- opasok, pás
waist,opasek n: Zdeněk Brož
waist,pás n:
Waist \Waist\, n. [OE. wast; originally, growth, akin to AS.
weaxan to grow; cf. AS. w[ae]stm growth. See Wax to grow.]
[1913 Webster]
1. That part of the human body which is immediately below the
ribs or thorax; the small part of the body between the
thorax and hips. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

I am in the waist two yards about. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, the middle part of other bodies; especially
(Naut.), that part of a vessel's deck, bulwarks, etc.,
which is between the quarter-deck and the forecastle; the
middle part of the ship.
[1913 Webster]

3. A garment, or part of a garment, which covers the body
from the neck or shoulders to the waist line.
[1913 Webster]

4. A girdle or belt for the waist. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Waist anchor. See Sheet anchor, 1, in the Vocabulary.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips [syn:
waist, waistline]
2: the narrow part of the shoe connecting the heel and the wide
part of the sole [syn: shank, waist]
podobné slovodefinícia
- opasok, pás
- siahajúci po pás
pantywaist,slaboch n: Pavel Machek
shirtwaister, n:
slender-waisted, adj:
slim-waisted, adj:
waist,opasek n: Zdeněk Brožwaist,pás n:
waist anchor
waist anchor, n:
waist pack
waist pack, n:
waist-deep,sahající do pasu adj: Zdeněk Brož
waist-high,sahající po pás adj: Zdeněk Brož
waistband,pás n: Zdeněk Brož
waistcloth, n:
waistcoat,vesta n: Zdeněk Brož
waistline,obvod pasu n: Zdeněk Brož
wasp waist
wasp waist,vosí pas n: PetrV
wasp-waisted,mající vosí pas adj: Zdeněk Brož
Deep-waisted \Deep"-waist`ed\, a. (Naut.)
Having a deep waist, as when, in a ship, the poop and
forecastle are much elevated above the deck.
[1913 Webster]
Long-waisted \Long"-waist`ed\, a.
1. Having a long waist; long from the armpits to the bottom
of the waist; -- said of persons.
[1913 Webster]

2. Long from the part about the neck or shoulder, or from the
armpits, to the bottom of the weist, or to the skirt; --
said of garments; as, a long-waisted coat.
[1913 Webster]
pantywaist \pantywaist\ n.
A timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive.

Syn: sissy, pansy, milksop, Milquetoast.
[WordNet 1.5]
Shallow-waisted \Shal"low-waist`ed\, a. (Naut.)
Having a flush deck, or with only a moderate depression
amidships; -- said of a vessel.
[1913 Webster]
Shirt waist
shirtwaist \shirtwaist\, Shirt waist \Shirt waist\ [shirt +
waist; see waist[3], n.]
1. A woman's blouse resembling a men's shirt in cut and
style; -- in England called a blouse.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. a type of woman's dress with a bodice tailored like a
shirt; -- also called shirt dress, shirtwaist dress,
and shirtwaister. --[RHUD]
shirtwaist \shirtwaist\, Shirt waist \Shirt waist\ [shirt +
waist; see waist[3], n.]
1. A woman's blouse resembling a men's shirt in cut and
style; -- in England called a blouse.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. a type of woman's dress with a bodice tailored like a
shirt; -- also called shirt dress, shirtwaist dress,
and shirtwaister. --[RHUD]
shirtwaist dress
shirtwaist \shirtwaist\, Shirt waist \Shirt waist\ [shirt +
waist; see waist[3], n.]
1. A woman's blouse resembling a men's shirt in cut and
style; -- in England called a blouse.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. a type of woman's dress with a bodice tailored like a
shirt; -- also called shirt dress, shirtwaist dress,
and shirtwaister. --[RHUD]
Shirt-waist suit
Shirt-waist suit \Shirt-waist suit\
A costume consisting of a plain belted blouse and skirt of
the same material.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] Shist
shirtwaist \shirtwaist\, Shirt waist \Shirt waist\ [shirt +
waist; see waist[3], n.]
1. A woman's blouse resembling a men's shirt in cut and
style; -- in England called a blouse.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

