slovo | definícia |
a posteriori (encz) | a posteriori,ve smyslu Zdeněk Brož |
A posteriori (gcide) | A posteriori \A` pos*te`ri*o"ri\ [L. a (ab) + posterior latter.]
1. (Logic) Characterizing that kind of reasoning which
derives propositions from the observation of facts, or by
generalizations from facts arrives at principles and
definitions, or infers causes from effects. This is the
reverse of a priori reasoning.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Philos.) Applied to knowledge which is based upon or
derived from facts through induction or experiment;
inductive or empirical.
[1913 Webster] Apostil |
a posteriori (wn) | a posteriori
adv 1: derived from observed facts [ant: a priori]
adj 1: involving reasoning from facts or particulars to general
principles or from effects to causes; "a posteriori
demonstration" [ant: a priori]
2: requiring evidence for validation or support |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
A posteriori (gcide) | A posteriori \A` pos*te`ri*o"ri\ [L. a (ab) + posterior latter.]
1. (Logic) Characterizing that kind of reasoning which
derives propositions from the observation of facts, or by
generalizations from facts arrives at principles and
definitions, or infers causes from effects. This is the
reverse of a priori reasoning.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Philos.) Applied to knowledge which is based upon or
derived from facts through induction or experiment;
inductive or empirical.
[1913 Webster] Apostil |
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