xerox corporation
XEROX Corporation

A US company, founded in 1906, specialising in document
related technology and services including photocopiers, printers
and office software. Xerox's acquisition of {Affiliated Computer
Services} added business process and document management to their
product range. In 2013 they have 140,000 employees.

Their research centre, XEROX PARC, prototyped several
revolutionary advances in computing, which the company failed to
exploit, including the WIMP desktop metaphor and {XEROX Network


podobné slovodefinícia
xerox corporation
XEROX Corporation

A US company, founded in 1906, specialising in document
related technology and services including photocopiers, printers
and office software. Xerox's acquisition of {Affiliated Computer
Services} added business process and document management to their
product range. In 2013 they have 140,000 employees.

Their research centre, XEROX PARC, prototyped several
revolutionary advances in computing, which the company failed to
exploit, including the WIMP desktop metaphor and {XEROX Network



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