2. a type of woman's dress with a bodice tailored like a
shirt; -- also called shirt dress, shirtwaist dress,
and shirtwaister. --[RHUD]
Short-waisted \Short"-waist`ed\, a.
Having a short waist.
[1913 Webster]
Strait-waistcoat \Strait"-waist`coat\, n.
Same as Strait-jacket.
[1913 Webster]
waist anchor
Sheet anchor \Sheet" an"chor\ [OE. scheten to shoot, AS.
sce['o]tan; cf. OE. shoot anchor. See Shoot, v. t.]
1. (Naut.) A large anchor stowed on shores outside the waist
of a vessel; -- called also waist anchor. See the Note
under Anchor.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything regarded as a sure support or dependence in
danger; the best hope or refuge.
[1913 Webster]Waist \Waist\, n. [OE. wast; originally, growth, akin to AS.
weaxan to grow; cf. AS. w[ae]stm growth. See Wax to grow.]
[1913 Webster]
1. That part of the human body which is immediately below the
ribs or thorax; the small part of the body between the
thorax and hips. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

I am in the waist two yards about. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, the middle part of other bodies; especially
(Naut.), that part of a vessel's deck, bulwarks, etc.,
which is between the quarter-deck and the forecastle; the
middle part of the ship.
[1913 Webster]

3. A garment, or part of a garment, which covers the body
from the neck or shoulders to the waist line.
[1913 Webster]

4. A girdle or belt for the waist. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Waist anchor. See Sheet anchor, 1, in the Vocabulary.
[1913 Webster]Anchor \An"chor\ ([a^][ng]"k[~e]r), n. [OE. anker, AS. ancor,
oncer, L. ancora, sometimes spelt anchora, fr. Gr. 'a`gkyra,
akin to E. angle: cf. F. ancre. See Angle, n.]
1. A iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable
(rope or chain), and which, being cast overboard, lays
hold of the earth by a fluke or hook and thus retains the
ship in a particular station.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common anchor consists of a straight bar called a
shank, having at one end a transverse bar called a
stock, above which is a ring for the cable, and at the
other end the crown, from which branch out two or more
arms with flukes, forming with the shank a suitable
angle to enter the ground.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Formerly the largest and strongest anchor was the sheet
anchor (hence, Fig., best hope or last refuge), called
also waist anchor. Now the bower and the sheet anchor
are usually alike. Then came the best bower and the
small bower (so called from being carried on the bows).
The stream anchor is one fourth the weight of the bower
anchor. Kedges or kedge anchors are light anchors used
in warping.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any instrument or contrivance serving a purpose like that
of a ship's anchor, as an arrangement of timber to hold a
dam fast; a contrivance to hold the end of a bridge cable,
or other similar part; a contrivance used by founders to
hold the core of a mold in place.
[1913 Webster]

3. Fig.: That which gives stability or security; that on
which we place dependence for safety.
[1913 Webster]

Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul. --Heb.
vi. 19.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Her.) An emblem of hope.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Arch.)
(a) A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building
(b) Carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or
arrowhead; -- a part of the ornaments of certain
moldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor
(called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue)
[1913 Webster]

6. (Zool.) One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain
sponges; also, one of the calcareous spinules of certain
Holothurians, as in species of Synapta.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Television) an achorman, anchorwoman, or
[1913 Webster]

Anchor ice. See under Ice.

Anchor light See the vocabulary.

Anchor ring. (Math.) Same as Annulus, 2 (b).

Anchor shot See the vocabulary.

Anchor space See the vocabulary.

Anchor stock (Naut.), the crossbar at the top of the shank
at right angles to the arms.

Anchor watch See the vocabulary.

The anchor comes home, when it drags over the bottom as the
ship drifts.

Foul anchor, the anchor when it hooks, or is entangled
with, another anchor, or with a cable or wreck, or when
the slack cable is entangled.

The anchor is acockbill, when it is suspended
perpendicularly from the cathead, ready to be let go.

The anchor is apeak, when the cable is drawn in so tight as
to bring the ship directly over it.

The anchor is atrip, or aweigh, when it is lifted out of
the ground.

The anchor is awash, when it is hove up to the surface of
the water.

At anchor, anchored.

