Zebrina pendula
Jew \Jew\ (j[=u] or j[udd]; 277), n. [OF. Juis, pl., F. Juif, L.
Judaeus, Gr. 'Ioydai^os, fr. 'Ioydai`a the country of the
Jews, Judea, fr. Heb. Y[e^]h[=u]d[=a]h Judah, son of Jacob.
Cf. Judaic.]
1. Originally, one belonging to the tribe or kingdom of
Judah; after the return from the Babylonish captivity, any
member of the new state; a Hebrew; an Israelite.
[1913 Webster]

2. An adherent of Judaism.

Jew's frankincense, gum styrax, or benzoin.

Jew's mallow (Bot.), an annual herb (Corchorus olitorius)
cultivated in Syria and Egypt as a pot herb, and in India
for its fiber.

Jew's pitch, asphaltum; bitumen.

The Wandering Jew, an imaginary personage, who, for his
cruelty to Christ during his passion, is doomed to wander
on the earth till Christ's second coming.

Wandering Jew, any of several house plants of the genera
Zebrina and Tradescantia having white-striped leaves,
especially the creeping plants Zebrina pendula and
Tradescantia fluminensis.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
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