widow bird
widow bird, n:
widow bird
Whidah bird \Whid"ah bird`\, (Zool.)
Any one of several species of finchlike birds belonging to
the genus Vidua, native of Asia and Africa. In the breeding
season the male has very long, drooping tail feathers. Called
also vida finch, whidah finch, whydah bird, {whydah
finch}, widow bird, and widow finch.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some of the species are often kept as cage birds,
especially Vidua paradisea, which is dark brownish
above, pale buff beneath, with a reddish collar around
the neck.
[1913 Webster]
Widow bird
Widow bird \Wid"ow bird`\ (Zool.)
See Whidan bird.
[1913 Webster]
widow bird
widow bird
n 1: mostly black African weaverbird [syn: whydah, whidah,
widow bird]
podobné slovodefinícia
widow bird
widow bird, n:
widow bird
Whidah bird \Whid"ah bird`\, (Zool.)
Any one of several species of finchlike birds belonging to
the genus Vidua, native of Asia and Africa. In the breeding
season the male has very long, drooping tail feathers. Called
also vida finch, whidah finch, whydah bird, {whydah
finch}, widow bird, and widow finch.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some of the species are often kept as cage birds,
especially Vidua paradisea, which is dark brownish
above, pale buff beneath, with a reddish collar around
the neck.
[1913 Webster]Widow bird \Wid"ow bird`\ (Zool.)
See Whidan bird.
[1913 Webster]
widow bird
widow bird
n 1: mostly black African weaverbird [syn: whydah, whidah,
widow bird]

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