To back an anchor, to increase the holding power by laying
down a small anchor ahead of that by which the ship rides,
with the cable fastened to the crown of the latter to
prevent its coming home.

To cast anchor, to drop or let go an anchor to keep a ship
at rest.

To cat the anchor, to hoist the anchor to the cathead and
pass the ring-stopper.

To fish the anchor, to hoist the flukes to their resting
place (called the bill-boards), and pass the shank

To weigh anchor, to heave or raise the anchor so as to sail
[1913 Webster]
Waist anchor
Sheet anchor \Sheet" an"chor\ [OE. scheten to shoot, AS.
sce['o]tan; cf. OE. shoot anchor. See Shoot, v. t.]
1. (Naut.) A large anchor stowed on shores outside the waist
of a vessel; -- called also waist anchor. See the Note
under Anchor.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything regarded as a sure support or dependence in
danger; the best hope or refuge.
[1913 Webster]Waist \Waist\, n. [OE. wast; originally, growth, akin to AS.
weaxan to grow; cf. AS. w[ae]stm growth. See Wax to grow.]
[1913 Webster]
1. That part of the human body which is immediately below the
ribs or thorax; the small part of the body between the
thorax and hips. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

I am in the waist two yards about. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, the middle part of other bodies; especially
(Naut.), that part of a vessel's deck, bulwarks, etc.,
which is between the quarter-deck and the forecastle; the
middle part of the ship.
[1913 Webster]

3. A garment, or part of a garment, which covers the body
from the neck or shoulders to the waist line.
[1913 Webster]

4. A girdle or belt for the waist. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Waist anchor. See Sheet anchor, 1, in the Vocabulary.
[1913 Webster]Anchor \An"chor\ ([a^][ng]"k[~e]r), n. [OE. anker, AS. ancor,
oncer, L. ancora, sometimes spelt anchora, fr. Gr. 'a`gkyra,
akin to E. angle: cf. F. ancre. See Angle, n.]
1. A iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable
(rope or chain), and which, being cast overboard, lays
hold of the earth by a fluke or hook and thus retains the
ship in a particular station.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common anchor consists of a straight bar called a
shank, having at one end a transverse bar called a
stock, above which is a ring for the cable, and at the
other end the crown, from which branch out two or more
arms with flukes, forming with the shank a suitable
angle to enter the ground.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Formerly the largest and strongest anchor was the sheet
anchor (hence, Fig., best hope or last refuge), called
also waist anchor. Now the bower and the sheet anchor
are usually alike. Then came the best bower and the
small bower (so called from being carried on the bows).
The stream anchor is one fourth the weight of the bower
anchor. Kedges or kedge anchors are light anchors used
in warping.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any instrument or contrivance serving a purpose like that
of a ship's anchor, as an arrangement of timber to hold a
dam fast; a contrivance to hold the end of a bridge cable,
or other similar part; a contrivance used by founders to
hold the core of a mold in place.
[1913 Webster]

3. Fig.: That which gives stability or security; that on
which we place dependence for safety.
[1913 Webster]

Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul. --Heb.
vi. 19.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Her.) An emblem of hope.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Arch.)
(a) A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building
(b) Carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or
arrowhead; -- a part of the ornaments of certain
moldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor
(called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue)
[1913 Webster]

6. (Zool.) One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain
sponges; also, one of the calcareous spinules of certain
Holothurians, as in species of Synapta.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Television) an achorman, anchorwoman, or
[1913 Webster]

Anchor ice. See under Ice.

Anchor light See the vocabulary.

Anchor ring. (Math.) Same as Annulus, 2 (b).

Anchor shot See the vocabulary.

Anchor space See the vocabulary.

Anchor stock (Naut.), the crossbar at the top of the shank
at right angles to the arms.

Anchor watch See the vocabulary.

The anchor comes home, when it drags over the bottom as the
ship drifts.

Foul anchor, the anchor when it hooks, or is entangled
with, another anchor, or with a cable or wreck, or when
the slack cable is entangled.

The anchor is acockbill, when it is suspended
perpendicularly from the cathead, ready to be let go.

The anchor is apeak, when the cable is drawn in so tight as
to bring the ship directly over it.

