zona, n:
Zona \Zo"na\, n.; pl. Zonae. [L., a girdle. See Zone.]
A zone or band; a layer.
[1913 Webster]

Zona pellucida. [NL.] (Biol.)
(a) The outer transparent layer, or envelope, of the ovum. It
is a more or less elastic membrane with radiating striae,
and corresponds to the cell wall of an ordinary cell. See
Ovum, and Illust. of Microscope.
(b) The zona radiata.

Zona radiata [NL.] (Biol.), a radiately striated membrane
situated next the yolk of an ovum, or separated from it by
a very delicate membrane only.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure [syn:
zone, zona]
podobné slovodefinícia
- Arizona
- Arizona
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- Arizona
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Arizona,Arizona stát v USA
Arizonan,obyvatel Arizony Zdeněk Brož
azonal,azonální Zdeněk Brož
bizonal,bizonální Zdeněk Brož
zona, n:
zona pellucida
zona pellucida, n:
zonal pelargonium
zonal pelargonium, n:
zonary, adj:
zonation,pásmovitost n: Zdeněk Brožzonation,zonálnost n: Zdeněk Brož
antirezonance,antiresonancen: Zdeněk Brož
Arizona,Arizona stát v USA
hl.m. - arizona v usa
hl.m. - Arizona v USA,Phoenixn: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
magnetická rezonance
magnetická rezonance,magnetic resonancen: Ondřej Světlík
okurková sezona
okurková sezona,silly season
protirezonanční,antiresonating Pavel Cvrček
rezonance,resonancen: Zdeněk Brožrezonance,reverbn: Zdeněk Brožrezonance,reverberationn: Zdeněk Brož
rezonantní,resonantadj: Zdeněk Brož
vertikální zonace organismů
vertikální zonace organismů,vertical zoning of organisms[eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
zonační odběr vzorku (vody)
zonační odběr vzorku (vody),zone sampling[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Arizonan \Arizonan\ n.
a resident of Arizona.

Syn: Arizonian
[WordNet 1.5]
azonal \azonal\ adj.
not divided into zones; -- opposite of zonal. azonal
[WordNet 1.5]
Benzonaphthol \Ben`zo*naph"thol\, n. Also Benzonaphtol
\Ben`zo*naph"tol\ . [Benzoin + naphthol.] (Chem.)
A white crystalline powder used as an intestinal antiseptic;
beta-naphthol benzoate.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Benzonaphthol \Ben`zo*naph"thol\, n. Also Benzonaphtol
\Ben`zo*naph"tol\ . [Benzoin + naphthol.] (Chem.)
A white crystalline powder used as an intestinal antiseptic;
beta-naphthol benzoate.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
bizonal \bi*zon"al\ adj.
relating to or concerned with the combined affairs of two
administrative zones. Bizonal currency was used in occupied
Germany after World War II
[WordNet 1.5]
Ozonation \O`zo*na"tion\ ([=o]`z[-o]*n[=a]"sh[u^]n), n. (Chem.)
The act of treating with ozone; also, the act of converting
into, or producing, ozone; ozonization.
[1913 Webster]
Polyzonal \Pol`y*zon"al\, a. [Poly- + zonal.]
Consisting of many zones or rings.
[1913 Webster]

Polyzonal lens (Opt.), a lens made up of pieces arranged
zones or rings, -- used in the lanterns of lighthouses.
[1913 Webster]
Polyzonal lens
Lens \Lens\ (l[e^]nz), n.; pl. Lenses (-[e^]z). [L. lens a
lentil. So named from the resemblance in shape of a double
convex lens to the seed of a lentil. Cf. Lentil.] (Opt.)
A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with
two opposite regular surfaces, either both curved, or one
curved and the other plane, and commonly used, either singly
or combined, in optical instruments, for changing the
direction of rays of light, and thus magnifying objects, or
otherwise modifying vision. In practice, the curved surfaces
are usually spherical, though rarely cylindrical, or of some
other figure.
[1913 Webster] Lenses
[1913 Webster]

Note: Of spherical lenses, there are six varieties, as shown
in section in the figures herewith given: viz., a
plano-concave; b double-concave; c plano-convex; d
double-convex; e converging concavo-convex, or
converging meniscus; f diverging concavo-convex, or
diverging meniscus.
[1913 Webster]

Crossed lens (Opt.), a double-convex lens with one radius
equal to six times the other.

Crystalline lens. (Anat.) See Eye.

