xml template pages
XML Template Pages

(XTP) JSP transformed by XSL stylesheets.
An XTP page is basically a JSP page which specifies an XSL
stylesheet. The XSL specifies how selected tags in the XTP
page should be rewritten. All other tags are passed through
unchanged and so treated as standard JSP. JSP programmers can
use XTP used as an easy introduction to XSL, incrementally
applying styles to their pages.

Caucho (

podobné slovodefinícia
xml template pages
XML Template Pages

(XTP) JSP transformed by XSL stylesheets.
An XTP page is basically a JSP page which specifies an XSL
stylesheet. The XSL specifies how selected tags in the XTP
page should be rewritten. All other tags are passed through
unchanged and so treated as standard JSP. JSP programmers can
use XTP used as an easy introduction to XSL, incrementally
applying styles to their pages.

Caucho (


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