The anchor is atrip, or aweigh, when it is lifted out of
the ground.

The anchor is awash, when it is hove up to the surface of
the water.

At anchor, anchored.

To back an anchor, to increase the holding power by laying
down a small anchor ahead of that by which the ship rides,
with the cable fastened to the crown of the latter to
prevent its coming home.

To cast anchor, to drop or let go an anchor to keep a ship
at rest.

To cat the anchor, to hoist the anchor to the cathead and
pass the ring-stopper.

To fish the anchor, to hoist the flukes to their resting
place (called the bill-boards), and pass the shank

To weigh anchor, to heave or raise the anchor so as to sail
[1913 Webster]
waist anchor
Sheet anchor \Sheet" an"chor\ [OE. scheten to shoot, AS.
sce['o]tan; cf. OE. shoot anchor. See Shoot, v. t.]
1. (Naut.) A large anchor stowed on shores outside the waist
of a vessel; -- called also waist anchor. See the Note
under Anchor.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything regarded as a sure support or dependence in
danger; the best hope or refuge.
[1913 Webster]Waist \Waist\, n. [OE. wast; originally, growth, akin to AS.
weaxan to grow; cf. AS. w[ae]stm growth. See Wax to grow.]
[1913 Webster]
1. That part of the human body which is immediately below the
ribs or thorax; the small part of the body between the
thorax and hips. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

I am in the waist two yards about. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, the middle part of other bodies; especially
(Naut.), that part of a vessel's deck, bulwarks, etc.,
which is between the quarter-deck and the forecastle; the
middle part of the ship.
[1913 Webster]

3. A garment, or part of a garment, which covers the body
from the neck or shoulders to the waist line.
[1913 Webster]

4. A girdle or belt for the waist. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Waist anchor. See Sheet anchor, 1, in the Vocabulary.
[1913 Webster]Anchor \An"chor\ ([a^][ng]"k[~e]r), n. [OE. anker, AS. ancor,
oncer, L. ancora, sometimes spelt anchora, fr. Gr. 'a`gkyra,
akin to E. angle: cf. F. ancre. See Angle, n.]
1. A iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable
(rope or chain), and which, being cast overboard, lays
hold of the earth by a fluke or hook and thus retains the
ship in a particular station.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common anchor consists of a straight bar called a
shank, having at one end a transverse bar called a
stock, above which is a ring for the cable, and at the
other end the crown, from which branch out two or more
arms with flukes, forming with the shank a suitable
angle to enter the ground.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Formerly the largest and strongest anchor was the sheet
anchor (hence, Fig., best hope or last refuge), called
also waist anchor. Now the bower and the sheet anchor
are usually alike. Then came the best bower and the
small bower (so called from being carried on the bows).
The stream anchor is one fourth the weight of the bower
anchor. Kedges or kedge anchors are light anchors used
in warping.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any instrument or contrivance serving a purpose like that
of a ship's anchor, as an arrangement of timber to hold a
dam fast; a contrivance to hold the end of a bridge cable,
or other similar part; a contrivance used by founders to
hold the core of a mold in place.
[1913 Webster]

3. Fig.: That which gives stability or security; that on
which we place dependence for safety.
[1913 Webster]

Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul. --Heb.
vi. 19.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Her.) An emblem of hope.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Arch.)
(a) A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building
(b) Carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or
arrowhead; -- a part of the ornaments of certain
moldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor
(called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue)
[1913 Webster]

6. (Zool.) One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain
sponges; also, one of the calcareous spinules of certain
Holothurians, as in species of Synapta.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Television) an achorman, anchorwoman, or
[1913 Webster]

Anchor ice. See under Ice.

Anchor light See the vocabulary.

Anchor ring. (Math.) Same as Annulus, 2 (b).

Anchor shot See the vocabulary.

Anchor space See the vocabulary.

Anchor stock (Naut.), the crossbar at the top of the shank
at right angles to the arms.

Anchor watch See the vocabulary.

The anchor comes home, when it drags over the bottom as the
ship drifts.

Foul anchor, the anchor when it hooks, or is entangled
with, another anchor, or with a cable or wreck, or when
the slack cable is entangled.