Fresnel lens (Opt.), a compound lens formed by placing
around a central convex lens rings of glass so curved as
to have the same focus; used, especially in lighthouses,
for concentrating light in a particular direction; -- so
called from the inventor.

Multiplying lens or Multiplying glass (Opt.), a lens one
side of which is plane and the other convex, but made up
of a number of plane faces inclined to one another, each
of which presents a separate image of the object viewed
through it, so that the object is, as it were, multiplied.

Polyzonal lens. See Polyzonal.
[1913 Webster]Polyzonal \Pol`y*zon"al\, a. [Poly- + zonal.]
Consisting of many zones or rings.
[1913 Webster]

Polyzonal lens (Opt.), a lens made up of pieces arranged
zones or rings, -- used in the lanterns of lighthouses.
[1913 Webster]
Seriola zonata
Pilot \Pi"lot\, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet,
sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. &
G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead,
akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he
who throws the lead. See Pail, and Lead a metal.]
1. (Naut.) One employed to steer a vessel; a helmsman; a
steersman. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. Specifically, a person duly qualified, and licensed by
authority, to conduct vessels into and out of a port, or
in certain waters, for a fixed rate of fees.
[1913 Webster]

3. Figuratively: A guide; a director of another through a
difficult or unknown course.
[1913 Webster]

4. An instrument for detecting the compass error.
[1913 Webster]

5. The cowcatcher of a locomotive. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

6. (A["e]ronautics) One who flies, or is qualified to fly, an
airplane, balloon, or other flying machine.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

7. (Mach.) A short plug at the end of a counterbore to guide
the tool. Pilots are sometimes made interchangeable.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

8. (Mining) The heading or excavation of relatively small
dimensions, first made in the driving of a larger tunnel.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

9. (Television) a filmed or taped episode of a proposed
television series, produced as an example of the series.
It may be shown only to those television broadcast
executives who may decide whether to buy the rights to the
series, or aired to test viewer reaction or to interest
sponsors. Also called pilot film or pilot tape.

Pilot balloon, a small balloon sent up in advance of a
large one, to show the direction and force of the wind.

Pilot bird. (Zool.)
(a) A bird found near the Caribbee Islands; -- so called
because its presence indicates to mariners their
approach to these islands. --Crabb.
(b) The black-bellied plover. [Local, U.S.]

Pilot boat, a strong, fast-sailing boat used to carry and
receive pilots as they board and leave vessels.

Pilot bread, ship biscuit.

Pilot cloth, a coarse, stout kind of cloth for overcoats.

Pilot engine, a locomotive going in advance of a train to
make sure that the way is clear.

Pilot fish. (Zool)
(a) A pelagic carangoid fish (Naucrates ductor); -- so
named because it is often seen in company with a
shark, swimming near a ship, on account of which
sailors imagine that it acts as a pilot to the shark.
(b) The rudder fish (Seriola zonata).

Pilot jack, a flag or signal hoisted by a vessel for a

Pilot jacket, a pea jacket.

Pilot nut (Bridge Building), a conical nut applied
temporarily to the threaded end of a pin, to protect the
thread and guide the pin when it is driven into a hole.

Pilot snake (Zool.)
(a) A large North American snake (Coluber obsoleus). It
is lustrous black, with white edges to some of the
scales. Called also mountain black snake.
(b) The pine snake.

Pilot whale. (Zool.) Same as Blackfish, 1.
[1913 Webster]Rudder \Rud"der\, n. [OE. rother, AS. r[=o][eth]er a paddle;
akin to D. roer rudder, oar, G. ruder, OHG. roadar, Sw.
roder, ror, Dan. roer, ror. [root] 8. See Row to propel
with an oar, and cf. Rother. ]
1. (Naut.) The mechanical appliance by means of which a
vessel is guided or steered when in motion. It is a broad
and flat blade made of wood or iron, with a long shank,
and is fastened in an upright position, usually by one
edge, to the sternpost of the vessel in such a way that it
can be turned from side to side in the water by means of a
tiller, wheel, or other attachment.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: That which resembles a rudder as a guide or
governor; that which guides or governs the course.
[1913 Webster]

For rhyme the rudder is of verses. --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster]

3. In an aircraft, a surface the function of which is to
exert a turning moment about an axis of the craft.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Balance rudder (Naut.), a rudder pivoted near the middle
instead of at the edge, -- common on sharpies.

Drop rudder (Naut.), a rudder extending below the keel so
as to be more effective in steering.

Rudder chain (Naut.), one of the loose chains or ropes
which fasten the rudder to the quarters to prevent its
loss in case it gets unshipped, and for operating it in
case the tiller or the wheel is broken.

