- sebe samému
yourself,sobě jose
Yourself \Your*self"\, pron.; pl. Yourselves. [Your + self.]
An emphasized or reflexive form of the pronoun of the second
person; -- used as a subject commonly with you; as, you
yourself shall see it; also, alone in the predicate, either
in the nominative or objective case; as, you have injured
[1913 Webster]

Of which right now ye han yourselve heard. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

If yourselves are old, make it your cause. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Why should you be so cruel to yourself ? --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

The religious movement which you yourself, as well as
I, so faithfully followed from first to last. --J. H.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
- sebe samému
all by yourself
all by yourself,úplně sám Rostislav Svoboda
back yourself into a corner
back yourself into a corner,nemít šanci úniku Zdeněk Brož
be yourself
be yourself,seber se Zdeněk Brožbe yourself,vzmuž se Zdeněk Brož
brace yourself
brace yourself,podrž se [fráz.] např. "Guess who is coming to dinner?
Brace yourself - your long-lost brother." Pino
cop yourself on
cop yourself on,zamysli se nad sebou [slang.] irský slang Pino
did yourself proud
did yourself proud,
dig yourself in
dig yourself in,
do yourself proud
do yourself proud,
do-it-yourself,kutilský adj: Zdeněk Broždo-it-yourself,kutilství n: Zdeněk Broždo-it-yourself,ručně vyrobený Zdeněk Brož
do-it-yourselfer,udělej si sám Nijel
fancy yourself
fancy yourself,myslet si moc o sobě [fráz.] např. "That Dave really
fancies himself, doesn't he?" Pino
fend for yourself
fend for yourself,
find yourself
find yourself,
get a grip on yourself
get a grip on yourself,ovládej se [id.] Pino
help yourself
help yourself,poslužte si Zdeněk Brož
keep it for yourself
keep it for yourself,nechat si to pro sebe [fráz.] ponech si tu věc pro
sebe, používej jí ty Pino
keep it to yourself
keep it to yourself,nechat si to pro sebe [fráz.] nezajímá mě to,
nepotřebuji to vědět Pino
keep to yourself
keep to yourself,
laugh yourself sick
laugh yourself sick,
laugh yourself silly
laugh yourself silly,
leave yourself open
leave yourself open,
let yourself go
let yourself go,
make a life for yourself
make a life for yourself,
make it yourself
make it yourself,udělej to sám
make something of yourself
make something of yourself,
make yourself at home
make yourself at home,udělejte si pohodlí [fráz.] Ivan Masár
make yourself scarce
make yourself scarce,
outdo yourself
outdo yourself,
pick yourself up
pick yourself up,
pull yourself together
pull yourself together,
put yourself out
put yourself out,
put yourself through college
put yourself through college,
sell yourself short
sell yourself short,
shoot yourself in the foot
shoot yourself in the foot,
smelling yourself
smelling yourself,
suit yourself
suit yourself,
throw yourself at him
throw yourself at him,
turn yourself in
turn yourself in,
yourself,sám yourself,sobě jose
figure it out for yourself
Figure It Out For Yourself, F---er,FIOFYF[zkr.]
go f--- yourself
Go F--- Yourself,GFY[zkr.]
do-it-yourself \do-it-yourself\ adj.
performed or made by an end-user who is without professional
training in the relevant techniques; as, their house was a
do-it-yourself project. Contrasted with factory-made and
[WordNet 1.5]
do-it-yourselfer \do-it-yourselfer\ n.
a person who often makes objects typically made by
professionals, or performs repairs typically performed by
professionals, though not having professional training in the
relevant art. The term is used mostly to refer to activities
related to maintaining a home.
adj 1: done by yourself; "their house was a do-it-yourself
project"; "he opened a do-it-yourself store"

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