The anchor is acockbill, when it is suspended
perpendicularly from the cathead, ready to be let go.

The anchor is apeak, when the cable is drawn in so tight as
to bring the ship directly over it.

The anchor is atrip, or aweigh, when it is lifted out of
the ground.

The anchor is awash, when it is hove up to the surface of
the water.

At anchor, anchored.

To back an anchor, to increase the holding power by laying
down a small anchor ahead of that by which the ship rides,
with the cable fastened to the crown of the latter to
prevent its coming home.

To cast anchor, to drop or let go an anchor to keep a ship
at rest.

To cat the anchor, to hoist the anchor to the cathead and
pass the ring-stopper.

To fish the anchor, to hoist the flukes to their resting
place (called the bill-boards), and pass the shank

To weigh anchor, to heave or raise the anchor so as to sail
[1913 Webster]
Waistband \Waist"band\, n.
1. The band which encompasses the waist; esp., one on the
upper part of breeches, trousers, pantaloons, skirts, or
the like.
[1913 Webster]

2. A sash worn by women around the waist. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Waistcloth \Waist"cloth\, n.
1. A cloth or wrapper worn about the waist; by extension,
such a garment worn about the hips and passing between the
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) A covering of canvas or tarpaulin for the
hammocks, stowed on the nettings, between the quarterdeck
and the forecastle.
[1913 Webster]
Waistcoat \Waist"coat\, n.
(a) A short, sleeveless coat or garment for men, worn
under the coat, extending no lower than the hips, and
covering the waist; a vest.
(b) A garment occasionally worn by women as a part of
fashionable costume.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The waistcoat was a part of female attire as well as
male . . . It was only when the waistcoat was worn
without a gown or upper dress that it was considered
the mark of a mad or profligate woman. --Nares.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: See Vest.
[1913 Webster]
Waistcoateer \Waist`coat*eer"\, n.
One wearing a waistcoat; esp., a woman wearing one uncovered,
or thought fit for such a habit; hence, a loose woman;
strumpet. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Do you think you are here, sir,
Amongst your waistcoateers, your base wenches? --Beau.
& Fl.
[1913 Webster]
Waistcoating \Waist"coat*ing\, n.
A fabric designed for waistcoats; esp., one in which there is
a pattern, differently colored yarns being used.
[1913 Webster]
Waister \Waist"er\, n. (Naut.)
A seaman, usually a green hand or a broken-down man,
stationed in the waist of a vessel of war. --R. H. Dana, Jr.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive [syn:
sissy, pantywaist, pansy, milksop, Milquetoast]
n 1: a blouse with buttons down the front; "in Britain they call
a shirtwaist a shirtwaister" [syn: shirtwaist,
n 1: a blouse with buttons down the front; "in Britain they call
a shirtwaist a shirtwaister" [syn: shirtwaist,
adj 1: having a small waist [syn: slender-waisted, {slim-
waisted}, wasp-waisted]
adj 1: having a small waist [syn: slender-waisted, {slim-
waisted}, wasp-waisted]
n 1: the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips [syn:
waist, waistline]
2: the narrow part of the shoe connecting the heel and the wide
part of the sole [syn: shank, waist]
waist anchor
waist anchor
n 1: spare anchor for use in emergency [syn: sheet anchor,
waist anchor]
waist pack
waist pack
n 1: a small pouch (usually with a zipper) that attaches to a
belt and is worn around the waist [syn: waist pack, {belt
adv 1: up to the waist; "the water rose waist-high" [syn:
waist-deep, waist-high]
adv 1: up to the waist; "the water rose waist-high" [syn:
waist-deep, waist-high]
adj 1: (of clothing) extending only to the waist
n 1: a band of material around the waist that strengthens a
skirt or trousers [syn: girdle, cincture, sash,
waistband, waistcloth]
n 1: a band of material around the waist that strengthens a
skirt or trousers [syn: girdle, cincture, sash,
waistband, waistcloth]
n 1: a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat [syn:
vest, waistcoat]
n 1: the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips [syn:
waist, waistline]
wasp waist
wasp waist
n 1: a very slender waist
adj 1: having a small waist [syn: slender-waisted, {slim-
waisted}, wasp-waisted]

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