Rudder coat (Naut.), a covering of tarred canvas used to
prevent water from entering the rudderhole.

Rudder fish. (Zool.)
(a) The pilot fish.
(b) The amber fish (Seriola zonata), which is bluish
having six broad black bands.
(c) A plain greenish black American fish ({Leirus
perciformis}); -- called also black rudder fish,
logfish, and barrel fish. The name is also applied
to other fishes which follow vessels.

Rudder pendants (Naut.), ropes connected with the rudder
[1913 Webster]
Subzonal \Sub*zon"al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated under a zone, or zona; -- applied to a membrane
between the zona radiata and the umbilical vesicle in the
mammal embryo.
[1913 Webster]
Tautozonal \Tau`to*zon"al\, a. [Gr. ?; ?, for ? ? the same + E.
zonal.] (Crystallog.)
Belonging to the same zone; as, tautozonal planes.
[1913 Webster]
Zona pellucida
Zona \Zo"na\, n.; pl. Zonae. [L., a girdle. See Zone.]
A zone or band; a layer.
[1913 Webster]

Zona pellucida. [NL.] (Biol.)
(a) The outer transparent layer, or envelope, of the ovum. It
is a more or less elastic membrane with radiating striae,
and corresponds to the cell wall of an ordinary cell. See
Ovum, and Illust. of Microscope.
(b) The zona radiata.

Zona radiata [NL.] (Biol.), a radiately striated membrane
situated next the yolk of an ovum, or separated from it by
a very delicate membrane only.
[1913 Webster]
Zona radiata
Zona \Zo"na\, n.; pl. Zonae. [L., a girdle. See Zone.]
A zone or band; a layer.
[1913 Webster]

Zona pellucida. [NL.] (Biol.)
(a) The outer transparent layer, or envelope, of the ovum. It
is a more or less elastic membrane with radiating striae,
and corresponds to the cell wall of an ordinary cell. See
Ovum, and Illust. of Microscope.
(b) The zona radiata.

Zona radiata [NL.] (Biol.), a radiately striated membrane
situated next the yolk of an ovum, or separated from it by
a very delicate membrane only.
[1913 Webster]
Zona \Zo"na\, n.; pl. Zonae. [L., a girdle. See Zone.]
A zone or band; a layer.
[1913 Webster]

Zona pellucida. [NL.] (Biol.)
(a) The outer transparent layer, or envelope, of the ovum. It
is a more or less elastic membrane with radiating striae,
and corresponds to the cell wall of an ordinary cell. See
Ovum, and Illust. of Microscope.
(b) The zona radiata.

Zona radiata [NL.] (Biol.), a radiately striated membrane
situated next the yolk of an ovum, or separated from it by
a very delicate membrane only.
[1913 Webster]
Zonal \Zon"al\, a. [L. zonalis.]
Of or pertaining to a zone; having the form of a zone or
[1913 Webster]

Zonal equation (Crystallog.), the mathematical relation
which belongs to all the planes of a zone, and expresses
their common position with reference to the axes.

Zonal structure (Crystallog.), a structure characterized by
the arrangements of color, inclusions, etc., of a crystal
in parallel or concentric layers, which usually follow the
outline of the crystal, and mark the changes that have
taken place during its growth.

Zonal symmetry. (Biol.) See the Note under Symmetry.
[1913 Webster]
Zonal equation
Zonal \Zon"al\, a. [L. zonalis.]
Of or pertaining to a zone; having the form of a zone or
[1913 Webster]

Zonal equation (Crystallog.), the mathematical relation
which belongs to all the planes of a zone, and expresses
their common position with reference to the axes.

Zonal structure (Crystallog.), a structure characterized by
the arrangements of color, inclusions, etc., of a crystal
in parallel or concentric layers, which usually follow the
outline of the crystal, and mark the changes that have
taken place during its growth.

Zonal symmetry. (Biol.) See the Note under Symmetry.
[1913 Webster]
Zonal structure
Zonal \Zon"al\, a. [L. zonalis.]
Of or pertaining to a zone; having the form of a zone or
[1913 Webster]

Zonal equation (Crystallog.), the mathematical relation
which belongs to all the planes of a zone, and expresses
their common position with reference to the axes.

Zonal structure (Crystallog.), a structure characterized by
the arrangements of color, inclusions, etc., of a crystal
in parallel or concentric layers, which usually follow the
outline of the crystal, and mark the changes that have
taken place during its growth.

