understood that kind of jurisdiction which requires no judicial
proceedings, as, the granting letters of administration and receiving the
probate of wills.

VOLUNTARY NONSUIT, practice. The abandonment of his cause by a plaintiff,
and an agreement that a judgment for costs be entered against him. 3 Bouv.
Inst. n. 3306.

VOLUNTARY SALE, contracts. One made freely, without constraint, by the owner
of the thing &old. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 974.

VOLUNTARY WASTE. That which is either active or willful, in
contradistinction to that which arises from mere negligence, which is called
permissive waste. 2 Bouv. Inst. 2394, et seq. Vide Waste.

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