Zonal symmetry. (Biol.) See the Note under Symmetry.
[1913 Webster]
Zonal symmetry
Zonal \Zon"al\, a. [L. zonalis.]
Of or pertaining to a zone; having the form of a zone or
[1913 Webster]

Zonal equation (Crystallog.), the mathematical relation
which belongs to all the planes of a zone, and expresses
their common position with reference to the axes.

Zonal structure (Crystallog.), a structure characterized by
the arrangements of color, inclusions, etc., of a crystal
in parallel or concentric layers, which usually follow the
outline of the crystal, and mark the changes that have
taken place during its growth.

Zonal symmetry. (Biol.) See the Note under Symmetry.
[1913 Webster]
Zonar \Zo"nar\, n. [Mod. Gr. ? a girdle, fr. Gr. ?, dim. of ? a
girdle. See Zone.]
A belt or girdle which the Christians and Jews of the Levant
were obliged to wear to distinguish them from Mohammedans.
[Written also zonnar.]
[1913 Webster]
Zonaria \Zo*na"ri*a\, n. pl. [NL.] (Zool.)
A division of Mammalia in which the placenta is zonelike.
[1913 Webster]
Zonate \Zon"ate\, a. (Bot.)
Divided by parallel planes; as, zonate tetraspores, found in
certain red algae.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a genus of Psittacidae [syn: Amazona, genus Amazona]
n 1: a state in southwestern United States; site of the Grand
Canyon [syn: Arizona, Grand Canyon State, AZ]
2: glossy snake [syn: Arizona, genus Arizona]
arizona ash
Arizona ash
n 1: small shrubby ash of southwestern United States and
northwestern Mexico [syn: Arizona ash, {Fraxinus
arizona cypress
Arizona cypress
n 1: Arizona timber tree with bluish silvery foliage [syn:
Arizona cypress, Cupressus arizonica]
arizona elegans
Arizona elegans
n 1: nocturnal burrowing snake of western United States with
shiny tan scales [syn: glossy snake, Arizona elegans]
arizona sycamore
Arizona sycamore
n 1: medium-sized tree of Arizona and adjacent regions having
deeply lobed leaves and collective fruits in groups of 3 to
5 [syn: Arizona sycamore, Platanus wrightii]
arizona white oak
Arizona white oak
n 1: semi-evergreen shrub or small tree of Arizona and New
Mexico having acorns with hemispherical cups [syn: {Arizona
white oak}, Quercus arizonica]
arizona wild cotton
Arizona wild cotton
n 1: shrub of southern Arizona and Mexico [syn: wild cotton,
Arizona wild cotton, Gossypium thurberi]
n 1: a native or resident of Arizona [syn: Arizonan,
adj 1: not divided into zones; "azonal heating" [ant: zonal]
adj 1: relating to or concerned with the combined affairs of two
administrative zones; "Bizonal currency was used in
occupied Germany after World War II"
capital of arizona
capital of Arizona
n 1: the state capital and largest city located in south central
Arizona; situated in a former desert that has become a
prosperous agricultural area thanks to irrigation [syn:
Phoenix, capital of Arizona]
genus amazona
genus Amazona
n 1: a genus of Psittacidae [syn: Amazona, genus Amazona]
genus arizona
genus Arizona
n 1: glossy snake [syn: Arizona, genus Arizona]
seriola zonata
Seriola zonata
n 1: fish having the habit of following ships; found in North
American and South American coastal waters [syn:
rudderfish, banded rudderfish, Seriola zonata]
n 1: (anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure [syn:
zone, zona]
zona pellucida
zona pellucida
n 1: thick membrane around the mammalian ovum; can be penetrated
by one sperm in the fertilization process; usually remains
around the fertilized egg until it is implanted in the wall
of the uterus
adj 1: relating to or of the nature of a zone; "the zonal
frontier" [syn: zonal, zonary]
2: associated with or divided into zones; "a zonal pattern of
cell structure"; "zonal division" [ant: azonal]
zonal pelargonium
zonal pelargonium
n 1: an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad
color zone inside the margin and white or pink or red
flowers [syn: fish geranium, bedding geranium, {zonal
pelargonium}, Pelargonium hortorum]
adj 1: relating to or of the nature of a zone; "the zonal
frontier" [syn: zonal, zonary]
university of arizona
University of Arizona

The University was founded in 1885 as a Land
Grant institution with a three-fold mission of teaching,
research and public service. Today, the University is one of
the top 20 research universities in the nation, with a student
enrollment of more than 35,000, a faculty and staff of 12,500,
and a 345-acre campus.


Address: Tucson, Arizona, USA.

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